Where my niggas at? Are you a leftist or a right-winger? What region are you from? Do you like Guaraná?
Also: Brazil general. Where the fuck is the government taking us? Venezuela or Japan?
BR Jow Forums General
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Did Bolsonaro fix anything recently, or has he given up?
Not your nigga, you fuck.
I'm monarchist and I would throw leftist from helicopters for free if I could. Northeast. I don't drink soda and you should stop as well. Hopefully someone nuke us soon™ since there is no hope for us anymore. Too many niggers. Also do your facepulls.
A little bit of each. The jews got him on a leash already, but at least he is trying something... Sometimes.
>not my nigga
Meh, I've got good genes. I eat like shit and still look good. But yeah, I should exercise more.
>TFW they made this comic to make Rio governor look bad but it ends up catering to his voter base and redialling normies into nazism.
>Rio governor is putting snipers in choppers to shoot assault rifle wielding favelados at sight and the libtards are seething.
that's some real paint brush hue you got there my man.
But nice initiative starting a hue general, I miss you monkeys.
Well, he's doing what he said he would mostly. On the downside he gives too much ammo to lugenpresse solely by mismanaging his PR.
Hahahaha. I mean, I think it would be better if they just 20tonned the whole slum area. Of course there are some innocents, but you can't win a war without some collateral damage.
>But nice initiative starting a hue general, I miss you monkeys.
Me too. We should start doing this again. Even fucking Venezuela has had a general recently, but no BR.
Based flathead.
True. His PR and some of the people he put in power are a fucking shitshow.
That Damares bitch is fucking hilarious. Have you seen the Elsa from Frozen crap?
>Shitposting with Brazilian High Society
Can you get any more comfy?
Yeah, carpet bombing the slums would be the most efficient solution, but snipers in choppers are badass and evoke Pinochet imagery.
>cues Cato playing in the background
Not really, I barely follow MSM. Last I heard from her was when she was announced and the goiaba tree situation.
>commited to bump this thread even if it devolves to a autist dialogue.
I might be a italo-portuguese mutt but at least I don't look like a nigger.
Just listen to Pingos nos Is. Fuck me this are the only good news we got. Also fuck you Villa I know you shitpost here sometimes.
>deleting quads
Welcome to the party user. Hopefully we can get the Bolso people from a while back to join us once again in our shitposting efforts for the good of humankind.
We are going straight into Fallout 5: Rio de Janeiro and nothing can stop us.
She basically said Elsa is a lesbian due to Frozen 2: Electric Bogaloo and her being single in the last movie.
She also said Frozen is the work of Satan masked as a children's movie.
Thanks for the commitment!
Good enough fren. I'm of swedish, italian and german ancestry, but I also have indio and nigger blood in me. Luckily I look like my grandpa, who was the son of a swedish retired militaryman that settled in the Rio Grande do Sul/Argentina border, the Frontier/Fronteira region.
Quads of 4 nonetheless.
>You may not like it but this is what peak body frame looks like.
As long as we don't get Tood Howard and microtransactions, I'm good.
Have some OC I made for my cyberpunk tabletop RP session over Discord.
I've been following things on-and-off since some time before the election. I like to learn about the political issues countries face around the world, but it's hard to keep track of 'em all.
Funny thing I've noticed in these threads is that one issue on which /BRpol/ really can't agree on is the racial one. Some cling to their european ancestry, knowing that they're superior to mutts, niggers and savages. Others claim that the peak Brazilian individual is a mutt, as a means of strengthening national unity and probably to feel relevant despite their heritage.
Yeah, no matter how much people sperg about being white here, it's quite uncommon to have 100% euro DNA since throughout our entire bloodline someone might have fucked a nigger or a native. Those lucky ones usually are from countryside from SC or RS I guess (or some 2nd or 3rd gen euro migrant offspring). Most of us are just mutts and the unfortunate ones do look like niggers or goblinos. I think as long as you don't look like a nigger you are fine at least by our country standards.
