>be american
>get snipped
Seriously why do they do this?
>be american
>get snipped
Seriously why do they do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
$400 a foreskin.
Also a Babylonian symbol of slavery.
Also, neo-natal brain re-architecture to create an itch that cannot be scratched leading to degeneracy and consumerism.
covenant with the one thing you'll never see because you worship fucking statues.
Do it to the women
Circumcision is not a covenant with god, it's a consecration to satan. Change my mind.
I am an uncut fag. I wish I was cut having a foreskin means your piss streams can fly everywhere unless you retract perfectly every time
Cause we are children to Jesus Christ! God bless America! The rest of you can rot in hell
>Change my mind
read the bible.
Americans is the cleanest country in the world. you shithole countrys litter and spread disease. Learn from America you fucking peasents
to prevent dick cheese, poopoo boi, not that you would be interested in being cleaner...
Mutts are the lowest lifeforms of fucking all to have ever walked on this beautiful planet in its entire 4.6 billion fucking years history
It's a lucrative business and people are retarded.
How long can you go without washing before it starts to smell?
t. curious cutfag
reminder that "circumcision is bad" is a mossad psy op to keep other people from doing the covenant with God.
reptilians marking humans is all
Fact: 99% of the circumcision hatred comes from guys who didn't get circumcised
>boy gets circumcised
>grows into a man and is glad he was circumcised
>be boy who isn't circumcised
>grow up into a man who is obsessed with circumcision
Circumcision is only an issue to men who weren't circumcised. Why is that?
Couple of days, but you also have to nofap.
>wish I was cut
Circumcised boys *LITERALLY* have no idea what it's like to have to pull it back, or specifically target the area in a shower.
Think of all the times you've peed in your life, and just remember that circumcised guys have NEVER had to do what you do...ever.
How about you pull back your foreskin when you piss?
>being this retarded
fucking dumbasses
Jesus was circumcised so that we don't have too
do you niggers know what showering is?
Bullshit, I'm circumcised and I hate it
Circumcision removes a fuck ton of nerves and sensitivity
It's barbaric
Speaking of which, can you fap without lube?
Greek Orthodox bible doesn't really change my mind on this and the other (((translations))) just don't speak to me. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, it seems like you're a shill and want everyone to ignore the consecration to satan which is represented by circumcision as Abraham dictates.
I can never tell if circumcision threads are made to spread awareness or made to create false flaggers
>Seriously why do they do this?
Pic rel is why.
It's made to stop neo-natal genital mutilation.
I can also cum from just pulling the foreskin back hard and holding it there.
Nope, we have circumcision because pf christian evangelicals
Israel has nothing to do with this
I want to.show.my giant unmultilated 3rd leg to women... Jewgirl is fine too
Im.proud of.my benis
>do you niggers know what showering is?
of coarse, but you dont always have a shower in the feild when youre fighting israel's wars, so id rather be cut
A long time ago, the guy who invented Graham Crackers was trying to stop dudes from jerking off. This was the best solution he came up with, so he created a public campaign full of BS and psuedoscience.
>what is taking a shower
The Jew brainwashing is too strong with burgers
Probably this.
Jews promote goy degeneracy while trying to keep their own family close to Jewish tradition.
I am fully convinced that Jews are Satan's agents here on earth, the tempters.
>man is attracted to the female form
>women are materialistic
>white people want to raise conservative, God-fearing children in a safe society
Modern Jews exist only to bring down white Christians. Jews can be wealthy enough to enjoy whatever worldly things they want, but what they want most of all is to destroy white Christians
He said wearing shoes indoors.
Fact: 99% of the circumcision endorsement comes from people who are uninformed about the foreskin
>boy gets circumcised
>grows into a man and arbitrarily sees it as a benefit (hygiene, HIV, cancer, girls like scarred and dried genitals)
>be boy who literally just has a normal penis
>be disgusted at literal genital mutilation to minors for no confirmed reason
Don't want penis to smell for your boyfriend?
