What causes this sort of behavior?
What causes this sort of behavior?
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what sort of behavior?
what behavior? are you dumb, boy?
going to doors, obviously. look at the picture, idiot. what causes people to go to doors? good question, op. i wish i knew the answer.
absolutely disgusting
Perhaps the doors have candy in them? I sure like candy.
What? Strange thread and OPee
No you fool OP meant wearing blue jackets. It's a mystery to me too OP.
Hey, fuck you! Blue jackets are cool. You're probably wearing beige or some gay shit.
read a newspaper for once in your lives
colleges and the media (and jews)
Hahaha I actually do.
>read a newspaper
For what fucking purpose? You should have included the link in the first place, you mental pygmy.
He was going to use a chain, but couldn’t secure the proper licensure in time.
People not doing their jobs.
I've been hired to do a job.
thats not a newspaper, thats a website faggit
Writen by Jimmy Nsubuga
Hopefully it will actually pay off
this time.
Does this man know how a glue works? The door is literally inviting him. Blows my mind
>What causes this sort of behavior?
Well when a person faces a door to a building they want to enter, they walk towards it, and then through it.
Hope this helps...
>What causes this sort of behavior?
low iq
I assumed that Jow Forums was full of people who kept up with current events and had something amusing to say, not scandishits who can't read and only want to talk about nigger dicks
thanks for proving me wrong, now I know
ure a faggot
go eat a dick faggot
Lol, what a faggot.
Nice. I just took a wild guess at a random colour.
>only want to talk about nigger dicks
So now that we're on the subject how do you feel about nigger dicks?
wtf do i care about some cuck trying to glue himslef to a door....youre really are low iq...go read abt china trade war, venezuala, iran, ww2....something relevant
Only mushbrain boomer retards reads newspapers. Most worldly news is totally worthless information, what point is there in cluttering your mind with such nonsense? At most you just need an RSS feed with titles to keep track of potential happenings.
>Jimmy Nsubuga
shit thread. give the info we need in the first post of dont post at all. sage and delete.
Government buildings with doors wide open and the thermostat cranked during jacket weather stimulates the economy.
Open doors? disgusting.
wow this retard couldnt glue himself to a door what a fucking insane historical event retard
youre a huge faggot. i will keep this thread bumped by calling you a faggot until i get banned
Lol this guy
>The University of Plymouth research fellow
>"University" of Plymouth
Yeah that sounds about right
Those BBCs the Scandis are taking are at least more relevant to world events than an activist playing with glue, you fucking Mongoloid