Here we go
I don't know why I checked. Already knew the color.
Good. Kill all the scum in Baytown
Good job on the cops part.
Steal the officer's taser and use it on him. Everyone surprised he shoots her.
He did the right thing. Two fucking niggers for the price of one.
Is Baytown bad? I'm not from Texas
Not a crime because it wasn't actually a real human.
>Officer shot woman who said she was pregnant
So, it was his?
>45 year old woman
So, she lied and he was dumb enough to believe that shit.
>11 year veteran cop
Near retirement? How'd he get overwhelmed by a chick?
she dindu nuffin.
Where’s the vid
>taze officer
>get shot
Why would I even give a shit?
>The incident was captured on social media and circulated overnight,
comon OP do your work
There’s always footage to go with staged events so it can be circulated for weeks after
Lol a woman took a policemans taser so he killed her
>be texan
>get shot
Seems about right, texas is peak cringe anyway.
What race where they?
Excellent crime prevention. Two criminals with one shot. Give that cop a medal.
She was armed!
From what I gather they are their own special breed like the Chimps in Chimpcago.
Chimpston, Now you know where all the H is coming from in Texas.
Baytown is full of drug users, pimps and pushers.
It's only saving grace is it's close to the plants for work.
But then again, you don't want to live next to the plants.
"heard the ambalamps"
It's not good.
Being pregnant doesn't give you a pass to take a cops tazer and use it on him. Natural selection at work.
>why are you arresting me?!
>you have 5 warrants
Look how mischievous the title is.
It focuses on the alleged pregnancy, not on the fact she took his taser.
Another nog bites the dust
Houston fag here
Kingwood is comfy
saw a kid with a black sun on his skateboard
awwww baby's first encounter with spin
Liveleak sometimes deletes videos, care to provide another source?
maybe back in the 90's. I was up there last weekend and it was all black and hispanic.
That cop is a true crimefighter!
Hey that's the town next to me. 281 represent
Just another abortion.
give me a tl;dr
Sheboon has outstanding warrants. Officer tries to peacefully arrest her, She resists, He tases her. She then somehow got the officers taser and tried to use it on him, so he shot her
fuck off nigger just search yourself
>justified shooting
Harambe jr killed in the womb, the blue line abortion method
>outstanding warrants
>resists arrest
>"I'm pregnant!"
>grabs officers taser and attacks officer with it
>"I'm pregnant!"
>gets shot
B-but she was PREGNANT!
As if a taser can be fired more than once.
Cops: "Tasers are a non-lethal form of force usable on all people in situations of perceived aggression"
>Gets tased
I bet he wasn't even tased. She just pointed it at him I bet.
I don't know if there's any legal precedent in Texas, but the mother should be posthumously charged with criminally negligent homicide for the death of the baby.
Then he should have shpt either way. If they get you with the tazer, you might just go down and nog can go to town on you.
You do realize that right?
You do realize a tasergun can't shoot more than once without being re-primed right?
Did you see the video? She was rolling around on the ground, kicking and flailing like a goddamn animal. Nigger women are the worst.
hey look it's the exact same faggot from that other thread
are you going to cry and leave this one too after people start making fun of you?
No, I did not see the video. Why does it matter that she was rolling around kicking and flailing?
Tho's boots don't match the footsteps on the moon. They have horizontal strips the whole width.
Because the retarded bitch broke away from the cop and started making a scene, slapping and flailing, fell on her ass and went to flailing her flappy feet around like all ghetto trash bitches do.
>I's jus walkin!
>You is harassin me!
>I'm pregnant!
Here is the video.
>Is Baytown bad?
It just got a bit better.
From the article
>She's not a bad person. She didn't hurt nobody."
>As if a taser can be fired more than once.
They can be used to shock on contact after discharge. In a hand to hand struggle like that, she could have used it on him then gone for his gun.
>Be me, a white guy, at target getting 2 cases of beer because I'm an alcoholic
>Scan 1 case of beer at self checkout, present ID
>Scan second case of beer
>It doesn't scan, I don't notice
>LPO stops me on way out of store
>"Takes me to his office for stealing"
>I offer to pay, explain it was a mistake
>Calls police
>They actually arrest me. I comply fully.
>I don't get shot because even though it's bullshit, I know once a cop decides to arrest you, you are either getting arrested or shot.
