A year of failure & has only made more fascists!

The so.y boys have been here over a year & literally accomplished nothing other than a gay clown meme.... & that back fired on them because it is now turning into a actually far-right symbol! ha

>Tried to make Jow Forums turn on trump
>Try to make communism seem good
>Tried to push yanggang like your life depended on it
0.02% of primary census, epic failure.
>Tried to bluepill people to the way you think
accidentally redpill yourself
>Tried to turn south & north Europeans against each other
accidentally created pro-farright pan-Europe group. ha

How can a group fail so hard? haha (You even had the support of the jew hating Arabs constantly bashing trump & you could not do anything. ha)

Attached: Antifa 4chan.png (1200x893, 547K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Mind Shock
Oh how I wish you faggots would learn not to bite on the obvious shitposts.

They accdently are redpilling lefties all the time, I say 40% of the people who come here a extreme lefties & within a few months they are asking to join us, pretty funny to be honest!

The Left Can't Meme

What the fuck are all those anti trump threads? I thought this was a MIGA board.

asking to join us? what? what does that even mean? did i skip a form i had to fill up? fuckin kek

What? Are we SJWs responsible for that horrible clown meme?

No the can not, because they lack any humour! ha

lefty shills pretending to be us & arabs being arabs! "hey goy" that kind of stuff.

You never seen one break & just give in? Happens all the time, even trap faggots beg to let them in to the far right.

Yep they started in faggot discords thinking it be funny to turn pepe the frog into a gay clown & it very quickly backfired when they lost control of the meme. They accidentally turned the gay rainbow flag into far-right symbol, got to love the complete failure of these lefties! haha

Sounds like some serious revisionism. I've never seen it used by anyone other than unironic Jow Forumsweenies.

ANTIFA are anarchists for sale working for the corporate neoliberal elite, it’s about time we start taking back our anti-PC/pro-freedom of speech, anti-authoritarian (of any stripe), environment loving, gun slinging ideology back and put an American spin to it, just to show the Eurofags we’re still better than them

Attached: E445F20D-C532-433A-92F4-B4A04AE39BEB.jpg (710x1050, 403K)

Go away boomer

This sounds like lolbritarianism, not anarchism. Go away Anne raynd

Have you not noticed what we are doing with the environmentalists.... haha EcoFascism haha

No they fought it be clever to use the gay rainbow & make us spread their memes & it did not work, well it did work but they lost control of the meme & now the rainbow flag is become a far-right symbol! Give it three months & it will be headline news that the flag is now a far-right symbol.

All I ever wanted was a far-right image board to have a laugh in, you all came here & that is not our fault! youtu.be/A-_kCN8e-D8

Attached: okay buddy.jpg (720x661, 61K)

Lol I did not know about this. Antifa subhumans are truly pathetic.

Attached: 1556438614451.png (1080x1443, 961K)

Just like everything to do with communism... it failed! ha

It must be like 200,000+ hours of lefties time trying to troll us & it has been a complete waste of time.

Also watch out for arabs on here, they are the ones starting the European vs European, American vs European threads; "south vs north europeans" "Brown eyes vs blue eyes", they are all created by shitskins to divide whites.

Attached: Fire.png (1920x960, 43K)

>Give it three months
What is it about leftards that makes them exceptionally susceptible to taking baits? Anyway whether you're on their side or not anyone would agree their shit needs to be toned down. Fucking LGBT cunts are making a fool of their own individuals instead of "normalizing" them.

No I'm not a troll mate.

All news websites are now is click-bait rubbish; "Is the LGBT flag racist?" & those lefties soak that shit up like a sponge & click those news articles.

A lot of lefties on Jow Forums are mentally ill or at least very unstable individuals, so their posts are never going to be good ones!

Attached: Anglos Down-Under.jpg (1290x960, 190K)

Nope, I’m vehemently against corporatism and Laissez-faire capitalism, the working class and unions will always get fucked over by the corporatist scum that will inevitably rise to the top. I want to focus on protecting the working class men (who are overwhelmingly white) and rural folk (again, overwhelmingly white) from corporatist and the bourgeois regardless if theyre left or right wing and from any infringement of their rights

Throw in the destruction of the new sexual morality and protections for native religions (Christianity, whatever the fuck injuns practice) and I’m in. Falangist gang


I personally believe that no order created by man is legitimate if it contradicts the natural order that God put in place (i.e our current society), I believe most honest, God fearing Americans will agree

You mite like NatCap, it's not libertarian but it's kind of in that direction.

Attached: White Nationalism - low taxes .jpg (1249x600, 642K)

That goes both ways. Lots of incels over here, though most are just weak LARPers would indiscriminately murder anyone who stood in their way if they wouldn't suffer the consequences and that lumps them together with the mentally unstable feminazis you're speaking of.

The only thing I know Jow Forums will have an issue with in my personal belief is that I don’t have a problem with spics or injuns living in the US, considering injuns have always been here and spics have always been here since the US acquired the southwestern states. However I don’t promote open borders or even legal immigration, it’ll always let corporatists get a foothold to undermine the American worker. The spics that are already here who work, commit no crime and have assimilated (and they do) can stay but that’s it. So basically all 20 of them can stay lol, coons on the other hand are another thing, I don’t they can ever assimilate or think outside of racial lines, Muslims will always put their foreign religion first and poos and chinks just plain suck, they’re the perfect bug people. Also, gun rights and gun culture must be a major facet of American life, we’re witnessing right now what happens when we let it die off coupled with abuse of SSRIs and untreated mental diseases

I like you, you can stay. Do you know about the Falange in nationalist Spain? It seriously seems like your ideology almost exactly. National syndicalism.

It is minus the corporatism

Is there anyone here who didn't came to proove us wrong?

The left can't meme because their whole ideology is one giant meme

So those here are capable of understand consequences and rational thinking. That's something good, if you ask me.

Looks fake, I've seen how people on the far left talk this doesn't sound like them, they don't use the word retard flippantly. They don't keep their complaints vague "innocent groups" "erroneous ideology" they would just openly call pol sexist, racist, homophobic etc. He also seems to confuse antifa with liberals, and the Impeachment section is a bunch of criticisms liberals make about trump that people on the far left don't give a shit about. Antifa think trump is a hypocrite and an idiot but are well aware that people on the far right don't give a shit about that, and aren't gonna waste their time on something as unimportant as trump's golf habits.

And I see OP has posted with no source and everyone takes their word for it.