Guaranteed papist replies

>guaranteed papist replies

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Cuckstianity = race treason. Neck yourself immediately.

Remember, it's either KJV and the Orthodox Study editions or go to hell!

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Judge a tree by its fruit. What are the birth rates for the top tier?

Southern Baptist birth rates are probably the highest in America.

Roman Catholic is the only right answer

Seems mormons still dunk on you tho.

Top tier birth rates are all pretty good, especially Southern Baptist and PCA.
Sodomite tier birth rates are absolutely horrendous and are the main driver of Protestant numbers collapse. To be expected when you fuck male assholes instead of female vaginas, I guess.

I'm not Mormon but I really believe Mormonism should be our national religion. Its was created in America, they have the highest birthrates, and it seems mostly White.

This. All christcucks are either neurotic woman or larping because they think it will somehow "save the west" despite it's principles being an anthema to indo-aryan values and they only decent things that survived under cristcuckery was due to it being thoroughly paganized. If you aren't in a monastery whipping yourself, then whipping yourself for being good about having whipped yourself you aren't a fucking christian.

Come back after you've read about the personal lives of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.

What are Indo-Aryan values?

You muricans think religion is like going to Subway and choosing only what you want from it.

WTF are all those meme churches ??

Unironically the antithesis of semitic values.

Unironically considering moving to utah and becoming mormon just because it seems like they do things right as a society, even if they are a spooky cult.

I mean if you are going to join something just for the social benefits of it, dont necessarilly move anywhere and just join one of the top tier churches in your area that is whitest (which will probably be literally all of them).

my church is a white baby factory Lutheran women are baby Dispensers.

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whats up with the lutheran birthrate though? Attendance at LCMS/WELS lags seriously behind that of the others in the top there.
Sad because traditional Lutheranism is based af and to be honest I'm not totally down with Reformed thought.

I'm so confused, what's the difference between Baptist, Presbyterian and Catholics?

I thought everyone believed in Jesus and that's it?

You've replaced the Cross with a maple leaf, so this is exactly the type of low t, low IQ post I would expect.

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Baptists - Generally you need to be an adult to make the conscious decision to follow Christ
Presbyterian - Reformed theology, believe in predestination mostly
Catholics - Follow the Pope

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Catholics and Orthodox: Thousands years old trandition-based religion
Everything else: Lol who cares about tradition ? Let's interpret the bible whatever way I want !

all cucked. although i'm a fan of the old anabaptists after listening to the Dan Carlin's Hardcore History.

You know nothing about tradition, potato. The core idea of Protestantism is that scripture is the final authority, which Catholics and Orthodox also technically agree with but ignore when it is convenient.
Jesus did not point to tradition when arguing with the Devil. He pointed to scripture.
Even the Catholic church was forced to admit its theological wrongdoings in the counter reformation. The Catholic Church you know of today was forged by the Protestants. You should be more thankful.

Mormons are based, they were the happiest people I met in Paris. They invited me to witness the baptism of a couple, it was like a family pick nick.

I was too shy to contact them after that I regret it. I had good relationships with one of the girl I met.

Why are all the nigger variants at the top of the tree?

Canada isn't a real country and I don't know why you think you can insult a Canadian by making fun of the nationality, as if there was any solidarity amongst the inhabitants of this worker colony.

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Because a nigger made the post. It's the most simplistic branch of christcuckery so they can comprehend that it's "based"

>Believe Jesus was really Michael the archangel
>SBC/Nazarene churches
>Lordship salvation/Freemason-lite

>mfw nobody knows anything about any denominational sect anyways

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Maybe if you took some pride in where you come from you wouldn't be such a miserable cuck, or you could also repent now. It helps.