Is... is it happening?
Vietnam V2 Iranian Boogaloo?
Is... is it happening?
Vietnam V2 Iranian Boogaloo?
Never mind according to the BBC happening over
Iraq is going to be another Vietnam!
Afghanistan is going to be another Vietnam!
ISIS is going to be like Vietnam!
Blah blah blah limeass, go brush your fucking teeth.
I hope a nigger impregnates your wife while you're in a sandbox fighting for the jews. :^)
I thought this guy said he would be isolationist.
Trump campaigned on not getting into pointless wars in the middle east. Now he's about to get into a pointless war in the middle east. Fuck Trump.
How many shill threads are we gonna get today?
>Open Borders
>More refugees
>Is a retard on the economy
>Anti gun
what the fuck have we ever gained from one of these god damned wars? Why would anyone STILL be retarded enough to think this is a good idea
what you would say if you were intending to go to war.
act aggressive to bluff.
act passive to surprise attack.
>talk about politic
>shill threads
pick one but only one
>hmm, where have we heard this rhetoric and bullshit attempted conjob before?
>anti gun
Isnt this what you faggots wanted
"Hurr if they take the guns its gonna be 1776 all over again dont tread on me mr gubermint"
"Pleass dont take my guns mr gubermint i promise i wont dissent "
The NYT literally just prints lies all day long. This will be proven untrue, get swept under the rug, and the NYT will continue to print whatever the fuck they feel like without any regard to reality.
So Trump minus the kosher wars?
Jokes on you I dumped Trump at the sotu address.
He'll give it up without a sound and explain how it's actually 4d chess and fucking baaaaaysed.
They are already creating the next Gulf of Tonkin Incident..
Trump will do his master's bidding..
Falseflag attacks are intensifying. Americans should leave dealing with Iran to Saudis and Israel. They are more that well armed enough to do it by themselves.
Enemies of US have won all those conflicts. Just like in Vietnam.
So she is Zion Don in all things except wars for Israel.
>Vietnam v2
We're still in Afghanistan, OP.
The US has plans to destroy or cripple Britain, doesn't mean we will actually do it.
They were Vietnams tho. Your enemies have won, and it cost you a lot of blood and treasure for nothing. Debt rate shot from less than 50% to over 100, and no gainz. Much like Vietnam, political situation internally is also totally polarized - libshits and conservacucks can drink each others blood.
Wait, just making sure, you're talking about trump right?
You deserve to die horribly by some muzzie in a middle eastern shithole. Enjoy.
Never gonna happen.
Trump is a pussy.
>Iraq is going to be another Vietnam!Afghanistan is going to be another Vietnam!ISIS is going to be like Vietnam!
and guess what....faggot military got its ass handed to it every time didn't it? Syria, Africa too.
War is for degenerate faggots, kike. I’m sick of seeing this country fight for your asshole.
Die in your own war kike, in the first minutes, like the rat you are.
Your religion is racist and mental.
Your debt and money are fake.
You infiltrated the US government and Financial (FED) branch.
Maybe you even have a point on Don himself, who care... go fight your own fucking wars, kike.
You are done. You might not know this. You might get this war. But you are done, kike.
i hope a mooslim runs your frog ass over
>not loaded
So what are y'all writing on your helmets when we get drafted?
i saw this pic yesterday but didnt think much of that one of the ships that got (((sabotaged)))
Please god send me. I am in a non deployable unit. Im willing to commit mosconsuct to he forcibly lat moved to infantry.
>greatest evacuation since the alamo
is that supposed to be a joke?
death to israel