Thoughts on him?

Red pill me on him, more and more I’m thinking he has a hidden agenda is possible is a puppet master. Or am I just crazy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

kushner is nothing.
he's just a stooge.

Maybe he's just some guy Trump puts a lot of trust in.

No one is very influental at that age, but he has an interesting future ahead of him

Republicans love slurping down jewish semen.

t. Kushner
>Kushner is close friends with netanyahu, gives him US intel
>nobody wanted to give him security clearance, trump forced it. he had his security clearance removed after getting caught using texting apps with foreign leaders. there was no investigation after kushner “promised” he would never do that. Trump forces agents to give him back security clearance
>now uses an encrypted texting app and still has clearance
>Part of a jewish secret society that worships demons
>runs the 666 building in 5th avenue that is developing an rfid implant codenamed “inferno” that will become mandatory for Americans soon
>is going to reveal an Israel/Saudi peace deal that gives Israel rights to the area where Jewish wizards want to build the third temple and do animal sacrifices
>hired one of the producers of The Purge films to work in the white house and helped develop Qanon to misdirect US nationalists
>runs /ptg/ with jews in NYC
and more.


everything i posted is true

he’s a faggit kike

interestingly enough he’s registered to vote as a woman

still just a stooge.

I think he’s a troubled individual

He has 10x more influence than Trump. him and Ivanka are the real President

Read Kushner Inc.

You're just crazy brah

Trump is the Antichrist

Why does he look so evil in every photo? He seriously looks like every archetype of the antichrist

watch the video i posted

He's just a creepy token scapegoat puppet. He's a whole lot of nothing.

With his close ties to Bibi and Chabad Lubavitch it’s clear he is Trump’s MIGA handler.

He's the reason why Trump did a 180 regarding immigration. Kushner is the worst type of kike; he's the type to subvert nations.

That stooge is in control of the president and is also chabad lubavitch which is basically la kosher nostra

Stop lying discord tranny. Kushner is going to end Zionism.

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this is a funny post but pretty much exactly what real shills spout lately
>stop lying tranny. we all knew trump was a zionist and would accomplish nothing

No this is the shill post. Others just grabbed on because it gave them an excuse to not have to form an actual argument or refutation. He'll be here in about an hour, maybe two.

Attached: oyshill49.jpg (773x921, 117K)

yep, of course he hasn’t been banned yet yet I got a temp ban for posting one zion don meme in /ptg/

Kushner was chosen long ago to be the Zionists' new messiah, the one who brings about the prophesied apocalypse that kills 6 billion goyim and has the Jews' god give the entire Earth to the Jews, to rule as pharaoh-gods.

Whether this cult belief is true is immaterial. What matters is the Zionists believe it - and are acting to bring it about.

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>Thoughts on him?

LOL youre all anti semetic losers

>Why does he look so evil in every photo?
Because he *is* evil.

Kushner is a genocidal psychopath. This predatory nature is what your basic animal instincts recognize - and recoil from - when you see him.

This genocidally psychopathic nature is also why the Zionists have chosen him as their messiah.

Attached: Kushner - creepy (2).jpg (720x451, 42K)

>zionist shill
of course

Excellent digits, rabbi.

Attached: Hitler smiling.jpg (222x225, 8K)

"End Zionism" by exterminating the non-Jews and making the whole world Israel.

Glad to see you've arrived to defend your messiah, JIDF.

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>mfw Purple user isn't required reading for Jow Forums
This board sucks now. Read up chuckleheads.

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It's a joke. I was poking fun at kushnerbot. Who I think is actually his protege Avi.

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