You know you can clean the sweat and smegma with your fingers or wipes or just pulling back.and shaking off the smegma?
>what is a 24+ hour shift working on a turnaround for a perto-chemical plant in 110 F Houston august day
thanks, still rather be cut, i dont like being able to smell my own dick when i piss
It seems wierd you need to buy something in order to masturbate.
>sweat and smegma with your fingers or wipes or just pulling back.and shaking off the smegma?
>Not cutting off your fingertips at birth
Enjoy having dirt under your fingernails, you filthy disgusting savages. It’s scientifically proven that not having fingernails reduces the rate of infection of salmonella and e-coli.
You look like a fucking animal with those claws on your hands. Women by and large prefer it when their men don’t have nails on their hands rather than have the living fuck scratched out of them as if they were having sex with a cat.
Jews want you to require their pornography.
>smell my.dick when i.piss
Lmao handicapped dicklet boi.
Literally mutilated genitals foreskin werent hated by jews they were seen as something important to sacrifice to God, you literally lost something important according to jews retarded boi
Might actually be the real reason dr. Schlomo promotes it: buy our lube Goy hehe.
>I'm circumcised and hate it
Maybe you are the legit 1 out of 1000 who wishes he had an anteater dick, but you faggots are more rare than trannies
Smegma is not inherently unhygienic, it's just earwax for genitals pretty much. You can search the wiki smegma article, it has 6 anti-bodies or something and aids the immune system. If lower smegma production would aid hygiene then girls would get hoodectomies and labiaplasties since they produce more smegma.
We're not meant to masturbate but rather to have sex, but it's still fiendish for them to mutilate us when we're babies and maybe even sell our foreskins to become beauty products.
Imagine NEVER getting to experience what sex is supposed to feel like because your parents decided to mutilate your genitals when you were a baby. And not only that, most Americans have been brainwashed into thinking there’s nothing wrong with it.
>can you fap without lube
Nope, and that's a good thing.
The only time I can do that is IN AN APPROPRIATE SETTING
>be anteater
>be waiting for your car to finish being repaired at the shop
>guess I'll jerk off for a few minutes in their bathroom
Guaranteed almost every single public masturbator is one of you uncut faggots
Has there ever been a situation where smegma caused any illness whatsoever? Its oils and skin that is flaked off when you pee.
Imagine talking to dicklets who have no idea what having a foreskin is like LOLOLOLOLOL
Source for any of your claims
>i dont like being able to smell my own dick when i piss
By that time your balls smell far worse than your dick.
Balls get sweaty and rub against your underwear.
Nothing really happens to mr dickhead until you take it out of its sleeve.
Why havent you died for gods chosen.people yet boi?
the trauma creates a holy warrior, anteaters will never understand
There is no actual consensus if lube is needed or not, also your view of this as a benefit is really subjective. You should not do it to any minors, it insults their masculinity, boys are born perfect.
Seeing penile mutilation cope always makes me smile inside
It's like watching a manlet trying to convince that being short is a positive
>Women by and large prefer it when their men don’t have nails on their hands rather than have the living fuck scratched out of them as if they were having sex with a cat.
I know youre memeing, but I dont know a single woman that doesnt like being scratched during sex. Pain is pleasure.
Was abraham a satanist
>be "normal" boy with "normal" penis
>disgusted by circumcision
That shows nothing because most people who are circumcised are even more repulsed by anteater dicks.
Then you add the hygiene benefits and disease-speeading benefits and it becomes clear why circumcision has always been superior
>be boy who is cut
>enjoy all the benefits
>be glad
>be you
>don't get the benefits
>but still glad you're uncut
If you're happy to be uncut, good for you, but logic and science says you're wrong
Every thread about circumcision has someone spamming like you, how (((suspicious)))...
>shaking off the smegma
Yuck wtf?
