That's fucked up.
That's fucked up
Other urls found in this thread:
>a retired person working to keep busy
Get over yourself
motherfucker is a century old
looks super comfy.
as soon as you stop being useful, you die.
Agreed, if that's my greeter I would demand a refund.
i think he could have kept himself busy fishing
this nigga works for food
american capitalism
he din shaek mah hann cuz aye blekk
you have to pay to enter stores in friesland?
I know right? Disgusting, boomers should be killed on sight, not given jobs
This is widely common in the US.
People retire, realize they are bored and wasting their lives away watching TV and all the other frivolous things. So they get a "retirement job" and work until they can't no more.
>just wageslave for 82 years lmao
Dude is a hundred, only has one fucking arm, and is still active. How the fuck is that fucked up?
fishing is working for food tho
commie btfo.
This. Its in the Americans DNA to slave to shlomo until they die.
not everyone is happy doing nothing, commie scum
this nigga is not a boomer. he's from the silent generation.
>rent free
Guy actually looks really good for 98
no its not faggot it a hobby
He is probably retired, wealthy, and does this to maintain some ounce of self worth, entertainment and activity. Probably gets to socialize with a lot of different people. People this old don't work because they have to, they do it because they're bored to death.
We don't have greeters here but what's the point when he has no right hand?
Greeting with your left hand is an insult.
Imagine thinking that people over 65 should not be allowed to work
nah, greeting people is a hobyy you moran
you think this guy happy working there? give me a fucking break white tom,
they don't shake hands, they say, "hello. welcome to wal-mart."
talking is a greeting.
a handshake is a gesture.
You realize a lot of old people have no one to talk to, nothing to do and get depressed sitting alone.
you dont know what going on in america do you?
>you think this guy happy working there?
real men like to do things, even if it's not a lot.
No, walmart hires those people because they're incredibly bored with retirement/ useless.
how does he not know when he lives in america?
it's like leftists just can't not see fabrications to fit their hallucinations.
this is what 'pure capitalism' looks like
>they do it because they're bored to death.
And the staff discount doesn't hurt.
nigga's a delta
that's really fucked up
Almost every old guy like that I've ever met really enjoys when kind customer comes in and friendly conversations with new people make their day. There is a pretty high chance is doing it to be around people now all his friends have passed away.
Fucking stop trying to assume what people want with their lives or what they deserve. You don't know them.
My father won’t be able to retire. 2008 fucked everyone. Now jobs that should be going to bend are not and it’s stunting the entire countries economy.
Going to genx*
Can you fish with one hand?
My mom had me at 40. My grandparents had just retired and were thinking about adopting a kid or something just to fill the days when they were going stir crazy
it's only 10%.
fun fact: after retirement age, you can earn whatever income you want and don't have to worry about it interfering with your social security income.
I don't think that's the implication whatsoever. He assumes the guy is working because he still has to support himself in his old age, which is probably wrong.
He probably works to have something to do.
What happened to his arm?
you think this guy has has nothing better to do then to say hello to strangers? da fuck he needs Walmart for that he can do that shit standing on the sidewalk. this motherfucker aint no kid. he knows how humiliating it is working in the service sector. people like him worked in factories and made real shit like cars and refrigerators. a 98 guy working a pure bullshit job for rent and food...
nerve gas.
>2008 fucked everyone.
Didn't fuck bankers.
Even investors got all their money back.
This. I knew an old guy that was working until like 85. He said he wanted to work because all of his friends that retired died within a few years after. His wife eventually convinced him to retire. He died a few years later. Never retire.
Lost it in the war?
>Implying your father is worth something
>Implying people deserve to retire
Should have made better decisions and saved his money dad-let
>for rent and food
you mean for a second paycheck.
dude prob pulls in over $2k a month.
real capitalists work forever.
that way, their shitty grandkids can go to college.
It's a hobby job so he can get out of the house. Why be mad at him? Yeesh.
This is actually what i plan on doing in retirement, coming full circle and going back to bagging groceries part time like I did at 16. Work like 3 days a week, and the easy shifts too cause all the high schoolers have class. Push a few buggies, talk to some people, make a few extra bucks, what's not to love?
Men need a purpose. I like my hobbies but I'd hate spending my retirement alone tinkering with things. I'll have enough money to retire and not work but I'd rather have some responsibility.
you don't think being part of the working class is admirable?
>Men need a purpose
here here!
Man over 85 dies. Intelligent poster attributes it to him retiring a few years before.
Youre such a fucking yuppy faggot
>he knows how humiliating it is working in the service sector
I have respect for him still working with 98.
I have seen so many fit old people that went down really fast after they retired. Having a job and a purpose in life keeps you healthy, not that a communist would understand..
98 years of firmly shaking the managers hand and looking him in the eye.
People his age who work.. work for something to do and to keep social.
t. Live in a town with a lot of retired people who work for no other reason than to work
It becomes a problem when your job requires a certain level of competence and you can only shuffle around so quickly while easily forgetting anything that happened 5 minutes earlier.
What? A retired dude getting an easy job to try to socialize?
Why are you anti choice?
You're surprised by his response? People like that claim the care about the working class but really they have a disdain for them. Why else would the be so upset when working class people find happiness in their lives and become content not having the latest and greatest "things".
