When did you realize that bulletproof glass was racist
When did you realize that bulletproof glass was racist
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On December 14th 2017
Lol looks like Chang and rest in the ghetto will be closing shop and niggers will be left with nothing nearby.
Nope. You can't move, but you can sell to negro slave owners at a discounted rate. They'll call it reparations.
The glass is meant to protect black business owners and cashiers, holy shit niggers are stupid.
>When did you realize that bulletproof glass was racist
When a bunch of pic related moved into my hometown. Then one day, for no reason whatsoever, glass walls came up in every pharmacy.
>force Asians out
>Asians leave
>niggers open stores
>city gives huge discounted loans and grants to open the store and keep them open
It’s a power play to push others out and thus opening the door for blacks to own the shops.
>Grocery stores close because tyrones keep robbing and shinqiqua hides jars of baby food up her diseased twat.
>Bulletproof Ping sells microwavable burritos and loosey cigarettes.
>Glass outlawed.
>Ping's bodega shuts down
>Mammy Aretha has to take three busses to buy a sack of beans and chicken thighs in the 'burbs
not cool, racist
protects black and Asian store owners in these communities. mostly Asian
looks like mutts are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth. good luck trying to win ww3 kek.
Actually this bill was about keeping family neighborhoods safe from ghetto-ass liquor stores selling alcohol and bluntwraps.
>no refills
blacks interacting with other blacks in "black communities"
>Around blacks at a mall in Atlanta
>Working at a Dollar Store
>Groundskeeper at an Apartment community
>Around blacks a bodega in Detroit
All over the country and black people act the same in hundreds of videos
>Actually this bill was about
How does this solve that?
The gifts of diversity
The west really is a parody at this point, they refuse to acknowledge any of their issues, and instead pretend they don’t exist, I wonder if a breaking point will ever be reached? Or will the west fall without a fight?
I'm not saying it actually solves that, but that was the city councilor's plan. She was actually criticized by the left for it.
the council is full of niggers
Most nog areas have black ran stores with bulletproof glass so it actually protects niggers more than it protects asians.
>the council is full of niggers
>implying nogs won't steal from and kill each other
>take guns away from law-abiding citizens
>take away bullet-proof protection
>make abortion legal at any time
yfw Dems are actually redpilled about niggers and are doing everything possible to ruin them and exterminate them
I remember that excuse. I still haven't been able to figure it out.
In reality the bill was supposed to make it easier for niggers to rob stores, and why worry about store owners selling drink or cigarettes, when niglets can now just jump over the counter, and get them.
>Some commie cunt lied about thing
There is no way that $2 more sign doesn't confuse the fuck out of their typical customers.
>Ayo, Maliquan! We caint be robbin dis sto! De be sellin vetigables an sheeit
and the city will give them more money to cover the lost business
(((They))) call this a "food desert"
Monkey see smallest number of blings, monkey take smallest number bling.
>doesn't confuse the fuck out of their typical customers.
Great idea. Because we all know that legislation and "good intentions" stops crime.
it doesn't. but other user is right, the bill was targeted at latenight asian corner stores that sell illegal liquor and crack pipes (disguised as glass vials contains tiny plastic roses) to the local retards.
shit's fucked up, I live in philly, hear gun shots every night. This corner store I go to has been robbed over 50 times in the last decade and the owner is the nicest guy you'd ever meet. They have the bulletproof glass for very good reason.
No one sells vegetables in the hood, because they will rot unsold.
It was about niggers being jealous of Asians for coming here with nothing and in a few generations all being successful small business owners and doctors, while niggers spend their money on the Newports and Scratch-offs and wonder why they suffer from generational poverty.
>Bulletproof Ping
I lost
He gonna be dead soon senpai. :(
From what I understand it was just supposed to make it impossible to operate the bluntwrap stores in nice neighborhoods. The stores used some odd loophole to call themselves restaurants and get a liquor license.
And no I'm not defending the idea just explaining it.
How do you suggest the OTMs make a living then? Bigot!
Exactly - these asian store owners are pioneers, selling anything they can to the local savages. if the savages wanted kale and carrots, the pioneers would happily sell it to them
i'd leave town if i were a shop owner. fuck getting killed by niggers over newports and fritos.
Now the niggers will be hanging out at the white people gas stations buying blunt wraps and shooting white people. Good job.
Get shot in robbery you bigot
If you live in Philly as a white person, you deserve to be butchered by the subhumans that inhabit that place. You’ve already admitted to being low IQ by still living there so nothing of value will be lost.
my name Jeff
hi jeff, you're here forever. good luck
They can't stop you from moving. Hell they couldn't stop me from keeping bulletproof glass up. What will they do? Take you to court? That would be great, show them video tapes of all the out of control niggers, show crime stats for local area where your store is. If after all that they say the glass has to come down I'd burn the entire store down and file an insurance claim. I'm move to a whole different state. Philadelphia is a fucking shit hole. You rarely even see a white person around there. Fuck Philadelphia and fuck all those God damn nasty niggers living there.
