Daily reminder that what you incels call "clown world" in reality is just late stage capitalism. Honk honk against capitalism.
Daily reminder that what you incels call "clown world" in reality is just late stage capitalism...
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>you dirty commie durr
who is this man? Please tell the tale of his meme
>(((politicians))) permitting whites to somewhat legally own the means of production is the reason Jews are destroying white societies.
>what you incels call "clown world" in reality is just late stage capitalism
this shit isn't profitable though
late stage capitalism = jewish-controlled capitalism
some basedboy who made a reaction vid to a star wars(?) trailer
what an embarrassing thread
No, it is the unholy spawn of Marxist cultural destruction and materialistic capitalist excess. Finding a third way is our only hope.
Daily reminder that most 3rd world brown faggots think communism is the solution instead of white National Socialism.
ALL these fucking hobgoblins you see promoting Marxism are secretly still fully engaged into "get whitey's money" mode. They have no actual plan.
I agree that pure capitalism is cancer, but ALL of the solutions being offered will lead to absolute starvation and destruction, like the communism of the past but browner and thus more retarded.
capitalism and communism are part of the same jewish materialist trick
daily reminder that only good goys use the term "capitalism" or "incel"
Why have you people opened my eyes to the horrors of s- 0- Y?
You don't even have to posit NatSoc as a "way out", just denounce Communism for what it is and get rid of the fucking kikes in power
we could literally have almost any economic system and it would be better than what we have now because jews are in control
Capitalism and Communism are both just spooks for International Jewish control
Corporatism... aka fascism.
We live in fascist societies. Capitalism was destroyed during WWII.
His name is Eric Butts. Obvious s-o-y drinker. Sauce:
you're probably trying to push communism and that's no different, just the other side of jewish materialism
but anyone calling themselves right-wing who doesn't recognize that most of clownworld is due to the excesses and abuses of capital is a neocohen shill
commies are fucking gay
is this a reincarnation of Gavin McInnes?
man that ugly fucking mole, that and unibrows I'll never understand why people don't deal with them. easy to deal with and you'll look much better.
what the actual fuck, what a sperg. Reminds me of this guy who cried in the avengers endgame movie when I went to see it a week ago
This one is far worse. Hopefully someone will post the NZ edited version.
I didn't realise this thing was actually crying...
then for no reason at all...
> just late stage capitalism
> taxes and regulations exist, government exists to create monopolies
You're either really delusional or very ignorant
fucking hell, makes me wanna get drunk. I sometimes wonder though if I didn't do drugs when I was young and drink so much now if I'd actually be able to get that emotionally excited about something. I doubt it, but if I did I'd want someone to slap the shit out of me.
Honk honk against commies trying take your memes to push their agenda
Read the comments on the video...
>Daily reminder that what you incels call "clown world" in reality is just late stage capitalism
Oh, don't you say
How long it took you to understand that, Shlomo?
fucking hell, why are so many people like that
Clown world is actually a communism, it's what happens when those with ability take advantage of those need. You have a culture of predators and saviors, and at this point, at least here, being a predator is celebrated as though it were commonplace.
Late stage humanity.. machines don't require workers anymore.
>"I have had a mimosa and a little bit of a daiquiri."
Do you think the left has a monopoly on the critique of capitalism? What you commies need to understand is that to the right, that is the real dissident right, capitalism is just as subversive as communism. Both are atheistic and materialistic ideologies that produce nihilism and misery.
Yes the hard left and the dissident right share enemies is liberalism and capitalism but that is not enough. Despite the hard left stance against the other two they all share the same beliefs in equality and all are ultimately part of the same family tree.
To the trash with them all capitalisms and communism.
>people who hate freedom constantly vote to get rid of it
>the same people then blame capitalism for the problems they created
Daily reminder that Globalism is just short of globalized capitalism.
>Actually thinking your vote has any power whatsoever
If what you think the west has right now is capitalism you need to go back to school. Governments joining up with banks and mega corporations to control the market is the opposite of capitalism.
reminder that poles are subhuman pierogi niggers who should have capitulated to the superior German's but instead decide to be head strong insufferable faggots who contributed to Germany losing ww2 and thus putting us in modern day clown world
fuck pierogi niggers
The only difference between Communism and Globalism is the illusion of currency
We need to close the fucking borders and kick out the Jews
I have a dream. That one day, every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee. Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think -- to act -- for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chicken-shit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit. Fuck "American pride". Fuck the media! Fuck all of it! America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. WIpe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive -- free to live as they see fit, they will make America GREAT AGAIN!
Trannies, egalitarian feminists is late stage capitalism?
Daily reminder that "late stage capitalism" is a communist meme. It was revealed in the 70s and 80s that commies would try to install a distorted version of capitalism to make socialism seem like the logical alternative. You think it's coincidence that rich people vote left?
And you fags are falling for it hook, line and sinker.
>it was revealed
This is what passes as sourced for Jow Forumsrats
It is late stage Judaism and it happened several times before under different names.
You posted the exact same picture some time ago, with the same message. Jesus FUCKING christ have you slobs still NOT LEARNED anything of you history? COMMUNISM DOESN'T WORK
it's the system looking for new markets, new methods of consumption.
Based boy?
Is he redpilled too?
/leftypol/ shitpost thread. All leftists must hang.
I can't tell if this is bait
Nah, you dumb fucks wanted this the same way you wanted it 70 years ago, only this time there's no one willing to fight on your behalf. 110 is gonna be the entire planet. Oh, wait, 111, since you're not welcome on the moon, either
thats pretty gay
>commies are forced to admit that capitalism has led to prosperity and human wellbeing
>must now whine about LATE capitalism
>"i-it's bad because it's been around too long guys!"
You should honestly be ashamed of yourself you traitor.