People don't really care much about race issues here but I thank my grandparents for being seclusive sectarian fucks that only mated among their own which make me be able to trace all my ancestry to a very small area in northern Italy/Austrian Tirol border region.
But I see it more of being proud of your heritage and trying to maintain it rather than finding oneself superior to other races.
Yeah, people like to do that a lot here. Fact is, the Brazilian identity has been (for better or worse) tied to the whole 56% thing due to all the bleaching attempts going on a while back, plus slavery.
No one really takes it seriously in Brazil though, aside from a few nigger jokes on majority "white" regions, which even niggers themselves don't seem to mind. My father works with construction work and electrical installations, and he often calls his black and northeastener employees lazy and other crap. They just laugh it off.
I think North America and Europe are way more butthurt over racial disparity, especially "minorities", and since those minorities barely exist here due to all the mixed DNA, no one really takes it seriously.
Yeah, my great grandpa (paternal) was a half-black dude and my great grandma was a native woman.
I think most BR people have such cases in their family history. Jungle fever and crap.
I didn't mean "superior to other races" as such, but more of a "what is peak Brazilian?"
Many eagerly claim Italian and Portugese heritage for a reason.
Out of curiosity: What fields do you guys work (or study) in? And what would you say about the current job market on your field (or field of study)?
I'm an IT fag and it's been pretty mixed lately.
He's trying absurdly hard. So far his economic team have done the biggest strides with the austerity programs. Lefty unis got huge cuts and "social sciences" courses have been extinguished in some of them.
The pension reform should pass if everything goes ok
Right now the biggest battle is happening between the supreme court and the minister of justice, to ease gun laws and make clamping down on corruption easier.
Basically they're doing what they can in terms of good but inexperience has its bad weight on the govt.
I have a master in the STEM field and work with R&D. I'd say a physician makes more and work less, but computer science comes close. Engineering market is shit.
>Lefty unis got huge cuts and "social sciences" courses have been extinguished in some of them
Good. They are the today's abbeys, from where the doctrine flows. Cut the head and the body won't go far away
Chem professor. Yeah, at uni. My field of expertise is organocatalysis.
God speed brazil.
Kill those favela niggers
Huehuehue futbol gooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal jajaja
So does the bureaucracy and the shitty constitution, along with all of the shit laws the commies left behind.
Nice. I'm currently finishing my Computer Science bachelor in a private university ran by jesuit priests. Commies are mostly resigned to the humanities here, thank God.
I've been noticing a trend in affirmative action (it looks like?) in big companies. They are putting in niggers and plainly incapable code monkeys in meme positions (anal inspection support intern), for some reason.
Women also seem to get a pass. I know of at least three girls from my course that are pretty slow (as evidenced in group assignments and their personal presentations and work) and they all work for some big company on one of these meme positions.
I got a ProUni scholarship back when I enrolled in college, so I've been running it for free. Felt better back when we had a commie government and I knew it was better for that money to go towards my degree than to some welfare nigger with 16 baby niglets under his roof, but now I just want to finish my degree as fast as possible.
> "social sciences" courses have been extinguished in some of them
Holy shit are you for real? This is huge.
What is the Tsunami, anons?
>She basically said Elsa is a lesbian due to Frozen 2: Electric Bogaloo and her being single in the last movie.
Very schizo. I wonder if she really said that or her words got twisted. After seeing firsthand the manipulation of history during the impeachment, I and skeptical of everything I learned in history books. Regarding the military dictatorship I believe the Sorbonne early era was extremely based and the hardcore late era really fucked up during the late 70s and 80s.
this image makes no sense. why is everyone just sitting around in the rain? and why is the guy dry and under sunlight? Why a futuristic city would have an ad about fucking Karate kid starring will smith son?
Prots are retarded. More news at 8 PM. that being said nobody should consume jewish propaganda anyways so at least she is doing ok. For now.
Don't think so hard about it. Just buy his game.
>it just works
But to answer your question: My character in the campaign is a meme future Todd Howard, so I purposefully made a shitty Gimp montage of him in a scene from the campaign.
