Is it possible to get more based than this?
Kavanaugh sides with Democrat justices
Apple BTFO. Fuck big tech.
Yea it sounds like they were right on this one
He didn’t side with Democrats, he is against Apple. They are still seething about his appointment.
>They are still seething about his appointment.
>while he sides with them
wtf I love zombie Ginsberg now
>apple users can only get from Apple store
>android users allows unauthorized apps even with Play store
The precedent was set many years ago. Microsoft got in trouble a long time ago for trying to make Internet Explorer the only default browser.
>zombie Ginsberg
Yeah this is very suspect. Proof of life would definitely be nice to have now wouldn't it?
Fuck retard conservatives, that was the good decision, whether or not democrats agree with it
Why are the “republicans” even supporting apple on this? Apple stores have been censoring them forever
Liberals love Apple, though. Conservatives hate that shitty ass company and are glad Steve Jobs is dead. Without their golden goose, they're going to be fucked when their current meme products dry up and don't have a drug addled hippie to make up a new one.
The libs were right about this one, he made the right call to vote with them.
The Hill... Gaslighting....
Good, fuck apple
Republicans are corporate whores, not all of them of course but the majority of them.
CONGRESS is corrupt
Most overused word in a long time
Gorsuch and Kav have voted against each other on most cases
Whether you agree with Kav's vote or Gorsuch's vote, you're missing the fucking point.
They cancel each other out, you faggot. It also means that if BASED TRUMP gets a 3rd pick, it might very well be a liberal.
Trump could end up nominating 2 liberals and 1 conservative.
How's that for "reshaping the court for generations"
We take congress from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you... the people.
>dozens of 'free' ad-paid apps on android store for every query
>little to no free apps on apple store, but usually not ad-driven
And when apple didn't meet revenue, they raised app rates
This'll just force apple to go the data-collecting and selling route that Google already does
The law means nothing. The US is a nation where the rule of law has expired.
i'd bet a jew wrote that article seeing as it D&Cs with party politics rather than focus on the issue
This was a good decision. Fuck Apple.
Like they are not sucking up costumer data now.
Kav broke with repubs to help break up big tech? Fucking BASED. Did you consider OP when you made this thread that people would google the relevant information instead of just looking at your image and being demoralized? Are you stupid or just lazy?
More than 40 years ago, in Illinois Brick Co. v. Illinois,
431 U. S. 720 (1977), this Court held that an antitrust
plaintiff can’t sue a defendant for overcharging someone
else who might (or might not) have passed on all (or some)
of the overcharge to him.
its not apple specifically theyre siding with, but rather an opposition to how a precedent is being reframed in the modern era. the question really is who are end users actually buying an app from? apple or the devs? majority says apple, dissents say the devs. that affects the whether the antitrust suit can even go forward
Also I don't get why OP thinks anyone on the right outside of the politicians would be sympathetic to big tech. Big tech has gone out of their way to abuse right wingers lol.
this same thread again with literally verbatim replies from a few anons. truly this place is lost with shilling and robo shilling
Based Kavanaugh
Big tech is the biggest threat to Republicans. Yet those stupid boomers in Washington are still blind.
I wonder if Kavanaugh's confirmation played a part in his decision.
look up a short video on what happens to people who invent apps then get fucking wrecked in the civil courts down in texas over copyright bullshit. the way i understand it is this ruling helps then by shifting the liability to apple who can afford to pay the legal costs.
Youve made this thread dozens of times
>fuck laws and shit this guy sucks
Literally you
>reddit tourists here praising this because of some 1 dimensional unga hate of apple
>think kavanaugh is our guy and not gorsuch
Get the fuck off my board you fucking cunts
>Leading the dissent for the four conservatives was Justice Neil Gorsuch — who, like Kavanaugh, is a Trump appointee. Gorsuch argued that if Apple's App Store practices are indeed monopolistic, then it would be the app developers who are harmed and have standing to sue and not the consumers.
>consumers aren't hurt by monopolies
Fucking (((conservatives))). I knew there was something fishy about this Episcopal creep.
