How do non-racists explain this? The Battle of Blood River

470 White Afrikaners vs. 15,000 armed niggers. Whites circle their wagons and over 2 agonizing hours fend off wave after wave of these vicious animals.

Final Result: 3,000 dead niggers and only 3 wounded Whites.

How does anyone see a result like that and deny that White people are by far the greatest race to ever walk the Earth?

Attached: The-Battle-of-Blood-River.jpg (700x497, 117K)

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Lmfao implying you need to do the "muh IQ" argument

Europeans were far more technology advanced, had horses, and better fighting techniques.

Lmfao implying you need to do the "muh IQ" argument

Europeans were far more technology advanced, had horses, and better fighting techniques.

Europeans had everything in their favour

>Says couldn't be IQ, then lists three things that come from a higher IQ.

Good use of irony! Yeah, I'd also add that White people are highly creative and have a lot of ingenuity, and when they work together as a team can be absolutely unstoppable.

Attached: battle of blood river.jpg (300x168, 18K)

>only 3 wounded
Kek, this is pretty incredible

Damn its not like Asian countries also had a huge role

Japan in one generation revolutionized when it came in contact with US navy in 1854

Jesus. This is "we wuz kangs and superior to whitey cuz moors" levels of bad

U dont need to use the IQ argument here, and honestly no one does

There's definitely the argument that being pro-White means just that. Hypothetically, if there were an alien race that settled on Earth that was far superior to us, we would still be pro-White.

It just astonishes me though that the SJWs unironically think that blacks are intellectually and creatively equal to Whites. In my everyday life I'm constantly exposed to people who really do think this.


Uuuh I remember them losing most of their cattle so kinda a loss. They had to go back to the previous settlement and and this made a unifying kind of sign that the people rallied behind.

That’s not true