We might not have another chance to do it
Say something nice about them
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fuck iran
They dress little boys like sluts, make them dance and then rape their asses.
Completly based.
Death to America, the Great Satan
They'll destroy Israel
You're thinking of the Afghan warlords you guys prop up in Kabul
That's Afghanistan
Fuck sandniggers
Their women are qt and their version of islam is a bit less degenerate than sunni islam, if their country gets bombed to hell I'd gladly welcome qt iranian refugee girls(boys)
I like Iran don’t really have problem with them unless they want to come here
the fucking irans about to get just got 10 ft higher, faggot
Eat shit kike
Nice land before the Turks mutted all of them.
Fucking kraut niggest
YOU eat shit, kike
fuck iran, fuck israel, and all those other pecker heads in the middle east
Let them try, we will crush them.
Based Schlomo
They have cute girls and the mountains are cool
Who’s “we”
Not this time, nice FF on tankers. We’re on to you
They got dabbed on the arabs super hard after a long exhausting war with Rome
"We" as in the IDF and our American puppets.
They will put the nail in the coffin of American empire, insha'allah
They wwill all become part of our Tikkun Olam.
They should feel honored.
And soon enough, Moshiach will return to us all and rule for eternity.
oh so only you can screw your allies over?
you fuck us we fuck back, 100% fair which is why your government doesn't give a fuck about it, or you, nigger
1.They tell kikes and arabs to go fuck themselves
2. Jontron
Based Persians
I know the shah was a cia puppet but what was the reason for the revolution? I'm ignorant about modern Iranian history
Kys kike rat, ty
Imagine using neckbeard Jontron as a legit reason to like Iran
Iranians are exile Europeans who live and have always lived in Persia. We should focus on cooperation with Iran rather than Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Death to America, Mexico will support you
They fund the killing of Jews. Thanks.
Fake and gay,Iranian women are free to dress how they want as long as they have decent outfits,better have care of how your women are than bothering how women are in other countries even thought they're alright.
It's the only revolution I can think of offhand that occurred in a country where life was demonstrably getting better for the average person.
They'll pull "he is more famous than you" card
Watch out
u gon die for isreal whether you like it or not, mutt
I'm just going to pull the "He's less Jewish than you" card
Fucking border jumper leeches the country while hates it
It's better being a Jew than being a jew's mutt muppet
There were in a sense two revolutions, one of liberal/left elements in the cities who hated the Shah because he was a money-wasting and cruel dictator (SAVAK secret service was very brutal), and a conservative revolution in the countryside and the mosques of people who hated his degeneracy. The Shah fled rather quickly. What happened afterwards is that the conservative elements were better organized, and proceeded to crush all the left elements in short order. Iraqi invasion helped in this, similarly to how French revolution become more radical because of foreign threats.
>It's better being evil than being infiltrated by evil forces
Logic checks out
Definitely better being in control.
im really sorry
They aren't the USA and elected a president that tried to secularize the country before the US and Britain replaced him with a dictator.
In terms of your personal situation it's better
But in terms of morals it's definitely worse
>Fuck sandniggers
i'm sure a brown little slant-eyed goblin like you should be saying that
Happy Ramadan brother
Fake. The Chador is not compulsory in Iran. A simple hijab is, and they can have their hair showing.
you're all evil
if christ was real he'd judge us all to hell and send you head first
guess you're lucky religions are memes
At least get your stereotypes right, retard
We've fucked with you way less than the inverse.
Fuck sandniggers and fuck kikes and fuck you
I live in Mexico, also your flag is stupid
>Say something nice about them
Why would I say something nice about a bunch of low IQ mongrels? Their day is coming.
They are cut dicks thus subhumans.
I hope they nuke Tel Aviv
After that for all intent and purposes they moved towards the USSR sphere of influence to counterbalance American pressure, yeah?
>Oy vey you’re betraying us by not doing exactly what we want
Shut the fuck up slant-eyed shitskin
Lovely poetry and culture.
One of the oldest traditions on our planet still cultivated.
Iran is one of very few nations in the world who understand that everyone would be better off without Israel.
Fuck the ayatollahs
best pistache, better then murican pistache
Fuck Sau Arabia.
You got a problem there goatfucker?
You have to go back, Reza.
cope you kike cockroach
I think I heard some more "workers" arrive. You should go to work and take their passports.
Not really, they were pretty much on their own. They even funded a gaggle of Hazara militias in Afghanistan to oppose the USSR there. It's a small miracle they managed to drive back Iraq, who were supported by first the Soviets and the the US also. Iran has very much been a lone wolf since the revolution, relying heavily on that other pariah, the DPRK, for weapons and tech. Their missile program got its start using North Korean designs IIRC.
They are no pushover.
you seem scared shloime
stfu minority christcuck
Idk what you're tryina say faggot
They can potentially nuke Israel so they are the good guys I guess.
(((Saudi))) defending his masters.
Boom. Boom is nice.
yeah siding with the egyptians in a move that could be our end justifies at the very least the lavon affair. it actually justifies anything at all. same deal for the USS liberty. you were cunts first, serves you right.
you seem insignificant memefag
>a kike talking about memeflags.
since when you feel accepted here you piece of shit
Although killing US soldiers is always a good thing, wasn't that a waste of a good ship?
Thanks for history lesson user
Still compulsory. What do you say to that? Fucking BASED iranian government?
If he's the "Donald Trump of Iran" he needs to be executed for treason to the Iranian nation. Donald Trump is a Zionist cocksucker who loves Israel and Jews.
Turns out hanging giant billboards in your cities, stating DEATH TO AMERICA REEE was not a great strategic decision in the long run.
yeah i guess
Look up Mossadegh
The trash subhumans around Iran are envious that they live in Iran's shadows. The whole argument isn't even about Islam or religion (as much as both sides like to pretend it is), it's an East vs West thing, so ask yourself this.
You are an Engineer. Do you prefer to work on a water desalination plant or do you rather design some kind of sports car. You'll make more money if you put your talents into making the car, but would you be able to enjoy the money? The east prefers the former, the west is fixated on the latter.
Hint: This is the same concept as to why Arabs are comfortable with Indians slaving away to build empty towers in the desert, and Kikes are ok with demolishing neighborhoods to build lifeless clones of suburban california. They are the very definition of satanic, and corrupted the concept of "God" after stealing it from the Persians.
I hope they nuke Tel Aviv and Washington.
No pushover for your avg mudshit neighbor or Israel. Like defenseless infants compared to US military. It'd be Iraq round 3.
Shit, Tarrant missed a spot.
Trump is bluffing.