Reaching levels of “accelerationist” edge that shouldnt be possible.
Anglin’s Most Subversive Article Yet?
Anglin is a communist. Anglin's handlers are communists. Anglin's handler's bosses are wall street folks. Communism creates extremely cheap labor. Wall street LOVES knowing about sources cheap labor before anyone else, so they'll attempt to create as much cheap labor as possible. (world wide praxis)
Link, fag? I know communism protected Russia and Eastern Europe from being invaded by hordes of non-Whites (a protection which persists to today). But I'd love to see Andrew Anglin's take on it.
Lurk moar.
Anglin is a controlled opposition kike faggot, but I do enjoy his humor.
He will just claim it was joke after few days.Incase you din't know the manlet. used to fuck sheboons on the side during his MySpace libertarian phase.
Because we are fucking poor as fuck LOL :D. How naive are you? Communism was massive fucking failure.
Btw how is russia protected from shitskins? Largest mosque in europe is in moscow. Moscow has more muslims than london.
>Communism was massive fucking failure.
Fucking read it.
From the article:
>Everyone constantly says “communism doesn’t work.” And that is obviously true if you believe that communism is a system. However, the reality is that communism is a tactic.
If the goal of communism is to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise, then it is obviously a failure of a system. However, if the goal is to tell the masses of people that you’re going to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise so that you can use them to kill all rich people, along with millions of others, then it is a tactic that has literally never failed anywhere it was implemented.
I find it weird how they walk around naked and literally have animal parts hanging off them but also wear plastic bead necklaces.
Do they have Michael’s stores in Ethiopia?
Those shitskin invaders flooded in after the fall of communism:
Communism at its very core is Jewish globalism.
People, read the article or let this thread just slide.
Tedious comments that show you haven’t read the article are tedious.
Nazbol gang gang
anglin is based ur just jealous
Oh you're just mad that you're still getting duped by the (((Occupy))) movement. Fuckin loser.
Its not about goddamn “Nazbol”
He literally refutes all the cliches posted here out of hand.
The position he takes is a subversion of these norms and cliches.
Read the article
I hated his Yang support and this is too fucking psychopathic for me but it did make me say “wow”.
As the article puts it, "Jews used the tactic of communism against the elite of the early 20th century, who were all white people. At this point, the logical thing is to use that same communist system against the current elite, who are all Jews."
Andrew Anglin is a Judas Goat for Bear Sterns.
Change my mind.
>people actually think having a 19 yr old gf is something you can use as insult
Shit I wish I had a 19 yr old gf, probably still something left there to mold into wife material at that age.
I have no fucking idea.
He pisses me right off 50% of the time for concern trolling about Trump and supporting Yang and shit.
I’m just looking at this article...
Jewish Capitalist bankers in the us financed the Bolsheviks revolution. Why? Because they are both Jewish.
Communisms main goal is to destroy all nations at the profit of the jew. This is why in soviet Russia the goyim would be killed for antisemitism.
I don't give a fuck one way or the other about Occupy Wall Street. "A conservative wants to save his money. A National Socialist wants to save his race." -George Lincoln Rockwell
The good jews lost RIP
at least (((Hitler))) was got
Really taters my tots
>Communism creates extremely cheap labor. Wall street LOVES knowing about sources cheap labor before anyone else, so they'll attempt to create as much cheap labor as possible. (world wide praxis)
You're either legitimately retarded or a first day in the job shill.
The reason (((America))) never saw any meaningful socialist movement is because the ruling class here is and always was Jewish. I'm other countries goys ruled, so the communists/Jews destroyed them to steal the wealth and power.
Anglin is just a bitter old childless incel.
The daily stormer is getting weirder and weirder.
The white movement is supposed to be represented by strong alpha man with white children pro-family not a degenerate angry little man.
>good jews
Show flag kike. All of you serve satan.
Anglin is a glownigger asset, always has been, and now the truth is showing
>People, read the article or let this thread just slide.
as soon as someone posts a fucking link.
Nazism and communism implementation are very similar, it's called the brown-red theory in French, it doesn't surprise me that a neo-nazi will tend to go toward communism.
