How much fucking was there when Spaniards and Portuguese arrived in Americas? They created a whole new race lmao...

How much fucking was there when Spaniards and Portuguese arrived in Americas? They created a whole new race lmao. Are there any sources about this topic, it would be pretty hotto read it desu. How did Native American women react to Europeans when they first saw them?

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Other urls found in this thread:êro_Vaz_de_Caminha

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The mixture is somewhat of a lie. Over here it’s way too evident who’s a spaniard descendants a who isn’t...

Descendant* fucking phone

It's interesting to note that Spain and Portuguese were Catholic nations and their idea of conquest was to race mix with the locals. England was Angalican/Protestant and their idea of conquering was to keep their white identity and move the natives off the land.

You can see this struggle going on even today


there are mixed castes, and not mixed castes, so full blooded whites and full blooded natives, and in middle the majourity of mixed people, don't lie you know it's like that.
as for you you can easily find extensive material on the subject even on mainstream sites
if you want to search for muslims and expulsion of them and mixed people from iberia also towards the americas just search for the "moriscos"

I english its very difficult to find anything. In portuguese there is a lot of stuff done by José Hermano Saraiva. Whatever you find, be careful, there are a ton of marxist historians right now doing all they can to destroy our history.
As for how woman reacted, as far as i know, peacefully as the hole natives, there was racemixing as soon as we built the first colonies, there was conflicts, but they where protected by law (markxist brainwashed brasilians dont want to admit this)

Mixed people still look very native. They’re short and look very tanned, also usually they have a lower IQ and go to public schools.

They were European enough to take hold of you Dutchbro.

How mixed would say this team looks?

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>About 20 percent of the current population of the Iberian Peninsula has Sephardic Jewish ancestry, and 11 percent bear Moorish DNA signatures, a team of geneticists reports.

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To a pure White a Mestizo looks very Indian, to a pure Indian a Mestizo looks very White.

I'm half Peruvian but I've been told I look very little like my father. But I've also been told I don't look much like my mother.

s-shut up!

They were declared citizens of the empire, and thus, couldn't be enslaved, had to be christianized which also made them suitable for marriage. It's not like the explorers that went there could marry someone else.

Show flag Achmed or are you scared to show that you live in a White country?

>About 20 percent of the current population of the Iberian Peninsula has Sephardic Jewish ancestry, and 11 percent bear Moorish DNA

Kek. Wouldn't that still mean that at least over 2/3 of all Iberians are still pure White?

Also I went through the whole article and it doesn't say how much Sephardic Jew or "Moorish" the average Spaniard is. I wouldn't be surprised if they found some Iberians that were 2% North African or Sephardic Jewish and made it seem like it was super significant.

Also when you do DNA tests on Latin Americans we're mostly made up of White Southern European Iberian blood, Native Indians, and African Black. The black genes comes from slaves that came to the new world.

Occasionally you'll find some North African or Jew blood but its almost always in the low single digits.

>One of those young women had the whole body painted, from bottom to top with that tincture, and sure she was so good shaped and so rounded, and her private part so graceful that most women in our land, if had seen those features would feel abashed for not having their own like she has hers.

Have fun:êro_Vaz_de_Caminha

Thank you Ahmed, very cool.
Here's the actual truth nigger, the jews were in expelled under penalty of death and confiscation of goods. Those who converted were segregated (and called New Christians, or Novos Cristãos in portuguese) and persecuted for centuries, both by the Inquisition and by the Portuguese natives so that in the following centuries most fled mainly to Holland, North Africa and the Ottoman Empire
As to jewish blood: myths, already debunked by modern science and not your mainstream media outlet.

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>Lusotropicalism celebrated both actual and mythological elements of racial democracy and civilizing mission in the Portuguese Empire, encompassing a pro-miscegenation attitude toward the colonies/overseas territories.

Cristãos Novos*
same shit desu wtv

Race mixers by nature

Quite mixed. Don’t you see that negro? Also, most if them still have pretty brown-ish skin. Only one of them has white parents and it’s well known

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Hell yeah, irmão!

>Do I get a high five?


Is that really a Catholic/protestant thing? Idk. Maybe because the French did more race mixing too and the Indians liked them better.

I don't say that in a cheerful way. My family is portuguese and now we have to live surrounded by sub-humans because we don't have the right of citizenship (here for too many generations).
>you get your high five anyway

Ha ha

And to be fair, I've fucked some non-white women, but I have condoms.


I mean to be fair it was the Spanish led by an Austrian family. It's kind of funny how European rulers have always been disconnected from the nation's they ruled like Charles V Habsburg who spoke "Spanish to men, French to women, and German to his horse". Globalists always ruled Europe.