>yeah dude, just shake it off, all that stuff will just come off
Things a circumcised guy never has to deal with
Yes go be a holy warrior for your jewish masters.
nice cope
>b-being short is advantageous in urban warfare, w-we're in the next stage of evolution!
Foreskin is used in anti-aging creams.
>the tip was important to the Jews!
>that's why they cut it off
Retarded shit made up by you, a retard
Logic and science from Africa seems to not apply to any industrialised country. Men in the USA have the highest HIV rate of the 1st world despite having one of the highest circumcision rates. Also neonatal circumcision sends most babies into shock which has the potential to raise cortisol levels for life and deregulate testosterone.
Literally because jews. My wife just gave birth to our son recently and we got asked 5 different times at the hospital when we were going to do the "circ". A lot of women probably havent really thought about it and get bullied into it. We even got asked at the following two check up months later. These sick fucks just need to mutilate. The nurse at the first check up said "You know hes not circumcised, right?" At the second one the nurse asked when we wanted to schedule it. I recommend any new parents get one of those ankle bracelets that say no circumcision to put on their newborn. I would have if I knew they were going to push it so hard. Never leave your children alone with these sickos.
Watch this jew expose the lies of circumcision and spread it to any soon to be parents from America, your friend or relatives.
just reminding you sloppy uncut slobs that all the cope threads in the world will not give you the courage to do what should be done.
You know skin cells?
You know what flaking it off is like?
>Israel has nothing to do with Christianity
>buy our lube!
A $6 thing of lotion can easily last a year.
Please tell me how the Jewish conspiracy is raking in the dough with their $200 lifetime sales per circumcised man
That's the kind of retarded shit that makes people stop looking at the JQ
>notice lots of Jews in media
>notice lots of shilling for Israel
>notice the "hey fellow white people"
Then they see faggots like you claiming that circumcision is a Jewish plot to get you to spend $6/yr on lotion to masturbate and they decide to slip back into normie mode
You know, I typed a long response to you, but I deleted it. You know deep inside that you have a mutilated broken penis that will never be normal and you are lashing out. Just make peace with it before you have a son. Stop the vicious cycle.
you're literally talking about jihadis
Just accept it man. You were mutilated when you were to weak and innocent to speak up. Its horrible what was done to you. One day I hope you can forgive your parents and start getting active against the practice even just with people you know. I was in denial for a while too. Now I just rage.
What needs to be done?
Mutilate my penis?
Kys cutdick you were marked as a slave.
That's what pre cum is for. But even still, yes.
>be me
>be cut
>fuck 10/10 prostitutes
>can't cum
Fuck circumcision
New Testament literally says not to circumcise the flesh you fucking mong
Jews have everything to do with circumcision you idiot.
Every time I go to piss, I'm reminded that Jews dominate not just the world around me, but also my corporeal existence.
Israel leads the evangelicals like the dog in his pic
You think your dick isn't constantly producing smegma which gets rubbed all over your balls?
Haven't read a study but fairly convinced cut duicks, being all exposed, produce loads of smegma - hmmm, probably why cut guys think it's a huge problem.
>Seriously why do they do this?
It traumatizes them forever. They're not real men anymore. To cope, they must sign on to the army and murder civilians in far away countries.
They do it so they can start a new war every other year.
Wasn't Jesus circumcised though?
The thought of cutting my dick never came to me, foreskin is absolutely essential to a healthy penis.
You have parts of a.penis without a foreskin not a penis
Why the fuck is a German cut?
Are you American or Muslim?
This is actually true. Confirmed by neurology.
Neo-natal genital mutilation is a crime and we must treat it precisely as such.
only in the yid-edited bibles.
No way, I'm cut and when I started having sex, my problem was that I was cumming too early. Maybe your problem is that you're with degenerate fleshbags.
abdul you must go back
Nice try you fucktard, you barely have any nerves left in your butchered benis whivh is why circumcized men get anally stimulated which is why it is a mark of slavery