It’s the free market cucks in the party that are corporate sycophants. Based boys like Kavanaugh might be more paleocon in regards to corporate power and muh free market
Why are you so angry on Apple's behalf?
Imagine being this stupid, i cannot
Gorsuch is a creepy Episcopalien weirdo with a gay (((pastor))). Not sure why people think he's conserving anything except his wife's bvll's HIV in his anus.
Compelling argument.
any proof yet rbg is alive? he's been memory holed after fox news aired that rip in pepperoni message
Im not the retard who doesnt understand "harm" and standing in a legal context. It would be like arguing with a dog over tax policy
Hes been laying the groundwork to bring back property rights while your catholic faggot has been licking kennedy's balls
I'm unironically with "the liberals" and Kav on this. I am disappointed this wasn't a unanimous decision. FUCK apple.
>(((in a legal context)))
Words have a meaning. Your Jewish legal tricks have no power here.
>bring back property rights
How about not shilling for the "rights" of monopolies to screw over consumers?
>if apple is the defendent then its always a good thing to rule against them
>hurr what does precedent is?
Break up tech monopolies.
There is the literal legal terminology of harm that is distinct from the colloquial one you fucking subhuman
>to screw over consumers
>apple retards screwing themselves over
Youre one of the retards dragging the iq of the board now, which, as of this thread, is at its lowest point ever
This. America is dead. Democracy has failed. The grand experiment is over.
More like liberals side with kavanaugh
oh look another leftist judge
great work trumpo
>There is the literal legal terminology of harm that is distinct from the colloquial one you fucking subhuman
Nope. You don't get to create your own special vocabulary. The law is by and for the people, so its vocabulary should be the people's vocabulary.
thanks for this explanation
People who werent stupid were sounding the alarms when kavanaugh was nominated. Trump is a fucking faggot for nominating him and agreeing to some deal with kennedy to get his clone on. It almost makes me think all the sex accusations were to get the right to rally to kavanaugh to solidify the vote.
Now you have the gutter trash that washed up here celebrating because they see apple (read: unga) lost (read: bunga!)
Cant wait to see these subhumans from reddit screeching "based kavanaugh" after he immortalizes gay marriage and hate speech
No I haven't faggot
Its not special vocabulary shitskin, its refereing to direct harm as opposed to the ability to be harmed. And before you unga this up some more, the direct harm is what is referred to under the cause of action that you didnt read, not just a retard's (your) understanding of the word
All this is under standing, which is needed to get into court
Acting like law is jewish shows how fucking stupid you really are. Its the bedrock of western {read: white (read: not you)} civilization
>devs are now just legal fictions
Fuck off Apple shill.
Please stop misrepresenting Americans as being idiots. If someone accidentally destroys my $2000 sprinkler system, I have been "harmed" legally and could potentially litigate and get a judgement to be made whole. I have not been "harmed" in the colloquial use because it's just a sprinkler and that means something else.
>he opposes unga
>he must be bunga!
>Most overused word in a long time
No, I'd say incel is
How much are they paying you to shill here?
bust up tech monopolies
1/10 retort, try using something other than shill, npc-kun
Actually based. Fuck the techies
The kav hammer commin for them monopolies
>Kavanaugh sides against globalist corporate big tech jews at Apple
break up big tech
apple products are made by chinese slaves
neoliberal globalhomo kikes like those who run Apple and their corrupt communist collaborators in the CPC need to be trustbusted
>not the boomers favorite word here, shill
The logical end to that line of legal reasoning is that Jow Forums is responsible for the posts made here nigger
Gorsich was far right
Kav was alwats right of center traditioanal constitutionalist
The Republicucks in office are neocons and borderline commies like the neo libs. They need to be purged.
Yup, not a single good argument why I ought to side with Apple
Kavanaugh is a kennedy clone and a judicial supremecist
Hes not a constitutionalist
>far right
the supreme court is not a game of political score keeping, not to mention both parties suck.
