It's a literal fact that if you support war with Iran you suck kike cocks and belong in a gas chamber like the neocon boomer you are.
It's a literal fact that if you support war with Iran you suck kike cocks and belong in a gas chamber like the neocon boomer you are.
The idea of getting dragged into another of America's war in the middle-east is a conflicting one for me. On one hand its clearly just a tool of the kikes to kill more white men. Yet on the other hand it'll mean the death of more non-whites.
So idk.
Bomb bomb bomb
Bomb bomb Iran
Bomb bomb bomb
Bomb bomb Iran
make me feel so goooood
You got me rockin’ And a’reelin’
Dropping that j-dam
Bomb Iran
...fook ‘em Duke Nukem. What you fail to understand is this will both amuse me AND be the source of new gore pics for the board. So we all benefit. Stop being so selfish Xerxes.
whats a kike?
Agreed. Name the Jew. Patrick Little for President. The Jews Are Through In '22.
Jew are God’s chosen people user so what about the cost all the dead the new refugees crisis it’s for a good cause remember user if your not circumcised I have to report you to dr Goldberg
Always do the opposite of what Jews say if we go to war protest your government to keep you out of it America is gone
We're not going to war with iran you fucking idiot. Trump's just swinging the millitary's dick as usual.
Take up arms against the government if it illegally attacks Iran. Like the Black Panther insurgency of the 1960s desu
Iranians are like the closet thing to white in the Middle East. Almost every Iranian that’s recently from Iran or temporarily in the US has been super nice. A lot of the ones that came in the late 70’s and early 80’s are really nice also, but there are some bad apples in that group, since a lot of Jews and degenerates were kicked out by Khomeini. Every Persian house hold I’ve been in has 1800 esque art decorated all around their house. They really do like white culture.
I must also note that the Shah was a ZOG shill that didn’t give a fuck about his people, and was blowing Iranian money partying in France. I hear that he couldn’t even speak Farsi well, and mostly just spoke French. Khomeini on the other hand introduced a traditionalist government based off of Plato’s Republic. Iran has also become the only super power in the Middle East to truest oppose Israel.
Why did you reply to me, I said we're not going to war with iran
I’m posting on my phone, from Dutch hotel, while still suffering from bad jet lag; cut me some slack.
There is only about 30,000 Jews in the Netherlands, but what share of the media do they control? Let’s find out!
>making excuses like a nigger
What a fucking nigger
Go and do another rain dance, leaf.
What if I just want happenings
That’s fair. Look into the Millenium 2002 project. The US will actually lose against Iran.
It's also a literal fact that christianity is a jewish lie.
I whole heartedly support war with Iran now. Iran has stated that if America attacks it with its aircraft carriers, it will strike Israel. I think we need to move more air assets near Iran and strike them right now.
This wog knows what’s up.
I just want something to happen for once
You aren’t ready. It’ll be no more than 5 years, probably closer to 2 years, before WWIII and global collapse. Be prepared, faggot. I advise leaving America if you are wholly European.