Whatever happened to BLM?

Are you tired yet?

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BLM is defeated, no longer relevant. We will also destroy it's next incarnation.

Memetically spent force

They never defined what “black life” or “mattering” means.

They didnt disavow Farakahn so the jews stopped supporting it.

i will never stop praying for that girl. never ever. even if she won the lotto and i never heard about it. i will pray for her. she had so much patience. probably like 10 school years with those beasts. how much is a reasonable person supposed to take? huh?

Money ran out and no one seems interested in investigating Ferguson, Houston or Charlottesville and who was behind it all.

Did black lives stop mattering?

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Pants Up Don’t Loot
You filthy niggers

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Some people went and said "All lives matter", which the Democrats replied thats racist. Which in turn means "Only we get to choose who's lives matter"

Which left an awful taste in everyones mouth.

This desu

Did they ever matter?

I really miss them. Please come back BLM. Your enlightened outlook was a breath of fresh air. Shalom.

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It was a hoax.

is there a video for this GIF? I would love to see it

Even if I knew how to make it relevant why would I say it here or any other place?


BLM served its purpose of normalizing anti-white politics, so it's not needed anymore.


you might actually be on to something

The only silver lining they had... Of course they would then abandon it after that... Niggers LUV the plantation! and robbing, raping ,stealing, killing... Don't ever forget blacks first and for most appropriated, condoned, accepted, and designated culturally their own kind to slavery under Jewry.


Where Whites don't want Jews to rule us or infest our cultures niggers do! That is why niggers are now in this predicament of being played as the less than animal fuck tards again. When they talk shit about ANYTHING!

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Fucking lame. Please try. It was amusing. Don't give comrade. BLM needs a new voice for the oppressed masses.

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Sorros needed it got get votes to give to Hillary. The election is over so the money stopped coming.

Sessions cut their government funding

They need a new leader.

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Step up. Be the outrage you always were expected to be. Shalom.

Every time I see this, I hope that fucking nigger got her neck snapped and ended up paralyzed.
White kids shouldn't be forced to go to school with animals

the funding Obama gave them ran out