This board is swarming with shills from many different left wing organizations all united in a single goal: stop...

This board is swarming with shills from many different left wing organizations all united in a single goal: stop Trump's base from re-electing him.

1. Left wing shills will call Trump a jewish puppet but fail to provide any better alternative, because they simply want you to not vote so the Democrats win.

2. Left wing shills will attempt to bribe you with "free money" from Andrew Yang and call you a "MIGA boomer" if you disagree, to stop you from voting for Trump so the Democrats win.

3. Left wing shills will claim Trump is a giant failure (conveniently leaving out how much worse Hillary would have been) and whisper in your ear that Trump doesn't deserve your vote again - all with the intention of allowing the Democrats to win.

4. Left wing shills will claim that "polls" say Trump can't win, as if nobody remembers how inaccurate (rigged) polls are from 2016 - just to demoralize you from voting so the Democrats can win.

5. Left wing shills will falsely accuse you of being paranoid, deny they are shills and repeat the tired old "muh everyone who disagrees is a shill" even though in their case it's 100% true - they do this to falsely portray their smear attempts as organic, to demoralize you from voting for Trump so that the Democrats can win.

The funny part is Trump will definitely be re-elected and these shills are all wasting their time.

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Other urls found in this thread:


tell me what part of my post is wrong though

imagine thinking your containment board is relevant outside your anime imageboard

We meet liberal conspiracy theorists with love, affection, and correction. They will complain but Daddy Jow Forums has no plans to stop defending this great country against the infected and no plans to stop educating recovering leftists on this great republic. .

imagine thinking a politically dissident hub of activity as big as Jow Forums that gets targeted this much by paid leftist shills is a "containment" board

a lot of resources devoted to sabotaging just a "containment" board user

All roads lead to the Jew. There are no political solutions for the problems white people face. Stability is our greatest enemy right now.

Good Goy! don't vote for a hot, anti globalist, she is woman. woman bad. vote for a billionaire celebrity-puppet. You love israel, suck their cock like your daddy

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She bad. Him good!

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things are becoming more unstable every day without assistance
the best thing you can do is prepare for the inevitable collapse and get as many people on our side as possible - violent efforts to accelerate the collapse only ensure that the enemy will have more people on their side when SHTF

Good goy! Vote for a non-white gun-grabbing open borders communist, that will somehow be better than Trump!
>this is how retarded you democrat shills sounds

Who gives a shit? Trump is cringe now. Fuck boomers.

You don’t have to be a leftist (or have any agenda) to point out that Trump drinks Jew semen for breakfast.

i don't know what gives you the idea that Jow Forums is relevant outside the internet. how much do your parents know about Jow Forums? your coworkers? your white aryan wife standing outside in your wheat field?
>a lot of resources devoted to sabotaging just a "containment" board user
are you familiar with the phrase "pissing in an ocean of piss"?
shills aren't even necessary. we're completely capable of shitting the place up all on our own.

>i don't know what gives you the idea that Jow Forums is relevant outside the internet
imagine thinking the internet and meatspace exist in separate vacuums

Let's start with the reddit spacing. The_donald is that way you faggot.

This is not even close to why we are here.

shills can't help themselves, the replies will keep flooding in - they hate when their tactics are exposed because it makes them ineffective

keep replying

Based & redpilled

So can you prove trump isn't a jew puppet?
Doesn't make me a shill.

“Impeach Trump and Die”. (2019)

Attached: Impeach Trump and Die.jpg (314x500, 25K)

If you don't like it here, Schiz user. You're welcome to leave at any time. You won't be missed.

Can you prove any American president has enough independent power to stop jewish influence on American politics?

Would you prefer a leader who is equally unequipped to do anything about the above, but who also wants unlimited legal and illegal immigration, burning the 1st and 2nd amendments and unlimited welfare?

you'll leave when your pay runs out, the rest of us will continue using Jow Forums as we always have and you won't be missed


This guy is right

Aren't there any right-wing candidates for the presidency? If so just discuss who's the better alternative

you forgot your memeflag faggot. Fucking obvious shill, at least do it correctly

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>will call Trump a jewish puppet but fail to provide any better alternative

There is no better alternative, this doesn't change the fact that Trump has accomplished nothing besides suck Israel's cock.

>The funny part is Trump will definitely be re-elected and these shills are all wasting their time.
It stopped being about changing the discourse here a long time ago, OP. They solely wish to disrupt any memery or organization by flooding the board at all times.
>mfw shills never win cuz they’re all losers

That's the joke you retarded schizo

Is bringing manufacturing and energy production back to the US good for us?

