Is it just me or are school shooters disproportionately white Christians? Am I the only one who makes this connection?
Why are school shooters disproportionately white?
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Because blacks aren't smart to count past one when they are shooting at people.
>3 jews and a mexican
Oh ok
1/4 of the people you showed are white, and none of them were Christians
First and third guy definitely are NOT white
Not sure about the other two
I think that BIG school shootings do appear to be mainly done by white males. But I'd also bet that inner city black on black shootings also occur. Probably more of them, but with fewer victims. And probably different motivations. Not psycho drug addled rich white kids, but drug and beef motivated inner city black kids.
Just guessing.
They’re all Jewish.
Additionally, you have to be in a school to shoot one up. This eliminates most niggers right off the bat.
Whites have more sophisticated sadism compared to blacks, but negroes still slaughter teenagers of their own race at higher numbers every month than the toll of every school shooter combined.
Wheres the Orlando shooter? He killed 49 people
They were all on psych drugs
also, because they are school shottings, not slums/ghetto shootings
Inceldom is tired into Pinkoid DNA
>he hasnt been to r/braincels
Lmao the nigger incels and chink incels hate whites and tell white incels to fucking leave because they can get an asian
Another retard making up bullshit. Fuck off, troll kid.
Because only the White ones are plastered all over the media to demonize the Whites
The post you didn't bother to read clearly asks about SCHOOL shooters in both the title and the text.
We go to school
*low tier western born Asian roastie
also virgins =/ Incels
Incels are cancerous bitter misogynists bashing women on the internet 24/7
sure we have even more virgins here but at least they aren't as toxic as incels in the US
the English sphere's extreme hatred against women is just a whole new level
Pinko boi's stupid superiority complex makes them like that, extremely entitled and believing it's them who are the master kind of life forms when it's quite the opposite
>Why are school shooters disproportionately jewish?
Also, Las Vegas shooter was jewish as well ...
>are school shooters disproportionately white
They're just the most successful ones.
As usual.
because blacks skip school and shoot up the hood instead
The picture i replied to says "mass shootings" you fucking retard
elitot was jew/asian JFL
OP is dumb
Incel means involuntary celibate
Meaning virgin
You're a retard
I hope your entire island gets swarmed with niggers and they rape and kill every jap woman and child
Cause you'd actually have to be in school
kind of low effort reply but it's coming from a Mutt, pretty much predictable
Why are 50% of violent criminals from 13% of the population?
Why on earth would i waste any effort on a retard like you
Incel means virgin
Anything else is cope by virgins
"Im not an incel because i respect women" is cope
Ay yo Mossad be raciss
Dey only hire dem white actors.
Jussie need a job yo
Whites are fairly proportionally represented. Truly over-represented groups are Jews, kids on anti-psychotic drugs, and kids who weren't raised by their biological fathers.
Dylan was Jewish
OP you posted 3 Jews and an Asian.
Blacks don't go to school.
Charlotte NC here can confirm. No manifesto, no even fucking reason at all. Just a goddamn fucking retard grunting about.
You forgot the highest scores.
I know it’s not school related, but still
I guess this thing is black idk fucking even know
cuz we bad boys. better hide your women cause bitches can't resist my porcelain balls and pillar-esque cock
Anders is highscore. other dude is not real. Honestly I am not one to call shootings fake but that video from christchurch is the fakest shit ive ever seen in my life
those arent white ppl, those are jews
black have trouble figuring out and effectively useing mechanisms like guns ALTHOUGH there have beena few based black shooters
this and this and this:
They’re not. You think no one is getting shot in black or Hispanic schools? It’s like “hate crimes” and “mass shootings” in general; a white guy kills one jew and it’s a mass shooting, while a nigger kills 4 people in a church or nightclub and it’s just good old fashioned murder. (((They))) need to invent new terms and categories of crime, in addition to calling Hispanics and Muslims white just to make whites look worse.
>American education.
You aren't helping the stereotype user.
You can rape and lose your virginity.
Kike. There is nothing fishy that hasn't been debunked when it comes to Christchurch.
It doesn't even make sense as a false flag as it was censored rather than promoted and has not led to anything.
>Incel means virgin
a person can fuck and think to themselves, this was hardly worth all the crap I had to go through to get here and decide chasing pussy and putting up with insufferable cunts isn't worth the time and effort.
Incel means virgin who can't get laid
I don't give a shit about what you think it is
You faggots have used it so much that its lost its meaning
You fags are no better than liberals who call everyone nazis
Maybe national socialism cant work because all of its followers are retarded
pls to remove dorner from this image, thx
Because they go to school.
non whites don't go to school dummy
Why remove him?