>DJudge actually asks if I fought with the police because this should have been a citation if even that based on my explanation and drops charges, releases me.
Why can't niggers understand you can fight the case, but you can't fight the ride?
Baytonian here. Just another taco goblin town. Anytime I go there I'm the only white person in sight. Used to be more homogenously white, now I feel like a foreigner in my own hometown. Feels bad man.
The good news is that society has decided that the lump of living cells in her belly wasn't actually a Human being yet so he won't be charged with killing it.
>you can fight the case, but you can't fight the ride
This. I swerved into a turn lane to avoid being rear ended, and the retarded cop pulled ME over and gave ME a citation for improper use of a turn lane. So, I took it to court. Turns out they had fired the cop and since he didn't show, it got dropped. Now, if I had been a nigger, things would have gone much MUCH differently
>yo maaaaayyyn y u pullin me over
>no fuck u I ain't givin u no drivers license dis harassment
>I aint' gettin' outta my car fuck u
>cop calls in backup
>they break window
>drag me out of car
>thrashes and flails
>punches and kicks
I've never fought a cop, only the law.
Precisely right my good lad.
Ehemm, I didn't see that. But she'd be tazing herself too, unless she ripped out the darts.
Well, if she could still fight and take the cops tazer, then there is a good chance that the probes didn't hit their target and therefore she wouldn't be tazing herself. Unless she is on PCP and the tazer isn't working. Regardless, in both cases, they lead to a justified shooting.
Funny how killing a pregnant woman is seen as evil but women aborting is fine. I guess life begins whenever the woman decides she wants it to
>Precisely right my good lad.
We must be vigilant in uncovering their spectacle.
I'm sure she was an aspiring neurosurgeon
she probably wasn't even pregnant only claiming this to hope the police officer lets her go
Did she get hit by the taser? If she did, that's why she was flopping.
link is deleted anyone got another link?
someone should download before the kikes delte it its not even that graphic i don't get why they try to hide this
Hey everyone I'm from Baytown
Please join the
(We all nosey in baytown+surrounding areas) pagr on Jewbook. Troll the fuck out of it.
Currently has 80K members
downloaded and will upload
Cops are pussies
Reminder, you must believe that those boots made this print, otherwise you are a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Maybe an anti-slip or grip pad was on the bottom of the suit shoes. Or they were collected for moon dust or some shit. Spitballin
Fucking imbeciles, the print was left by the exterior boots on the right in pic related
>claiming your pregnant automatically makes you immune to bullets
kek nope
Pic of them in action
did he killed one or two people?
trick question abortion is okay because it's not a person but now in this instance it counts as two people.
Kek fucking smoked her
collateral damage either way
You're absolutely right and NASA invented a PERFECT remote control system to control this camera and send back images even when there is a 2.5 seconds coms lag interval between Earth & Moon and 1960s circuitry could add several hunderds of miliseconds. This system was so good they never used it again or found a real world application for it or even technicaly discuss it's capabilities.
Just amazing.
social isolation is the actual result of multiculturalism.
wanna see the future of europe and america? look at any place where there are multiple ethnicities and cultures existing simultaneously. all irrelevant shitholes that cannot pull together to accomplish much of anything.
hooray kabbalah and the uniting of opposites what great results.
Another Future McDonald's cashier was taken from us. Rest in piss, niglet.
They put camera down. Camera is set to turn on at specific time, approximately before lift-off.
Camera has an antenna attached to it, sending the video through the magic of radio waves.
late 19th century technology.
Pic related: it's the first demonstrated radio-controlled boat (1898)
If you think they couldn't have had a camera sending pictures in 1969 you're beyond retarded, you pitiful troll
good shit
if every White guy just went out and did this our countries problems would get solved pretty quickly
jews next
okay virgin manlet
It’s almost like math and facts don’t matter to the left. Maybe this was abortion by cop situation?
>actually thinks we went to the moon back in the 60's
mmmm he made sure the baby was mmm comfortable.
>Cluster of cells
>With a separate heartbeat and half her DNA
have sex, troll, no one loves you and you'll never achieve a damn thing. It's understandable you're angry at the achievements of others, so i'm not even upset.
get your retardation out of a perfectly good nigger hate thread, nigger.
>get cum blown into you
>rules no longer apply to you
>White (cum) Privilege