Bagging groceries when you could do something more useful as a hobby. Let those down syndrome kids take those jobs.
Nah, he was super healthy. Being idle killed him.
He's just trying to stay active. The job is fun to him nd he gets to socialize among people instead of sitting in a nursing home alone.
On average carpenters die 3 years after they retire, their bodies can't handle being inactive
Men are meant to work, its in our DNA.
When you no longer have anything to do, thats when we start to whither and die
This, Old people that don't do shit all day get spoiled sooner than the ones that keep busy.
My grandparents were the same way, they got bored after 5 years of retirement, and went back to work to keep up their health, especially mental, and keep a sense of worth. Even my father said he's never going to retire. He's got the money to do it, he just wants to keep working because he likes to do it. My great grandfather worked until the day he dropped. The problem is that most people feel like when they get old they are going to retire and sit around all day, or go on vacation every where. That's some bullshit that they were sold to by the Jews. Granted Walmart isn't the best placei, but the guy is doing it because it gives him self-worth and that's a beautiful that most of you don't have, which is why you think it's fucked up.
If Don is still chugging along at age 98 at Wal-Mart with 1 arm, let him chug along
get a job, i remember very well the elder gentleman i met when i began working at a metalpipe factory. He was retired, he wanted to work because he was bored.
use or you lose it. Why do you think your fat grandparents died at 73 while a working person lives until 95.
>Never retire.
ok jeff bezos
Pretty sure he's just a greeter/receipt checker
Can confirm. Great papa worked till he was 90. Three years later he died.
Same here, I'm not gonna go back to our first jobs, I plan to keep working and running my business my whole lives.
This, fucking disgusting wannabe commie zoomers ITT are just lazy fucks who think sitting around all day doing nothing sounds fun
Hahahah the sad part is I'm not. I'm just not so selfish as to believe anyone including myself deserves things by some false inherent virtue that comes from just existing.
Says this
Then this
100% Yiddish.
Then this wew lad
Thank you capitalism
I sure love to see a mutilated old man working to make more money for jews
real capitalist dont work you moron, real capitalist own. you dont even know the difference between a worker and an owner
tell that to commercial fishermen or anyone whos survived off of food theyve caught you shlomo-nosed communist faggot
There was some old guy whose retirement job was just driving a cart around Toyota factories for tours.
He would put his earbuds in and just listen to books or music or whatever he was listening too.
you are actually retarded
Pretty much.
I wish they would eliminate fucking meme flags. And by eliminate, I mean exterminate.
no, the goal of the proletariat is the self-abolition as a class. the working class can exist only in contrast to the owning class, if the owning class is abolished then there cannot be any working class. there would be just "mankind" or a classless society
I don't give a fuck, his doddering old ass thinks he can body check me for telling him to fuck off every time I buy something that doesn't fit into a bag, he needs to go the fuck home where he should have been for the last 30 years
modern slavery in a nutshell
>I'm just not so selfish as to believe anyone including myself deserves things by some false inherent virtue that comes from just existing.
He's working so he doesn't either you dumb fucking mongoloid.
you sound like a nigger to be honest
Don't be a fucking poor person. Care for your kids, raise them properly and they'll return it when advanced in age. Invest your money wisely. If you're working past the age of 35-40 in America it's because you're extremely successful and building an empire or you're a total shithead and live paycheck to paycheck because money burns a hole in your pocket. Sometimes the courts do fuck you in a divorce, that's why you live MGTOW and rent hookers instead.
>t. left rat race at 26, building my empire and tiny house compound at 31.
I was unemployed after working in both Asian and the US for over a decade, and, while starting my business, I even went back to working a minimum just because I couldn't stand being home after more than 2 weeks without having something to do. A hobby is just a hobby, unless you are doing it for a purpose, like supporting your family, like my father-in-law who does carpentry for his family and neighbors, which makes it not a hobby but work, you're gonna want to blow your brains out. What you see in this thread is what happens when you mind is rotten by being a NEET and playing video games and watching anime all the time, all according to the plan of the Jews.
>lumpen-proletariat gets paid by the owning class to fight against the proletariat (the working class)
>money is the only thing that matters
>don't breed, only have sex for pleasure
>fuck anyone beneath me on the social hierarchy.
You're right. What a kike.
Have fun being dead.
Yeah, I can imagine someone with a job would be disgusting to a lazy degenerate like you.
if hes 98 then he probably served, then lived during an era where companies promised employees 301b defined benifit pensions. on top of that he probably worked a 3rdbs job in his late 60-70s that got him a 401k. now hes 98 been working walmart for 10 years just saying hello making 11$/hr plus hes got health care included and life insurance. his house is paid for he doesnt drive. youre looking at a guy thats probably worth over a million bucks and just comes in to have something to do/ interact with people
2 pension plans, 401k disbursements, SSDI pension, $11hr part time job owns his own home no car payment.
This is your brain on Anarchism, you can't even maintain a solid idea within your own single post.
>be trad and raise your kids well
>so that they give you money when they get older
>because you gotta make money
>hand rubbing intensifies
Part of the reason hobbies are so fun is because you don’t get full access to them. You’ll burn out on a hobby if that’s all you do with your spare time.
Also, nice trips.