Elliot was chinkers though
You are wrong. The reality is, minorities shoot and stab each other in schools after getting bullied one time, whereas the spergs let it build up and ultimately create a fucking nightmare.
Elliot was a hapa.
Because nigger children that would like to shoot at schools are already died because of gang violence
its a misconception, there are mass shooters of all races. what everyone has in common is serious untreated mental health issues
If they're not white, the Jewish media tries to make them look white. So how would you ever even know?
Because when white people snap they really snap.
Unironically be scared.
Race matters, because different races got different cultures. One handels mental issues better, other don't. In black's case, they got really tough natural selection, so yeah.
which means he's a Pinko
what's your point again mate?
3rd one looks like a literal 56%er
The Elliot is half Jewish so 3 and a half Jews?
>untreated mental health issues
they're being treated alright ...
Why are all rappers white?
Why do did Hitler gas the whites?
>Is it just me or are school shooters disproportionately white Christians?
It is just you. Blacks are the most common shooters and are over represented in terms of per capita school shooting crimes.
This is true but since so many urban high schools have metal detectors and so many vibrant teens of color are habitual truants minority schools can avoid most fatal violence. They just kill each other elsewhere.
>I don't give a shit about what you think it is
right back at you roastie cunt
I hate women
Im not a roastie
Im just tired of everyone misusing incel
Incel was originally coined by a some lgbt fag woman for lgbt people who are lonely and cant get a bf/gf
Then straight men started using it so they dropped it
Women picked on the trend and now theres the word femcel
half jew half chink
Looks at least 3 race, black white hispanic
some people choose to be celibate, in fact it was for most of history considered to be a virtue until marriage.
thats what a typical octoroon in new york looks like
That's not necessarily true, but the media gives excessive focus and reporting to mass shootings of white* people specially if they are male, straight and/or from a Christian background.
If the media were to report on the constant shootings in Chicongo the tune would be different.
*they'd report on a kike or a mutt being white if it serves their interests.
Because you have to go to school to be a school shooter.
Thats volcel
Volcel is a good thing but western society is so fucking jewed that theyd call you a coping incel
I hate this clown world
(((White Christians))). Sloppy JIDF faggot.
>school shooters disproportionately liberal white atheists
fixed that for you, nigger
Only portrayed as white by the media to push their own narratives*
Most of the school shooters are issued from interracial relationship which has been proved to be harmful to the child's mental health. Mixed babies are more inclined to mental illness than any other non-mixed races.
Why are terrorists disproportionately brown
Is it just me or are terrorists disproportionately brown Muslims? Am I the only one who makes this connection?
It's more to due with narcissism but with the success that these people think they deserve. Narcissism is more common with middle class or higher income households, so naturally a lot of those people are white.
This. Blacks kill way more of eachother with illegally acquired guns on the daily..than anyone else kills eachother during mass shootings. But of course the (((media))) won’t talk about that. Especially since it proves gun laws don’t work at all.
>school shooters disproportionately jews
Fixed that for you.
Because they are from countries that are majority white and christian.
Nick Cruz and elliot werent white
>s it just me or are school shooters disproportionately white Christians?
It's just you, b/c they're mostly JEWS.
Your post doesnt even make sense, especially the beginning.
>muh huwite Christian
guy on left looks, mexican or greek
pretty sure columbine kids were athiest
nick cruz is mexican
david hogg is athiest
i meant without
Holmes was Jewish?
Article written not even a month after the incident. I'd say he was a jew/white mix, but yes, the jew part is in him too, not like the fucking jew site told us,
Something struck me as odd when I was reading about David Katz, why are so many Jews into the nigger golem shit that they promote?
Like it seems that a lot of Jews imbibe the hobbies of their pet niggers like basketball fandom and playing Madden and shit.
I would not think that would be the case, it just strikes me as strange.
Oh I see, I grew up poor so I dont have much experience with upper middle class whites. The lower middle class whites have been pretty friendly though.
Because it's the agenda Anti white remember, CIA remote neural monitoring Gang stalking squads are the secret people behind influencing u into trends
to answer your question
no you are not the only one who makes this 'connection'
everyone who watches or reads CNN/MSNBC/WaPo/NYT makes this 'connection'
sadly it is not a connection that you are making, it is a programming hotfix they are rolling out on all the older NPC models
meant for OP, but just realized this is a slide thread