The Jews want us to bomb Iran. How do we stop them?
Don't Attack Iran
>he doesn't want to rid the world of islam
you're fucking stupid, kid.
Good Goy.
yes, get rid of one version of islam that wasn't suicide bombing us and instead ally with the much more degenerate version which the kikes are actively promoting inside western countries.
good thinking!
>he thinks that wanting to get rid of oppression is inherently jewish
wow, kid.
you're really stupid.
>he reads words that aren't there
i said 'islam', not 'a section of islam'.
you must be a leftist, seeing things that aren't there to fit your own narrative.
then tell us: how does attacking Iran get rid of all of Islam?
It's Saudi Arabia's wet dream, and they have the entire west by their balls. Don't think you're getting rid of them any time soon.
Let the Iranians themselves rid themselves of oppression you rat fuck. You argue Jews have a right to Palestine because of historical ties, but then you want America to bomb Iran, which has nothing to do with America.
It doesn't get more Jewish than this
Can Israelis ever fight a war on their own, or are they too cowardly, really?
>How do we stop them?
Prevent them from false-flagging Saudi pipelines.
the answer is so obvious, this doesn't even qualify as a question.
yes goy that’s it stupid fuck
fuck iran
They’re far too cowardly. Just like you. Show your enlistment papers
Why should Americans die for Israel?
Because the jews want it.
So what is the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem?
>Why should Americans die for Israel?
Why shouldn't they? Israel is your greatest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. What are you, an antisemite? Fucking nazi.
People on here love to trash Tulis, though she is by far the best candidate right now
Haaa .. that pic. You're about as subtle as Attila the Hun, OP.
I agree with her on Israel, but Saudi Arabia did nothing wrong.
Moussadegh, Pahlavi, history repeats itself, good job you ignorant Mutt
The 4 horsemen are bound at the Euphrates. They will soon be released fulfilling the biblical prophecies. Get ready for WW3, boys. Without much fanfare or twatter banter; and very little media coverage, it's finally happening.
what? wahabism is the jews favorite weapon, they used them for 9/11 for fucks sake. the axis of evil has always been america, saudi and israel. they are pretty much all the same country
The same way we stopped iraq and afghanistan.
Nah, Saudi Arabia is deliciously rich. Their war in Yemen is brutal but necessary against Shia Expansionism.
I don't care if Iran destroys Israel or if Israel destroys Iran, but America shouldn't be involved.
let's be fair, armenians need to be taken out first.
What is even in Iran?
This is the sixth time we have tried regime change
and we have become exceedingly efficient at it
>How do we stop them?
force all jew puppets in government positions to resign
Mutt user
>speaks one language
>Consumes swine and wine
>Shaves and cuts hair short like a slave
>Chooses soda over pure mountain valley water in its natural state
>Gets married at age 30 like a worn out whore
>Wifes body count is over 1
>College days, reminiscence Tyrone, Gekyume, KKwon Dog running trains through her walls
>Will have one wife who will probably die before him with all the cancers you guys are prone to
>Regularly buys (((condoms))) instead of impregnating his wife
>Sends parents to an elderly home when they become a burden
>Shits using a toilet instead of asserting dominance by the power squat
>Developes colon cancer
>Dies for Israel
Such is the life of mutt user
why is Adrian Brody the poster boy for your antisemitism?
your race disgust me
Why are so many burger flags Jewish?
Nah i prefer it if ww3 starts, hopefully everything will collapse
Israel is like a women, always getting a guy to do the work, by trickery or whatever it takes. False flagging and deception are their national character.
Didn't expect this from a Pedro, revert to Islam and reap the benefits. Like what do you have to lose