Also, I have no editing skills, so, yeah. First time using Gimp outside of some alpha channel and transparency stuff I do occasionally.
What a stupid question, user. Obviously people wear invisible impermeable nano coating in the future? Duh.
>Fired a large amount of parasites from the government
>Cut expenses on useless crap
>Repaired many roads by using the military to do the job
>Appointed some judges (needs to appont way, way more)
>Made it easier to own a gun and released an Decree to open up the gun commerce
>Reduced the number of murders by 24% in just 3 months
>Moved funding from Philosophy and Sociology studies in public universities to more productive areas
>Sold several abandoned cross-country railways to investors who had to promise they would get those railways up and running in 5~10 years.
>Is giving incentive to the transport of goods by trains and ships as opposed to pretty much by trucks as it is right now
>Privatized a few airports and is now getting ready to privatize the mails
>Made it slightly easier to start a business, says there are more cuts to bureaucracy in the way.
>Sent the proposal for a Welfare reform, which the country urgently needed for at least 15 years now, it is stuck in Congress, though.
>Same as above but with changes to the criminal law, aiming specially at the organized crime factions and white collar criminals.
>Caused massive amounts of butthurt among leftists, the media and SJWs.
>Talks about an incoming tax reform, but wants to pass the welfare reform first.
>Repaired many roads by using the military to do the job
Making use of the military during peace-time is an important thing that many modern nations forget to do. How do they think Rome achieved their greatness?
>Sold several abandoned cross-country railways to investors who had to promise they would get those railways up and running in 5~10 years.
>Is giving incentive to the transport of goods by trains and ships as opposed to pretty much by trucks as it is right now
Thoughts on the railroad system? Brazil is kind of a logistical nightmare in a lot of places, especially in terms of railroad building and maintenance.
But still, I know of at least a few railroad systems that were pretty much abandoned and would be rather useful if they still ran nowadays, and would also end the public transport monopoly that bus companies have around here.
I hate Rio de Janeiro so fucking much
>tfw Brazil will become an more advanced society than France in my lifetime
Cargo transport by truck is MUCH more expensive than by train/sea. Mostly because a trucker can only move one or two containers while a train crew can move ~30 with a crew of ~five and a ship can move hundreds with a crew of twenty.
In the modern western world wages are the by far biggest expense you have when doing almost anything.
>cut 30% of funds for every federal college, which will result in colleges closing and then significant less high skilled workers
>raised the minimum retirement age, resulting in millions of men and women having to pay for the living expenses of their own families and their parents with the little money they have
Brazil could have had it if not by the republican coup.
>TFW this was designed by a genius freed nigger engineer. So much for leftist narrative.
It's alright french bro. It's going to be okay.
> Where the fuck is the government taking us?
Doesn't matter, the masses are waking up to anarcho captalism gradually
Actually France is fucked. It can still be saved, but I don't see it happening.
> significant less high skilled workers
> coming from brazilian colleges
You're fucking kidding me right now
And you know what's ironic ? Brazil has been an example to thrive for, for the cosmopolitan left. They always emphasized how you had such a vibrant culture and were so good at football. It only worked because of muh big titties and muh big culos.
Now they are orphans, and we are flooded
Sup, monkey soup
Just got here in this shit
Btw, fuck Bolsonaro
>Some cling to their european ancestry, knowing that they're superior to mutts, niggers and savages. Others claim that the peak Brazilian individual is a mutt, as a means of strengthening national unity and probably to feel relevant despite their heritage.
It's no coincidence that the better parts of brazil are the whitest parts. That said, this is not a white country. Never was, never will be. Race is self declared and delusional mutts like to think of themselves as white. Brazil is, at best, 25% white.
>raised the minimum retirement age, resulting in millions of men and women having to pay for the living expenses of their own families and their parents with the little money they have
As it should be. Either you have children to take care of you or you have some money saved up yourself. If neither is true then you should have planned better for the future, you've had your whole life to do it. The minimum retirement age (assuming public pensions are a must) should follow the median life expectancy anyway.
absolutly discusting
>big culos
Oi, it's called bunda, Pierre.
