Are the different races sub-species?

I had a convo with a friend, and the thought/idea almost came out of my mouth. I was talking up until the point of saying it. Then I realized that I wasn't too sure.

We can procreate with each other. But it seems like we're so different. Are there any studies you Anons know of?

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Just figureing that out

>Why do dogs look different?
Different breeds.
>Why are some big and some small?
>Why are some clever and some dimwitted?
Uh, purely socioeconomics, opportunities, and uh...racism.

You can't procreate with a khajit furfag, fuck off.

Aren't bretons a mix of human and elves

I looked at the list of inventions by country. Africa hasn't invented SHIT. Then I hear about the access to quality food, climate conditions, a reason why Blacks just can't excel at science.

But what point do we say that they just can't do it?

K selection and r selection largely explains it. Also, for a laugh, Google "Pastor James David Manning on Black Folk"

This is actually a big part of it. Malnutrition, poor hygiene, and infectiond all fuck up the kids before they even have a chance. You would have to compare blacks who live in 1st world countries. Then there are still historic problems like red lining, discrimination, lack of inhereted wealth, negative portrayls in the media etc. They still have disproportionately become artists, fighters, entertainers in America than other groups. I think there culture is really loose and free compared to British culture which is really restrained, disciplined, and therefore refined.

blacks probably aren't human desu

Attached: homo erectus.webm (198x360, 2.93M)

Fuck n'wahs

I want to fuck a khajiit


>Are the different races sub-species?
>Are there any studies you Anons know of

Yep. The classically recognised races are as as genetically distinguished as subspecies


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>Then I hear about the access to quality food, climate conditions, a reason why Blacks just can't excel at science.
What, for their entire existence? They've been around longer than anyone else. If they were smart, they'd be able to fix these problems like everyone else in the world is able to. If whites can turn Australia into civilization, blacks should be able to turn Africa into civilization

here's a nice image to go along with those studies

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I often think about steal archering my way into an orc stronghold, kill everyone except for one orcess warrior. Then live my life peacefully with her as my wife.
Other times I also think about lovingly raping my argonian maid , or my khajit thief friend who kinda knows I love her.


Who said anything about procreating faggot I want catperson pussy

You need selective pressure for that to happen.

>US education
The genetic difference between 2 individuals from the same ethnic group is greater than the genetic difference between different ethnic groups.

Remember kids genetics dont lie, even if you post the typical images.

This is patently false. Same race individuals are more genetically similar than non co-ethnics

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actually. I have some mods for that.

>the parts of objects closest to my hand become part of me when I touch them because they're closer to my hand than to other parts of the object.

Is this real? What "condition" do jewish doctors label this as?

It's probably a case of microencephaly.

Malnutrition only affects intelligence of people are exposed to starvation conditions during their development. 32% of homeless people in the US are obese, and only 1.6% face starvation conditions.
Niggers in America aren’t stupid because they’re starving. They’re stupid for entirely different reasons altogether.
It is a bit interesting to examine them from a musical standpoint, at least before mo-town and hip hop. Folks like Miles Davis and John Coltrane were world class musicians. The fact that negro Jazz used to be so perplexingly competent gives me pause to blame their current state entirely on genetics.


Thanks. Here, have a beer on me

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Yeah that sounds like work and effort, everybody knows that must mean this is a Jewish trick. I'm content doing nothing

I want that dude to be my best friend and wingman

Yes. If standards of animal taxonomy were applied to humans there would be several subspecies, possibly even 3 or so species of the same genus.

probably more like 5-7

australoids, indians, amerindians, subsaharans, europids, caucasoids, mongoloids

that's typically how I classify them

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*subspecies I mean. just noticed you said possibly even 3 or so species so nvm.

I think Richard Dawkins said something about this

Yes obviously we are different sub-species

Something like that, and Redguards aren't related to the other humans at all.

2 races
2 (or 3 by some) subspecies

Caucasoid + Mongoloid = 1 species
Negroid + Australoid = 1 species.
Europeans, Indians, Arabs, ect = Caucasoid
Asians, some Islanders, Native Americans = Mongoloid

Look up Hybrid species, 2 of any Caucasoid and Mongoloid have kids, the kids are a smooth mixture of in between, with features in the middle of both parents. Additionally all children will look similar to each other. I.E. Happas.

If a Caucasoid and Negroid have a kid, the kid has dominate features of a mix of both parents. They will have strong features one way or the other for different phenotypes. Additionally, offspring from the same pair can very wildly in appearance. Pic related, they are twins. You see the same thing if you look hybrid species of like a polar bear and a grizzly bear.

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Biology 101:
>all organisms within a species MUST be able to produce fertile offspring
>being able to produce viable young DOES NOT automatically group two organisms into the same species.

Coyote and wolves produce fertile offspring.
They do this in the wild, not just experimental programs.
But they will never be considered the same species.
I could list dozens of species that I'm personally familiar with that can successfully interbreed.
The number of species that are genetically compatible is simply unknown, because animals naturally stick to their own.

I say 7: whites, MENAs, jews, blacks, native americans, north/east asians and central/south asians (oceanians included)

Intelligence is a polygenic trait.

not quite, there are distinct subgroups, but it is not to the point of speciesization, too closely related. given enough time isolated however, it probably would have resulted in different subspecies.