How do Jews manage to get world leaders to do their bidding?

Attached: 20111214-reagan menorah.jpg (525x342, 34K)

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>he doesn't know that we own israel

Rootless international banking clique

Is it only money?
Yeah no

that's like owning tuberculosis - congradulations

Get them on video doing pedo shit on epstein island

>he doesn't know why we own the only nation state on earth that is protected from invasion because of the samson option
it's like you're really shit at war.

Probably mainly through the power of global finance.
When you control banks which lend money to governments, you probably have a lot of influence.
Especially when those governments are billions in debt.

I'd say. the international bankers direct cashflow into certain operations turning capitalism into nothing more then a tool to create a motif for non Jews to support the Jewish cause.

If I were you I'd try and dig into Ww1 and look at the different economic incentives that caused nations to ally with the zionist cause. If I had my notes on me I could give you some research points

They just so happen to control the very essense of money, they are its creators and modulators.

It is that simple. Money, blackmail, threats.