Based Trump listening to based advisor John Bolton and sending another 120k troops to Middle East. This is great 3d chess and we just can't stop winning! MAGA!
Based Trump listening to based advisor John Bolton and sending another 120k troops to Middle East...
This is probably the last time troops will have to go
So Trump can act without congress to send 120k troops to die for Israel, but he can't build the wall? I wonder (((why))) that is?
also, 120k is nothing.
desu, I'm surprised no land invasion is planned. Just a bombing campaign and border ops. Not what I expected.
It would be funny if we just got BTFO
NYT: Trump confirmed to have lynched at least two dozen blacks in the 90s.
Imagine unironically defending these filthy Arabs who can't stop chanting "Death to America!"
ITT: Basedboy cucks who want this to disappear from the earth
Checked. End the empire collapse is soon.
You're constantly screaming death to them so what do you expect. the whole thing is fucked
They have good reason to hate America. The Middle East was friendly to America until it started overthrowing their governments and killing their people dumbass. Brush your teeth with a 12 gauge you're a waste of oxygen.
this bullshit again
So let's flesh this out. A couple decades ago, at the very least, plans were laid. Somehow everyone in position is on board with the plans, or is somehow forced into going along with them. Does weaponized autism even stand a chance against such broad cunning, intelligence, power and desire? Is there even a choice? Does it just go in never ending cycles?
>Good reason to hate America
No such thing. The only practical stance to have regarding diplomacy with America is being submissive, completely. Every nation needs to do exactly what we fucking say and do it with a smile on their face. Otherwise, they get a boot up their fucking ass.
Deal w/it faggot
>jew with a tattoo
Trump is an impotent kike puppet.
Beans, bandaids, and bullets. A large scale war will do wonders for the domestic economy.
It will even do better if an Iran supported terrorist attack happens on US soil, an air craft carrier or other large personnel ship is sunk, or if Iran launched missiles without warning and they had to be shot down via any form of ICBM defense.
Its gonna be this decades 911.
>Sending another 120k troops to Middle East
>This is great 3d chess and we just can't stop winning! MAGA!
It's all part of our strife for Tikkun Olam.
We all have the duty to do it.
And you should feel honored to do it.
my god the stupidity. typical murcian
Trump just took questions from the press and said this was bullshit and if it was real it would be more then 120k
My friend, have some restrain for our American friends.
They don't seem to be able to think outside of the box like we are able to.
They see merely races, because they have severe race problems in the US.
But I see cultures, unique people and a common future.
t. muhammad
confirmed, saw this too
I see your anger.
But have no fear, for you have a role, you are the clay we will build this world anew with.
You are the useful golem and you should feel proud for it.
you have to read between the lines
>Iranians are Arabs
>bring our troops ho-
Nvm die for israel
>sending as many as 120,000 troops to the Middle East should Iran attack American forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons
Watch trumptards ignore this false flag.
OP is baiting you faggot
I'm pretty sure this has been said ever since 92 or the 80s depending if you ask us or the ruskies.
I'd defend any one if the other side was the jews.
but that's what they were saying yesterday. proxies. I mean, if Iran wanted to sink a ship they wouldn't have much trouble.
remember goys, no more kikes this fall.
Iran is the enemy of arabs everywhere you stupid kike cocksleeve.
post pics of the mob of millions outside the white house raging in protest or gtfo