Justice and equality minister in Ireland bans American preacher from Ireland for anti gay views/speech. What y'all think about that?
Sauce: metro.news
Justice and equality minister in Ireland bans American preacher from Ireland for anti gay views/speech. What y'all think about that?
Sauce: metro.news
So what they are actually banning is Christianity
And yet,they allow imams, why?
>Anti-gay preacher banned from Ireland!
ireland is just as cucked as any other western country. sad!
Isn't the PM of Ireland a gay Poo?
This guy exposed JLP for the Satanic Nigger he really is
degeneracy mutually attracts
Yeah also lot of Ireland is strictly Catholic which has same views on gays as this preacher does
>a gay Poo
half pajeet, but the good kind, can use a toilet!
Is that for fuckin real?? Then again beastiality wouldn't surprise me with those goat fuckers
Steven is based. More people should follow the Bible.
Lol my id. "my wasp"
(((google))) the sentence below
>but selling the meat to a neighbouring village is reasonable
fucking kek
wtf man what is that!
Irish turned away from God, because some gay priests diddled too many kids.
Isn't their prime minister or whatever his position is a gay pooinloo?
pretty badass he can say he is banned from a country now
>what is that
100% female user
Muslims wouldnt ban a gay preachers they would let him preach then beat the shit out of him, this is the work of jews and leftist cucks.
>Muslims wouldnt ban a gay preachers
Yeah and the preists that raped the young girls in the nunnery aka the whole Magdalene sisters thing (my granny was Irish and got raped by a preist got pregnant and her baby taken away and sold to rich childless family)
Heard a small excerpt from a radio station host, a prick named Niall Boylan who was talking to the preacher. Preacher came out with this beauty after Boylan said he was glad he couldn't spread his messages here: "Im not banned from Ireland. I could have come over over and spoken to 100-200 people in a venue but now I can't. However, I am able to speak to tens of thousands online through streaming. And now that the media has picked up on this I'll be able to speak to more. I'm not banned from Ireland because the internet isn't banned from Ireland."
Was pretty funny because the host didn't know how to come back from that from what I heard of the short clip.
That's diabolical lmao
Anderson is a cryptokike who actively supports race mixing I used to like him but nah fuck that
>he's not a "race war now gas the kikes 1488" pastor so I hate him
He's a fucking heretic. End of.
>don't be sad fren
well, at least your pops came from rich family
jokes aside, that's fucked up, but it's not Christianity's fault, but the specific people who did this. Also there are proofs, that communists wanted to infiltrate priesthood to weaken it from the inside. I guess they succeeded.
Lol she was my mother's mother and the kid that got snatched away we don't know or have never met. Once they were taken they disappeared. And yeah a whole religion shouldn't be blamed for the action of some pesty noncey rapey old men. Muh religion = pedo. Personally I don't believe in any God and I don't believe anyone truly believes in 2019 that there is huge guy in the sky who made the world with his hands lol but we are way off topic here
>hate speech
it its wrong to hate faggots i dont want to be right
>I don't believe anyone truly believes in 2019 that there is huge guy in the sky who made the world with his hands
well, I don't think faith is that naive/shallow for any adult. Big daddy in the sky is good for 5 years olds. If someone stays at this level into their adulthood, it's granted, they will lose their faith, cause that shit makes no sense.
But yeah, it's your choice anyway. In my opinion, my personal believes aside, religion is what consolidated people together. Take that away and they go into disarray, not caring about their traditions and neighbors. Which just plays perfectly for anyone who would want to flood those people's country with people coming from other cultural background.
>because some gay priests diddled too many kids