Best book to read and why?
Book recommendation
lol that book is a laughingstock
Read Metaphysics
Gladly would. Author ?
Mein Kampf
Stfu boomer!
The noble Qur'an
Been there, done that. Not the best book I read, not fan of the slave mentality of Christiannity to be honest.
Trash tier writting.
Thanks, will do.
Read Siege
Adding it to the list.
Author ?
Pretty bad, but reading hitler's youth as a young cosmopolitan artist was pretty funny to be fair.
How dare you kuffar insult the noblest book in history?
For that statement alone you'll be sent straight to jahannam by Allah alrahman alrahim himself
Afterwards you should read some Plato and the Socratic dialogues. Its important to have a good foundation philosophy.
Fahrenheit 451
Brave New World
freakonomics is ok
James Mason, fren
Based bong
And if you are really hardcore get your hands on the Church Fathers collection. Thats my favorite in my collection.
No goddamnit do not read seige. It sucks. It's a collection of newsletters from a Manson worshipping terrorist. Fucking seige fags.
The fall of western man by mark collet
>Best book to read
Politics? Because I could recommend other books of interest to the redpilled man, but perhaps not politics.
Machiavel Pédagogue: Ou Le Ministère De La Réforme Psychologique
>Man and his symbols, Carl Jung
It helps give insight in mental activity and serves as a great first read for psychology if you havent studied it because it was proofread by someone who wasn't, everytime he didn't understand something it would be rewritten until he could
>Geneology of Morals, Nietzsche
Tries to give insight in where our current norms and values come from
>Beyond good and evil, Nietzsche
Tries to give insight in the difference between good & bad vs good & evil as well as their shared origin and which came first
>Gulag Archipelago, Szolschesomething screw these names seriously
First hand records of the Soviet Union in practice from the vieuwpoints of its inhabitants at the time, heavy focus on Gulags
I'm sure there are more and I have a lot more on my want to Read list but these I feel taught me the most of all the books I've read
Will definitely do.
Nothing against the book. It's just not worth the paper it's printed on.
All of these are great, read them all already tho.
Neonazi, not my cup of tea. But Ill give it the old try.
Done read that. Overrated.
Politics/Philosophy/Ethics/history as long as it's somewhat related.
Gulag Archipelago looks very interesting to me.
The Prince, Machiavelli
Letters of a Stoic - Seneca
Fuck off dirty subhuman
The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. Easy read, very interesting, but will make you hate the financial "industry"
This was pretty interesting. Discusses our neurological fundamentals and how the structure of our brain/evolution dictates the interpretation of our world and also combines this info with historical/philosophical/religious beliefs and how they reflect vice versa. I would get the audio book though, easier to listen to while driving/working out.
i feel as if there is a lot of redpill interpretations/arguments that could be used in this book.
>ayn rand
pedo detected
Julius Evola (Metaphysics of War, Ride the Tiger, Seekers of the Grail)
Pentti Linkola (Can Life Prevail)
Freidrich Nietzsche (Twilight of the Idols, Thus Spake Zarathustra)
Theodore J Kaczynski (Technological Slavery, Anti-Tech revolution)
Read the bhagavad gita and old testament scriptures too, as well as the studies into mythology by Jung and Kerenyi
jonathan haidt has a lot of works that could be considered "redpilled" because theyre deeply blackpilled themselves, the only answer being redpills
Are you guys for real recommending Evola right from the start? Think for a second, if OP asked who wrote the Metaphysics earlier in the thread, hes clearly just getting started, Evola will be useless for him. So will Nietzsche for that matter. OP should be reading the BASICS first, not advanced level texts which constantly comment on stuff hes never read.
>advanced level
it isnt nick land m8, that comes later
At this stage, anything by William Lind.
How is OP supposed to get anything out of Evola's critique of the existentialists, for instance, if hes never read them in the first place? Or some of the more subtle religious points when hes never read the original holy texts? It would be an incredible waste of time.
Would have to agree
You don't read it to worship the old fuck who wrote it. You read it to gain understanding. Hell, I didn't know a lot of this stuff happened until I read it.
Obviously read that.
Fuck off magapede.
I kind of had no proper education. So I read whatever fell onto my lap. But you're right I kind of dont have the basics.
For the record, that wasn't any sort of insult towards you, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm just tired of seeing everyone throw Evola's name around like its the kind of thing you can just pick up, because its not. Good luck with your reading.
Very strange to see anti-jewish books next to Milton Friedman's work.
Didnt take it as one, dont worry.
>Milton Friedman
You part of NatCap?
comes in handy
boring and not necessary if you are not an idiot
14 years old tier
if you're already on /pol, you don't need to read it
>implying nick land as philosophy, not religion, kek
that's not a book, but a collection of aristotles lecture notes, you pleb.
people are reading Culture of Critique
Rules for Radicals - Saul Alinsky
Discourses of Epictetus
The Iliad
The Merck Manual
Metaphysics of War - Julius Evola
Stop reading "liberalist" books written by Jewish broads retroactively justifying the cucking of their husbands.
Marine Navigation - Richard R. Hobbs
The War of the Revolution - Christopher Ward
Complete Works of William Shakespeare
The Double Helix - James D. Watson
This made me rage so fucking hard. I got half way through the chapter about the Frankfurt school and I had to put it down. Seriously good read though. I lent my copy to my boss but I'll finish it once I get it back.
Anything by Epictetus
Anything by Seneca
The Courage to be disliked - Ichiro
War of Art - Stephen Pressfield
It may sound weird but I would suggest Elliot Rodgers manifesto. You wont get any philosophical or political insights, unless you're dumb, but it is a very interesting look into a person's psyche and a fairly honest (as honest as could be from the position of the deranged and as honest as will be gotten given the dishonest nature of everyone else involved) telling of how they became who they were and why they did what they did.
Karl Marx - Das Kapital
Sasha Grey - The Juliette Society
Naomi Klein - No Logo
FM 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation
FM 3-05.70 Survival
FM 3-22.90 Mortars
FM 7-90 Tactical Employment of Mortars
The Foxfire series
Step-by-Step Knifemaking - David Boye
The Ashley Book of Knots
Hand Tools - Navy Training Courses - 1944
98.6 Degrees, The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive - Cody Lundin
Bushcraft - Mors Kochanski
Camping and Woodcraft - Horace Kephart
Also I would recommend Emma Goldman, not because her works are good and insightful but because they are laughably bad and terribly contradictive. A good comedy
Where There Is No Doctor - David Werner
Where There Is No Dentist - Murray Dickson
Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook
I'll think of some others.
I enjoy literature with interactions between humanity and aliens.
Any recommendations?
Where's Waldo, to develop your jew spotting skills.
This and the sequel, Social Justice Warriors always double down.
Vox was Jow Forums before Jow Forums even existed.
Issac Asimov - Foundation Series
The Enders Game series
Guess that's it for now.
>reading hitler's youth as a young cosmopolitan
best answer so far
This is a great book
Marinetti and D'Annunzio are swapped.
dw i'll fix it before posting it on Jow Forums again
I haven't read it, why is it a laughingstock?
An embarrassingly long and longwinded masturbation piece on capitalists written by a hatchetfaced rape fetishizing jewess.
The Turner Diaries
Lord of the Rings (Orcs:= niggers)
History of the English Speaking Peoples