It is going to take quite awhile, but eventually this is going to become legalized and normalized. I am curious what effect is this going to have on the family unit in the long term?
I am a liberal as they come, and even I am split on issue of legalizing incest. Obviously it has the potential to destroy the family unit which rests at the core of the nation, so it is very dangerous.
But I also I think it has the potential to create an entirely new and even stronger family unit. Just here me out.
If you are boning your mom, sister, or aunt, and it is completely consensual and compassionate, then you are going to feel a lot closer to them. You are going to be more protective of them, you are going to care for them more, your bond is going to be stronger to them, and you will probably have a deeper love for them. In essence, legalized consensual incest has the potentially to make a very strong bonded family unit. Plus, guys getting a lot of sex tend to be less violent, and if all kinds of freaky sex is readily available in the home, then guys will be sated and happy. Society as a whole would be a lot more harmonious. The key is that it has to be completely consensual caring, and loving experience for everyone involved with no pressure, coercion, or intimidation of any kind. Things should happen organically and comfortably.
Obviously, I flat out disagree with siblings having babies without some form gene editing to cut out the recessive diseases.
This is a very wild and far out there idea for the far off future of the family unit, and there is no way we would see this in our life times. The idea that consensual incest in the family could be beneficial is pretty unintuitive, but the idea is interesting.
Family Sunday fun day would be literally, fucking lit! lol