Well they look like typical Costa Ricans/ Latin Americans to me. Maybe a bit whiter than other Central Americans but not by much.

Its not like your country is Argentina or Uruguay. You're not that White Jose.

what you are saying is that they can be antisemitic without any repercussions?

I am, for a fact. Or at least my second passport says so... Also, Jose is a pretty white name. You should see their names, that people name their kids like dogs

The French are Catholic though. At least they used to be. And they did race mixed with Indians in Quebec Canada creating the Metis and Blacks and Indians in Louisiana creating the Creoles, not to be confused with Cajuns.

Latin Europeans seemed to be ok with race mixing for some reason.

If I'm not mistaken, Spain has a town called "Matajudiós"

And they did a terrible job. Look at the degenerate filth that grew like mold in the aftermath of their colonial failures. Killed off the natives with eurobugs, neglected to spawn any superpowers. Now, they all speak monkey language.

Yes. Racial nationalism is protestant thing.

Catholic nations had more of a roman traditional idea of state and sovereignty.

dont care about that jew article, its outdated as fuck

they changed the name to Mota de Judíos. stupid bluepilled maniacs

>You should see their names, that people name their kids like dogs

Well I'm not sure what goes on in Costa Rica but most Brown Hispanics here in America have typical generic Spanish names like Josue, Roberto, or Pablo.


Doing "judiarias"(=jewish things) is what you would say when you want to say someone's doing evil things, like torture.

Somítico ("semite") means to be a miser.

It's common laguage you would see being used without a second thought by politicians or teachers.

Huh, in Latin American Spanish the word "Indio" usually means either dumb, low-class, or trashy.

I mean the Spanish were right in something integrating the natives and fucking them was going to make them disappear eventually their mistake was that they were a LOT of natives many times said Mestizos breed with other Mestizos or negros, becoming heavens knows what with each generation.
You can make race disappear trough mixing but it needs to be systematic otherwise you create different shades of things

I don't know if you say that there, but here we say "judiar"


wrong, indio means indian

>England was Angalican/Protestant and their idea of conquering was to keep their white identity and move the natives off the land.
Then it's curious how they did the exact opposite and bred three new races in NA alone.

Just like negro

Yeah but we use it as an insult, it basically means savage. When someone is behaving as a nigger you call them indio or negro

We say the same here. But we mean it like he's some sort of pirate in a somewhat positive term.

hmm, interdasting.. we here use sometimes preto or cigano.. but not indio at all

also talibã, at least in alentejo is common to use it in the way you describe.

Oh, people here get creative with names. Mestizos, because of a great influence of pop culture, have a lot of weird name attempts such as “Brayan” or “Yoel” which are mispronunciations... also some names in French

Besides gold, that was the point. It was part of the spoils of conquest, fucking all day. Many of those spaniards had nothing back home (no woman), nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Race-mixing in Latrine America is a meme, most "mestizos" are like over 80% native american (read about genetic drifting) while being a mestizo would imply half-half. If you watch crowds of Mexicans those are mostly natives whose ancestors converted to catholicism and adopted spanish names and customs.

A mestizo who lives in a major native population will have descendants that will regain their mostly native ancestry, mixed populations tend to go back to the mean in a process of homogenization as long as there is a strong racial core that will eventually displace those invasive genes by sheer numbers.
Racial natives never became a minority in Latrine America and the population with a bigger native percentage has been reproducing more than ever in the last century, so this genetic drifting towards an ever-increasing genetically native population is just a given.

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Dont fear my dear friend
I am writing a book about the hot sexy new race of madachizos some of these lurk here and i would like to see the experience through someone who is a madachizos eyes

Is the guy at the bottom center the one with white parents?

"Mestizo" means "mixed", no matter what are the percentages.

So European women rarely had curves?

I'd say it's number 15, maybe 16

indio is indian, the isult is that shitskins(american one, not poointheloo) are dumb and simple minded creatures. here we also have the "negro de mierda"(shitty nigger) to describe those primitive people behaviors... but lefties and (((politically corectness))) are trying to remove that.

The 15 is the one with white parents

The lighter skin makes indians see as white. The phenotypes are what really make the difference. I am half white and half indian and my skin is very white so people assume I’m white, but they can tell I “look” different but don’t recognize it as indian because they don’t see my particular features often.

>They only eat this "yam" (referring to the manioc, then unknown to the Europeans), which is very plentiful here, and those seeds and fruits that the earth and the trees give of themselves. Nevertheless, they are of a finer, sturdier, and sleeker condition than we are for all the wheat and vegetables we eat.

Once again proving that the hunter-gatherer diet is supreme.

this. our villeros are a constant reminder of that truth. also it shows how primitive and dumb they are regardless of their washed genetics.

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t. João da Silva

Lo de la ventana es Santillana del Mar?