What’s going on here
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is that epstein?
Looks like it
Bump. The mad man is going to do it!!!!!!
We have no idea what this means. Calm down.
Wow a gentle pedo vs a jewish pedo what will happen
Awe shit!
Once the lid gets fully blown off of this shit pizza is going to be ruined for me forever
as an Italian, I hate how pizza is not associated with child trafficking by the US elites and shit
I just want to order some mozzarella and salami on thin bread with a slightly charred crunchy crust for fuck sake, not some vietnamese 10yo or some shit
fuck now I made myself hungry, gonna go have some bologna with those shitty compressed mais crackers and some cheddar, fuck you Jow Forums
So then blame the CIA, Hillary Clinton's DNC cronies, and Hollywood.
So basically nothing to see here, goy.
Move along.
why is her pants so way down? it probably doesn't even show her ass-cheeks
I mean its one thing complaining about women always wearing these kind of thight clothes, but imagine them wearing thight clothes but pulling them down like this
makes me angry
in this video, you see more of her.
She looks more normal here.
user, I...
So many digits
Checked, Satan
What’s it mean?
I bet that one bite of the pizza was the only one she took and then the rest of the pizza was thrown into the garbage
what a waste, thanks for making me even more angry user...!!!
Refinery29 is a clickbait factory. It's Buzzfeed-tier.
What else would you expect? She's a New York area entertainment industry intern, journalist, and internet celebrity.
My point wasn't to prop up Refinery 29.
My intention was to bring up the weirdness of Lucie Fink's obsession with pizza, her connection to Matt Lauer, and the timing between the metoo psyop and p i z z z g a t e story.
Q was John McAfee this whole time.
nom nom nom
This problem you’re describing; of ordering a pizza and receiving a young child instead of a food item- it’s not one I’m familiar with. ....
You’ve clearly never ordered the Haitian special from pic related.