>Omar Ashfaq jailed for leaving 'violent footage' in shoes at mosques
>Carl Beech told 'extraordinary tale' of VIP paedophile ring
>US 'blames Iran' for damage to tankers in Gulf of Oman
>Omar Ashfaq jailed for leaving 'violent footage' in shoes at mosques
>Carl Beech told 'extraordinary tale' of VIP paedophile ring
>US 'blames Iran' for damage to tankers in Gulf of Oman
Other urls found in this thread:
>Fannie Farmer
Based frogposter
Ezra whose platform went down because he was a perv and embezzled funds disguised as charity donations, and got a lot of money from Yaxley Lennon videos. I wonder what is behind this?
Fuck politics, I'm going back to laughing with comedians as they give simplistic answers to complex problems
Continuing from the Last Thread.
>MFW an Irish Bloke is WE WUZING Claiming that they came about before the English in any form
>Show multiple articles to claim the opposite
>Now Claims that I'm brainwashed and too ignorant to understand the Issue
Now there are the Big three claims to English History and Settlement.
1. Earliest Evidence of Humans in England are 800,000 years old (Stone Tools and Foot Prints)
2. The Earliest Human bones are 41,000-43,000 years old
3. The Earliest Continuous Settlement of the English is 13,000 years old.
Even in Regards to Welsh Settlement and early Humans (as far as we've recorded) it goes to 30,000 years old
Now according to Wikipedia (Can't find the source for this) the Earliest continuous settlement of the Irish is 12,500 years old which at the very least puts the English (at worst) 500 years ahead of the Irish, now I'm being told
>You can't rely on the Internet!
>You don't understand!
>I'll send you my year 6 textbook!
>I....I Win!
>I explored Ireland user!
>You're Ignorant!
>We didn't come out of Africa or the Balkans!
>Humans got to Ireland before England user!
>I'll hire some pakis to kill you.
Why do the Irish Envy our history?
Plz add ''for my legionares'' and ''this time this world''
Keep getting vote Tommy leaflets through the door
The Celts were definitely in Ireland before the Germanics were in England
You've done a number on him, lad.
New Kantar poll: 9 point lead for Labour
Labour: 34% (-1)
Conservatives: 25% (-7)
Lib Dems: 15% (+4)
The Brexit Party: 10%
UKIP: 4% (-3),
SNP: 5% (nc),
Green: 3% (-1),
Plaid Cymru: 2% (+1),
Change UK: 1%
That poll is intentionally misleading and designed to be confusing
>The Jamestown[1] settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. It was located on the east bank of the James (Powhatan) River about 2.5 mi (4 km) southwest of the center of modern Williamsburg.[2] It was established by the Virginia Company of London as "James Fort" on May 4, 1607 O.S.;(May 14, 1607 N.S.),[3] and was considered permanent after brief abandonment in 1610.
It was the English in any form or simply those who inhabited England to which historically, compared to Ireland pales in comparison, if it was the Celts vs the Germanic tribes you'd have to concede as they came post roman occupation of the isles.
They can rig polls all they want, but at this point if they want to stop Nigel being Prime Minister, they're going to need to rig elections.
Also I would shag that
Someone should ask this cunt about the double voting that took place in University electorates in the last election.
same and i've shagged bigger girls then her
fucking confusing referring to people living in England before the Anglo-Saxons as English.
so you're saying there were Celts living in England before there were Celts living in Ireland ?
good suggestions, but i just made the image out of screenshots from the link at the bottom
That's what Jezza wants, the corrupt prick
This is now a cringe/pol/ bread as there is no news worth discussing in the UK today.
More or less aye, I was trying to say that the History of England by definition goes back further than the Irish and in terms of history is far richer for those who have inhabited this great island.
Now he's arguing that the modern state of britain is shit which I don't disagree (seeing Thousands of new jobs being made in front of my eyes whilst there was honestly mind blowing however it doesn't take away from the points made about History and Settlement.
Bet you that pro-remain students voted twice and foreign students voted.
I'm so confused
>More or less aye,
yeah sounds right. fuck knows how celts would have missed britain and ended up on ireland first
Fucking hell the state of remainers
>Have you asked the Commonwealth if they want closer ties with a backward, arrogant, expertphobic, racist shtrrfhole?
Every election is rigged.
It's only for party members though.
Nobody knocked on my door despite my area having like seven parties and 3 independents :(
Post more plump tarts please.
>Sycophantic mong frees entire electorate of culpability with one easy cope!
so would i, i wouldnt go out with her though. one of the best shags ive ever had was with a girl about her size, she was a squirter as well, i'll always remember that night fondly when im alone in the toilet
Last day of smoking. Any tips on quitting? I bought an e-cig thing today but not sure how effective they are
Being a nonce.
just lock yourself up for a week or two and power through it, keep a bucket for the colossal amount of dead tissue you'll spit up
Was just about to post a link to that myself. How proud they are that they can justify forcing and adult sexual political agenda onto kids.
they work, you won't want a fag but have a plan to go down in strength if you want to quit nicotine.
so many uni students are pure scum, they are good for shagging and bagging and thats it, they are mostly pure slags, easy to get if you can tolerate their shite chat for a couple of hours, and above all, they are filthy, both in bed and in the fact that their dorms are black as fuck with old laundry and shit
> Any tips on quitting?
when i had really bad cravings i just cracked open a cider, which worked because i never drink.
I can't even complain on dissenter since it's down!
Try those nicotine patches.
Not sure what they're wearing but it could do with an iron.
even though they are ugly, id probably still have a boner, and would probably try and shag the one on the left, the 2 faggots can watch if they like, but they can fuck off otherwise
Chew gum intead
the only really effective way is cold turkey mate, its 85% effective, if you go to vaping, youl just be stuck on the vape 24/7
Ive done cold turkey twice now, smoking weed is the reason i kept going back, unfortunately, im stuck on the vape now
nico is going to be getting a call from the police soon
>Crimbly Bimbly is gonna get ROZZER'd
lads this is it the muzzers have finally won
>Fat cunt Lammy calling someone else nasty and divisive
Wow, I support defunding PBS even more now. How fitting that I learn of this from BBC.
many an upboat for you fren1
David "anti-Daz" Lammy
>change uk
seriously what the fuck were/are they thinking?
They want to change the UK into a subsidiary EU state
>change uk
>no change in their policy or ideas just stick to the status quo.
ChUK formerly known as CUK
bit late for that
Chuka's cucks
>poundshop Enoch Powell
is he saying that Farage isn't as good as Enoch Powell?
Wonder who gave her that large pearl necklace?
Brexit talks to continue as cabinet sets summer deadline to quit EU
Withdrawal agreement to be brought forward to pass before parliamentary recess
(yes, it's the Guardian)
I just wanted more plump tarts.
They're not pearls, they're white chocolate Malteasers for when she gets a bit peckish
they live in their own twitter bubble and are massive narcissists, watching them crash into flames is the best thing ever. they're gonna get NOTHING at the EU election and it's gonna be fucking ogre for them
say no more
Off to pick up his fresh new Belgian passport
i'll join in too.
Please ignore the faint Tim and Eric overtones
Some rageporn for you guys:
7 and 8 are the wrong way round
Seriously thinking about voting CUK
Check out this brap hog loving a bit of white male toxicity:
At least I'm not a xenophobe
kek yeah i've seen this before