This is an extremely hot take, which I've never seen before.
Anglin is lightyears more intelligent than the spergs in this thread. His mind is naturally oriented towards revolutionary strategies.
Have a good laugh at these foaming at the mouth incel MIGA spergs who made no attempt to even read the article.
Why are people, who are too retarded to even read an article, posting here? Why should we have to put up with these people?
Well yeah, I can never decide either way just from his output.
But this article, possible more than any idea of his I have read, seems to cross/blur the line between being a glow-in-the-dark and an unironic crazy (like a fox) mutherfucker who can’t turn back now.
>The white movement is supposed to be represented by strong alpha man with white children pro-family not a degenerate angry little man.
Since the passing of Dr. William Pierce there really isn't anyone who's taken that mantle that your describe.
Anglin is more of a marketer and idea guy rather than someone who represents anything. Don't get me wrong, he's been absolutely brilliant with the memes and trolling, but that's what he is.
a fucking leaf
80% of the Bolsheviks were Jews financed by jewish bankers in the us. This is a fact.
Its also a fact a jew named karl marx created communism.
Arent you trannys about killing the rich? During the time of the weimar republic the jews were the ones with money. OY VEY!
Communism vs Capitalism was jewish AB Testing to see what system would be better to rule over the goyim.
There was a third option but Communists and Capitalists joined forces to destroy it (really makes you think.)
>His mind is naturally oriented towards revolutionary strategies.
yeah but he looks like pepe the frog. nobody normal would ever follow him anywhere
>80% of the Bolsheviks were Jews financed by jewish bankers in the us. This is a fact.
>Its also a fact a jew named karl marx created communism.
please go back to the donald. you're too stupid and too proud of your own ignorance to even have a conversation with.
I did in like the 3rd post of the thread
Jow Forums treats DS links as spam.
Except they do. His website is the most popular far-right website in the world.
Do you mean "follow" as in a bunch of autistic wignats "following" him into a street battle or something? I don't ever remember him claiming he was Conan the Barbarian, or trying to lead an armed force.
fuck capitalism
Nice argument shlomo. The goyim knowing is at an all time high. We will not let you genocide us.
>80% of bolsheviks were jewish
>lists like 12 people that everyone knows
the bolsheviks had 6 million people fighting in the civil war alone.
>posts fake quotes like the white negroes one
kill yourself and your stupid fucking meme images
Look at the daily stormer articles in 2016 and then look at the articles now.
Anglin changed.
Today, he is doing more harm than good.
I know it's a trolling website but some articles are just disgusting dangerous and it makes the guys in the movement looks autistic and crazy.
Fuck food
Of course 80% of Russians weren't Jewish. The leadership was this is undeniable and Jews are the most racist and supremacist people to exist.
the white negroes quote is fake. your image is therefore completely discredited for being retarded enough to fall for fake quotes. god knows what other lies are on there, sorry, do more quality control next time, capitalist pig. you're putting out a subpar product
That’s what I did.
>the leadership was jewish
>thus all the millions of russians who followed them and wanted the dumbfuck tsar gone don't count
>all the millions of non-jewish russians who worship lenin and stalin don't count
>stalin being more popular than putin doesn't count
you're in a prison of your own demented mind
>Why are people, who are too retarded to even read an article, posting here? Why should we have to put up with these people?
Concern troll it up kike boy
Notice the info graph has sources kike?
A national socialist gets duped into believing that race ( a conflation of genes and culture ) is a legitimate construct to defend as such. A national socialist uses the yid's language, forwarding it's embedded thinking, and undoing his race as he fights for it.
s' fuckin hilarious m8
well i had like 2% faith remaining that anglin wasnt a kike stooge but this tosses the remainder overboard. fuck commies.
>The reason (((America))) never saw any meaningful socialist movement is because the ruling class here is and always was Jewish.
You assume there is any difference between a socialist movement and a Judaism. A kibbutz is a kibbutz no matter what you call it.
Fuck all you off topic faggots.
I tire of you now.
Read it or don’t I dont fucking care.