That makes a little more sense. I know PA has some goofy ass alcohol laws.
Can confirm. Was a vendor for pajeet and paki owned stores for a bit. They'll do anything for a quick buck, including carrying shit that attracts nogs at the expense of making sure any decent customer stays far away.
>The one guy with a suit handing out newspapers in the middle of a fight.
America is a magical place.
I find it hard to believe a nigger can run a store.
What do they sell, liquor?
lmao nah, my neighborhood used to be pretty calm and safe. All changed about a decade ago when nogs and spics moved near by, was too late to sell my place, but I'm moving away in 6months with a small but welcome gain to my original investment. Poor shop owner will probably die.
>the council is full of niggers
what will ghouls eat then?
These places sell beer & malt liquor by the can/bottle by passing the need for a liquor license. Nigs sit outside the store for hours getting drunk and high, then cause problems in the neighborhood, while the store operators sit in their comfy bunkers behind the counter.
The idea is by making these stores less safe, they'll close, leading to less crime & violence, because "it's the stores fault" and not nigs being nigs.
Imagine a city banning your ability to defend your property. I would be furious about this and would probably shoot up some windows of city hall.
From what I understand, they get a federal grant for starting up, then they just run it into the ground and pocket what they can while they can. Not really responsible to pay much if anything back. I could be off, so hopefully someone knows more about it.
Bulletproof steel is coming to replace it then
Is this something you yanks actually have?
There is no poverty or disease in vorker's paradise.
>white people gas stations
Not a thing. Gas stations aren't allowed to be located in nice neighborhoods.
Now that explains it nicely.
>implying nigs won't nog
>immigrants can't run businesses without being robbed nonstop
>nogs starve because no microwaved chicken wings
I'm ok with this
yeah I know a guy that's actually removing windows filling them in with bricks and already removed his counter and replaced it with a wall covered it in an product menu and made a little metal slot to pay lol
In diverse areas, yes. Just wait, Sven.
Urbanite detected. There's tons of nice gas stations in predominantly white areas in the suburbs.
There are 40 million niggers in the United States. Really wrap your head around the scope of it.
Their population has become stunted lately, and will actually start decreasing soon, mostly because of their absolutely disgusting, and brutal behaviour.
I suspect the Great Filter is that any sentient species will empathy itself to extinction
you don't? I'm fairly certain we can find one of those in stockholm.
philly niggers vs chinese takeout 1 youtu.be
Supreme Court says self defense is an inalienable right
replace the glass with concrete - problem solved
Imagine the lynching she would get in Africa
philly niggers vs convenience store 2 youtu.be
That’s the first thing I noticed, they must have dozens of Tyrones in there every week demanding the $2 pizza. I had to explain how state taxes and delivery fees worked to multiple niggers every week when I worked at dominos because they thought getting two $6 pizzas should come out to $12 flat like they were buying drugs.
South Jersey nigger cutting Verizon fIos cables at night cuts off internet to hundreds cord cutting nigger style here: philadelphia.cbslocal.com
context? Why did someone go in and randomly start shooting these people?
When crime stats were shown to be racist.
Completely untrue. White gas stations are Wawa's and theyre all over the burbs and rural areas. Also truckstops in my area are the gas stations for us because I live in a very rural area and they are extremely nice, usually with attached diner and small grocery. I havent seen a black person in the last 10 years since I moved out here aside from the occasional black trucker staying there for the night.
i'm surprised sven took the time to remove muslims cocks from his ass and mouth long enough to post
>white people
>nice gas stations
Goddamn dude, you need to get out more.
Also no, gas stations are not allowed to be located in suburban residential neighborhoods.
Black gang members shooting other black gang members.
>This thread again
This is political intimidation aimed at bodegas selling alcohol illegally.
>T Philly user
how much you want to bet that no store complies with this rule. let them sue you down but it's still making a few dollars and better than losing your life because nogs nogging.
>Also no, gas stations are not allowed to be located in suburban residential neighborhoods
Do you live in Pennsylvania? Because there are gas stations in nice suburban neighborhoods here.
You get the Turkey Hill shops yet? My Fiance is from the Lehigh Valley and they are honestly better than Sheetz in my experience.
We have them and now royal farms is coming.
I'm sorry while it slipped a bit I'm a wawa guy.
Not who you replied too btw.
Just spamming the thread at this point. The QRD is that there are foreign owned bodegas selling alcohol illegally which causes more problems in already shit neighborhoods. The black people who actually give a shit about their neighborhoods are using this bill as political intimidation to force the illegal sales to stop since the city can't be bothered to enforce standards on ghetto business.
Yeah I grew up/live in SEPA so Wawa is my go to but I like Sheetz because it's still a PA company.
So they rather people go out of business from robbery than be claimed racist? What do I care? It just means businesses in black neighborhoods will go bankrupt or leave from the risk of attacks and blacks will just become worse off.