>be anti-islam activist
>notice a "lebanese entrepreneur" opened shit-tier kebab shop named "Paramount Fine Foods" a few years back
>literally a kebab shop serving schwarma dishes and wraps, which are fucking everywhere in canada already
>somehow goes from 1 store to 40 stores despite making barely any money or losing money, no bank is going to bankroll a fucking kebab shop
>starts opening stores in the middle east, africa, usa etc
>has 60 locations in 10 years selling kebabs
>is prolific "donor" to liberal party of canada and to islamic "charities"
>turns out he is from buttfuck nowhere lebanon village with population of 3,000, which is the Hezbollah HQ and his family is friends with former Hezbollah Supreme Commander
>supposed "lebanese entrepreneur" aka Hezbollah Money Launderer sues you for defamation, claims your terrorist accusations resulted in him losing a franchising deal in Dubai to a mystery investor and mystery company
>you are eager to go to trial for discovery to expose this bullshit lie and subpoena financial records
>hezbollah nigger submits some motion to skip the trial and just render a judgement
>judge agrees, skips trial and discovery, takes everything submitted by hezbollah money launderer as fact
>orders you to pay $2.5M to hezbollah money launderer for islamophobia for pointing out nobody knows where his money comes from and that he is under investigation by the CIA and CSIS
Basically a terrorist Muslim money launderer accused someone of Islamophobia, sued for $2.5M, somehow got the judge to skip a trial and won with the judge taking every lie he made up as fact and called the person an Islamophobe and grave danger to society.
This is now being run 24/7 on the Canadian media and leafs are celebrating.