The only parts of National socialism was the pro race, nationalism, and revival of Paganism. The gun control, and the kangaroo courts were terrible.
Atleast he isn't chopping his dick off or arguing over who should use the bathrooms.
You forget the part where Hitler sold the economy to (((american))) interests? Lmao. That's arguably the worst thing he did.
This is why communism is so evil. Its the complete rejection of truth. You reject truth because your mind seeks to lie and manipulate.
Jewish to the very core.
I’m guessing you havent read the article and think he is just unironically pushing communism?
i have not but i have read many of his others and know the style and can almost guess how it reads if that helps, but there is nothing he could write that would make me see communism as ok for any reason at all ever in any universe.
You guy’s are actually worse though. If I had to choose what crazy system it wouldn’t be yours.
he looks like a russian jew
really he does not look irish at all, in my opinion
but i like his site, as comedy and commentary
he is subversive in his own way... concerning
Stalin purged the troublesome Jews. Too bad he didn't also get rid of his doctor. It is an deniable fact that the Bolshevik revolution was lead and financed by Jews.
Much like you I could barely bring myself to read it, and was like “this is it... can’t deal with this guy anymore”
And here I am posting a thread about it.
Anyway I can’t stay monitoring this thread if people can’t even be arsed to read the goddamn article.
That's fine. At least you don't just jump into blindly praising the Nazis with zero historical literacy like so many fresh off the boat newfags.
It's also undeniable that the soviet union consistently armed and supported anti-Israel states during the cold war, and one of the reasons Israel decided to throw all their support behind america was that they felt "soviet antisemitism was too rampant"
>he looks like a russian jew
"Angl-in" is also a Russian name like stal-in and len-in
I have one where the basic unit of account is the ham sandwich. You can beta test if you want. Noone's starved in it yet, but they're all pretty sick of ham.
yea I've told a few people this... thanks for pointing that out.
are you suspicious of that DP site (clone of DS) in France? or are they less sketchy/glowie than DS?
I guess thats why most fled to pissrael during the pogroms? Because they hated Zionism. Isael is the criminal hq for gods chosen lunatics.
anglin just keeps coming up with terrible ideas. nazi fetishism, gay amnat optics and now this.
Kek, anyone mad obviously did not read the article
No DP is better
Pro-family and anti-degenerate.
DP's guys are not bitter about women
What do you think about DS?
well its influence is undeniable, but all these big influencers, the ones the media decide to focus on, are usually assets of the state.
i don't mean to sound conspiratorial but the charlottesville thing and whats been going on in the USA is a bit reminiscent of Gladio B. It isn't even that new it was happening in the 80s and 90s with the white nationalists and obviously long before that there has been subversion
in the USA it feels like they're pushing their people towards paramilitary action. maybe not militia style that is no longer a thing it was destroyed in the 1990s mostly, I think uh, they just want people to be more resilient as well as bring about a new dark age (or something else)
I don't like DS because even though it can be funny, humor can be used against the weak minded. some take it seriously and its obviously a lot of divide and conquer, typical (((Anglo-style))) shit
Basically it is very Jewish and there is like an American version of Zionism that is being pushed.
Maybe it is kind of Atlantian at an esoteric level, like New Atlantis shit. Anglin is very pro tech, pro transhumanism, etc. Look up Francis Bacon's "The New Atlantis" a science fiction book from hundreds of years ago... it predicted a lot of the technology we have now and it was attributed in the past to Atlantis.
Not literal Atlantis I mean metaphorical... but literally Babylon, yes.
Anglin is just a druggie sex tourist who barely writes any articles. The DS is run mostly by a former ANTIFA Jew named weev and a couple of other Zionist Jews
This article is Satanic as fuck.
>I know communism protected Russia and Eastern Europe from being invaded by hordes of non-Whites
Russia was never """white""" to begin with most of the republics of the former USSR were inhabited by central asian and turkic shitskins.
It's pretty obvious that they're leftist trolls by the way they shilled for Yang. Discord trannies give them most of their article ideas.
>ANTIFA Jew named weev
Weev is Jewish?
Can you prove it?
The morons actually typed Sommcism
Fucking amazing
Weev is jew?