Trump is controlled opposition. Don’t disregard this post, seriously think for a second. You have this global cabal, which will start wars and decimate the nation of anyone who threatens them. Look at Libya, they were dropping the petroldollar. Hitler threw away the chains of debt to help the people of Germany, and he stated who the cause was. Look at Syria. Now think, you have an unhealthy, out of shape billionaire who steps up and looks like he’s going to start causing trouble with you. What’s the easiest way to get rid of him? Heart attack/issues. They don’t let outsiders in their club. Keep in mind who he donated to for years before running. The funniest part is Donald wasn’t lying when he said it was all rigged. They’re actors on a stage and you’re sitting at home watching it on TV

A handful of manufacturing jobs to be filled by immigrant workers on visas.

>look at Syria
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Assad is just fine

Trump isn't counter culture anymore. Fuck the establishment.

>a handful
There are more jobs than workers to fill them
Manufacturing and energy within the US makes us less dependent on other countries

Leaf but based. Shill as they may, fail they will. Smug, conceited but pathetic.

I’d vote for a steaming pile of shit before some cunt liberal Democrat.

Fuck liberals and fuck em into the dirt where they belong.

They can seeth all they want, he is gonna win. It' s not even a debate anymore.

>imagine still supporting Trump

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tactic #1

>There are more jobs than workers to fill them

Complete bullshit.
Workforce participation is lower than it has ever been in working age demographics.

Unemployment is low because the people who previously had gainful employment in these outsourced sectors would rather be zonked out on pills and welfare all day than flip burgers for no benefits and not enough pay to make rent.

The manufacturing jobs coming back won't even put a dent in what is lost, and won't pay nearly what they did in the past, because some shitskin on a visa will do them for near minimum wage.

you shills are really obsessed with gay shit

Based schizo poster

you’re literally a shill trying to turn Jow Forums into a zionist neocon board

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Where do you get that all of these jobs are going to immigrants?
I just don't see some Indian dude going to work in a steel plant with the rest of the Pennsylvanians

What about all the judges? Is that a good thing he's done?

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>oh shit drumpf said a thing
that's you shills all the time just fuck off

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This post is trash. Both sides are controlled. Don’t fall for the false dichotomy anons. Do your own research and ignore shills like this trying to prevent you from seeing the truth about Trump. He’s a MIGA asset with close ties to Bibi and Chabad Vubavitch who was bailed out by the Rothschilds in the 90s. (((They))) are afraid people who voted for Trump are waking up to these facts and are using the tactic of labeling anyone who questions Trump as a left wing shill to put their minds back into the ideological box with which they control our political discourse.

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>all these alt-right faggots admitting they got tricked by the enemy and have to now play the straight man, unable to retort or debase arguments they once held and are in opposition against.
>didnt want to hear about the left right paradigm before until getting fucked in the ass by jews.
No sympathy, you fags deserve this shit.

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>Where do you get that all of these jobs are going to immigrants?

Trump's own mouth.

No wall
No care

Those people are taking tech and medical jobs

>If you criticize Trump you must be a left wing shill
Nigger please

I hate the kikes and know Drumpf is a failure, but if he doesn't get reelected western civilization is literally fucked. Drumpf's election was a spark of hope to all of Europe.

They will take any job they can get, and the firms will give it to them because they work for less.

Basic supply and demand. All of these new jobs are pointless until Trump ends work visas and reduces or eliminates legal immigration.


>5. Left wing shills will falsely accuse you of being paranoid, deny they are shills and repeat the tired old "muh everyone who disagrees is a shill" even though in their case it's 100% true - they do this to falsely portray their smear attempts as organic, to demoralize you from voting for Trump so that the Democrats can win.

See also: calling everyone that disagrees with their narrative a "schizo"

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>Trump was voted in by Jow Forums
Yeah keep trying to prevent us from reelecting him
We stuffed those ballot boxes like demons
I myself drove all over the States pushing Trump's numbers through the roof
Do something, stop me or I'll do it all over again next year :P

No skin off my back. Have fun crying daily on Jow Forums as we make fun of you for being a humorless retarded newfag who has no idea how Jow Forums works.