Because platforms shouldnt be responsible for content that they host and have no direct control over
Do you think hiro should be held accountable when you post your inevitable school shooting theat when you sperg out?
can we all agree that the court is gay and should be ignored until it just fades away?
all the way back to Marbury vs Madison with judicial review the court has been overstepping its intended purpose.
and that was before it was openly partisan.
Anyone in here who's D&Cing is a shill. Imagine if Microsoft forced you to purchase every application through the god awful windows store. Imagine if microsoft banned steam. That's what apple does with their app store and it's not right, Microsoft already fought this battle and lost. Not that i really care cause that's just one of the reasons i wouldn't own an iPhone.
Yup, it's based. All this does is say there is standing for consumers to sue Apple. The only precedent it could even possibly set is allowing the end-consumer to sue a monopoly and not just the business directly affected. Hardly the death of capitalism you corporation-fellating boomers are trying to say here. You dumbasses "forget" that low barriers to entry are a requirement for a free market. Monopoly-busting is a necessity.
>The logical end to that line of legal reasoning is that Jow Forums is responsible for the posts made here nigger
M8 if (((they))) wanted to shut this place down, they don't need all this complicated legal maneuvering. They'd just do it because nobody with any real power cares.
This. If it continues down that line, it unironically could give fags and nigs the legal standing they need to take down chans. Though the chaos that ensues afterwards might be worth the trouble
Conservatives don't give a fuck about consumer rights.
>Because platforms shouldnt be responsible for content that they host
Think about how dumb you sound.
So if I 'host' a bomb in my garage, I shouldn't be held responsible? Fucking pseudo intellectual moron, with your bullshit legal kikery.
>angry on apple's behalf
Are you illiterate?
Did you fucking respond to my post without even reading it.
Re-read my post, and figure out where you went full-on retard, faggot
>when youre too stupid to understand what a precedent is
You read that post the same way you read the case, like a fucking retard
It's not a platform if they control what goes on. By prohibiting people from being able to use content that isn't from their store on their hardware, and banning certain apps such as Gab, they are demonstrating that they do indeed have control over all their content,and therefore have liability. You are a liar and a shill.
What kind of communist fucking bullshit is this?
Trump should have picked someone else
Is that a bad thing? The courts looking too partisan would make it too easy for progs to justify stupid shit like Court packing. They look deranged to want this if the courts function as they're supposed to.
Thats not what host is referring to dipshit
You not understanding even the most entry levels parts of law that catlady roasties manage to you doesnt make me a pseud. You not understanding things doesnt make anybody else anything, it makes you stupid
>it unironically could give fags and nigs the legal standing they need to take down chans
They don't need legal standing you moron. We're just a hive of autists with no actual power, and this forum exists because it's somehow useful to the people with actual power. It will exist as long as it's useful to (((them))), with or without "legal standing" or whatever bullshit smoke and mirrors you fucking idiots buy into.
And yes, harm has one and only one meaning that anyone who isn't a Jewish trickster should care about.
Shut up boomer shill.
>actually following my posts
Pathetic psued.
That isnt direct control
They cant control the content. They can only control what publishers are allowed and disallowed. Think of a grocery store, is kroger controlling cheerios when they allow them to sell their cereal there?
okay do Google now
Apple is one of the least egregious of the big tech companies. Google, Facebook and Twitter are way more evil.
>law doesnt real because grug no understand
Maybe grug would learn if he lurked more, instead of turning this place into the ganges with all of your fellow grugs
I understand exactly what it is you simpleton: it's nothing but smoke and mirrors to fool petit bourgeois morons like you into thinking you have power and your voice counts. The powerful (((classes))) do what they want, when they want. They don't need your long-winded case law to pave the way for them. They literally control all of the wealth in this country, all of the media, all of the universities, etc.
You're a fucking idiot if you think "precedent" or made up Jewish legal terminology counts for anything.
Go back to Fox News, you bluepilled moron.
>he actually thinks case law or legal opinions matter
Literally a "muh constitution" boomer fucking idiot.
Isn't the point of the court system to be apolitical?