That's the problem. These fuckers only learn when they have the shit they ask for shoved down their throats. And then two generations after and their bastard grandchildren think they can make communism work again.
Sup pic related.
I met 2 danish girls few years ago that were on an European tour (we know what it means). I made fun of how much your country was feminine and full of pussies
I guess it's karma :'(
Met some French girls studying to become Eurocrats. Or office whores. Whatever they call women who work in Brussels/Strasbourg. Vigorous defenders of "The Roma people" and even had a beta orbiter with them at all times.
Good thing I don't go to university.
>sup pic related
Fuck off, you ear
I must say that I too have a weak spot for it
>I must say that I too have a weak spot for it
What do you mean?
>then two generations after and their bastard grandchildren think they can make communism work again
yup. That's what we're currently living. France is going downhill as days go by, more and more negro-marxized
Big asses tend to be affected rather harshly by gravity.
My brother married a big assed girl way back and now she looks like she is carrying two bags of trash tied to her waist wherever she goes.
That he likes bundas you fucking moron.
I like thicc Brazilian girls, although I know it's wrong. That's how Portuguese colons must have felt
Everybody like bundas, you sperg
That ain't no fucking nobel prize taste
Oh, I thought you were saying that bunda is a funny word
Well, then fuck off, nobody wants your stinking ass here
Thats because women are fucking lazy. All they have to do is squat and hip thrust properly but nooo they only go to gym to flex, take pictures with their duckfaces and do exercises with bad forms and little to no weight.
I would never marry one though
>Everybody like bundas
Only if you are a monkey. I'm a leg and tits man.
>Only if you are a monkey. I'm a leg and tits man.
>that flag
Se toca, retardado, tu é macaco também
What the fuck? A BR with decently good taste.
nice, I was wanting a brazil general. but please don't use nigger language
>What the fuck? A BR with decently good taste.
gtfo danish fuck
>If I'm a monkey then everybody must be one as well
We frens now
Whats the problem with our language?
Too late, a favelamonkey is already here .
>nobody wants your stinking ass here
Except your bundas
>im not a monkey maaaaan
man, it's tough living in a 85 IQ country
>that seething
Jesus, man, accept your fate already
>vivendo de sindrome de vira lata
Fucking nice
Thy will shalt be respected my fine gentleman. From henceforth onwards no foul primate language shall disgrace thy eyesight.
Lol, they are deep in the rabbit hole. Romanies are the only population against which racism is still pretty much accepted, if not assumed
Come on buddies, we all know everybody who posts on Jow Forums is white, no need to argue over that in our happy fren thread.
Sure dude, have a nice day.
Just ignore it. It will go away.
He's right, you know
I agree with that, pingo nos is is pretty based. no wonder it's directed by a olavo student. I also visit olavo's fb at the end of the day to see what he has wrote and I occasionally visit sensoincomum and estudosnacionais
but does someone know a based or semi-based news website? because you can't really rely on g1, folha, estadão and this mainstream garbage
Found the low IQ nigger.
Call me a boomer but I love Augusto Nunes and José Maria Trindade. Thoses fuckers are based and make some pretty good points. I hope they don't die so Pingos can live forever.
Ok then, but (you) still have a pretty bad taste mate.
To be fair, I was just being autist
I prefer legs too, brazil legs are top tier
O Antagonista? I don't really keep up with them all the time, but I think they're the closest thing we have to redpilled. Some small local radio newscasting are also pretty good.
Hopefully back to Pedro II and reinstating the Braganças if your government has any common sense.
God, I miss him
Do Brazil bros also know that feels?
Come on dude don't be like that. Have some pretty nice legs here. Not that toned but they are long.
>Ana will never smooth you between her 1.20m legs
why even live
Not a news source but Brasil Paralelo is quite good as well.
Just stop please. We will never have another D. Pedro II again.