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Illegal immigration has surged to record numbers under Trump, who campaigned to stop illegal immigration. Trump has stated several times he wants more illegal immigration. Trump signed the bumpstock ban, same as Hillary would. Trump signed a law making criticism of Israel illegal. How is Trump better than a Democrat. At least the Democrats were honest in their stated intentions. If the best Trump has to offer is the same performance as a Democrat why should I bother to vote for him again?

The point was that there is manufacturing and energy production in the US, which allows us to be independent. How does that not strengthen us?

Having the most skilled and qualified doctors on the planet is a bad thing for us huh?

Aren't those numbers based on apprehensions?
Doesn't that mean they've been prevented from entering illegally?

>Can you imagine what would happen if I ever said what she said, and says?
kek. If he had a huge press conference and cancelled the Holohoax it would be so much fun I'd probably have to be scraped up and put in a looney bin.
I have a huge grin thinking about it.
Trump 2020

I'm convinced most of you aren't actual shills, just retarded cowards and autistic teenagers that switch sides because you are baseless and lack character. Any time you dont get your way you'll flop to the other side. Fucking pathetic.

I think it’s funny

At this point any trump shill is a paid shill

>strengthen us?

Who is us?

Rich Jews and Mexican peasants?

If it doesn't benefit the white working class I don't give a fuck about it. I don't want America to be strong when it is replacing white Americans and wasting money on brinkmanship with Russia and Iran.

Only newfags call others newfags. Fuck outta here.

>the most skilled and qualified doctors
>poo in loo doctors from some medical school in who knows where with who knows what standards

They aren't the most skilled and qualified, they are the cheapest.

>wasting their time
It's more about their funding
Many lefturd media campaigns since the election were clearly about spending millions that were already allocated without concern for the results
It was one after another, week after week, dubious or negative results but no matter, next wave of shit would roll in like clockwork
Visibly there's a ton of money to throw at this shit with little more than 'let's see what sticks' expectation

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>everyone I disagree with is a schizo!
>Mom! I told them they're retarded again! Do i get some goodboy points?

Look, you can fully agree that (((Trump))) is a Jewish puppet who has accomplished almost nothing AND still want him to be reelected because there isn't a better option. These aren't mutually exclusive concepts, and anyone arguing to the contrary is either being disingenuous on purpose or lacks the mental capacity to grasp complex concepts.

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You said he accomplished nothing. I just listed something he's accomplished, that's all. You're the one that turned it into an argument about who it benefits.
Also, the judges

Pol is memecentral, the academiakikes themselves measured it

> We meet liberal conspiracy theorists with love, affection, and correction. They will complain but Daddy Jow Forums has no plans to stop defending this great country against the infected and no plans to stop educating recovering leftists on this great republic. .
I love you

Is this your opinion or what? These people go to school here.
I had so many smelly Indians and Arabs in my classes in college

Defending pro-kike positions because "muh god emperor says so"
Trump had are support because of what he said he'd do, not because of who he is. Stop retroactively changing your positions because Trump tells you to. We actually kill kikes, we don't suck them off and beg for more leaf.

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>Trump is president

It’s literally every fucking time at this point. How is it that literally every single post made by anyone from your shithole “country” is the worst on this board? Not even Sweden or Britain is this bad when it comes to post quality. It’s fucking pathetic.

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>implying you are not a parscale/kushner shill kek

Fuck off back to t_driedel neocon boomer

"Parscale and his Giles-Parscale team (dubbed "Project Alamo") built polished Trump Facebook ads, tweeted from Trump's account during debates ("Crooked @HillaryClinton’s foundation is a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE. Time to #DrainTheSwamp!" sound familiar?), crunched numbers, targeted key audiences, and kept a low profile. By election day, Trump's election team had given the firm more than $93 million to steer the online campaign across the finish line. And it worked — really, really well. "

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Most of them are trained abroad. The fact that some of them are replacing white Americans in medical school is also a bad thing.

stay healthy out there

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Jeb Bush would have appointed the same judges.

This. If you have to flop, you’re supposed to flop along with Trumpenstein’s positions. Not against him.

>reddit spacing
>jew jew cum slurping
You want more, leaf?

While some could be, most are probably shills.

That’s why they’re almost always like 5 of the first 10 responses

>flop to the other side

It wasn't me who flopped you kike, it was Trump. Listen to campaign era Trump and compare it to today, it is not even remotely the same message.

Maga. Cry more bernie bros, yang gang, hiltards, and Biden creeps. Part of being an adult is sometimes being faced with all bad options and choosing the least shittiest one