26, good job. Saving as much money as I can to have a family someday. No luck with women. All either roasties, flakes, or obese. Inflated standards; every 4/10 thinks she deserves an 8. Feel like without a family my life is meaningless and I’m just waiting to die. I can’t buy into the jew consumerism meme to dull the pain.
Life was so much simpler in the past but people still managed to have families young and live around your family in homogenous, happy, safe communities. Funny how they really had the best deal- we get empty lives but a bunch of shiny jew trinkets to make up for it.
I think god wants me to live this life alone for some reason. I don’t think there’s another explanation. It’s some kind of punishment. It’s like everyone else has a family and love, with little material success or achievements, and I have the complete opposite.
Robert Sanders
Why cant you find a girl at church?
Caleb Phillips
Find where Nihilism meets Zen and live there. That is the way of the Jedi.
Have you been to a church? It’s all either 10 year olds or ex whores. I am active in mine for the record. I ask around and no one knows anyone they can set me up with. None of my friends do either.
Jack Flores
my church is full of single women many are virgins
Just be more alpha and confident and the flakes will stop flaking.
Jeremiah Collins
Just wait until I'm old enough to run for president. I'm going to start a coalition of incels, MGTOWs, and various white identarians in order to reverse (((women's rights))), multiculturalism, and other relics of modernity.
Parker Campbell
I’m going through the same path. Also I found that with the entitlement that feminism gave to women now they all think they deserve a guy that supports cuckoldry and being told he’s stupid
Juan Sullivan
>They said they're virgins, it must be true. Actual virgins are rare, like non criminal black rare. They exist, but you're delusional if you think you can just go find one.
Most church going women are "reformed" whores.
Jacob Campbell
I'd be old enough to run in 2024. Doubt I'd get very far with my platform of making a profit off our military, by making colonialism great again. And then deporting illegals to the colonies to work the mines.
Jaxson Bailey
Sound like you're a bad and rotten person at your core, OP. Labeling other women as "roasties" when you're an incel is really funny. No doubt you'd be fucking lots of people if you weren't so socially retarded. Try to fix yourself before blaming women.
Noah Fisher
Lets just reduce the military extremely lower military budget no new foreign wars the 2 amendment will be kept to defend the us I mean 700 billion we can do a lot with that
Gavin Mitchell
That's why you vote for me. Just wait until I'm old enough to run, you'll know me when you see me.
Robert Rodriguez
Pillaging other countries is an easy path to economic prosperity though. Real pillaging, not this horseshit where we spend money to let some rich (((multi national))) pillage a country. We move in, conquer the country in question, and force them to sell natural resources at 10% of market value. We take a portion of that, and funnel it into infrastructure, and social programs at home. The rest we use to fund our war machine.
For next level jewery, we force them to buy finished goods and essential items like food at exorbitant prices.
Charles Cook
Nope, you're just an autistic faggot
Henry Foster
1. Are you aware of what happened 80 years ago? 2. Why do you think you NEED to have a family and kids? 3. It is a blessing in disguise
Jaxson Reed
>Today, the men who value Strength, Courage, Mastery and Honor -- the men who love being men and who want to be more of what they are -- tend to become frustrated, angry and reactionary. >I understand these frustrations and I understand the anger, but you can't turn back the clock and return to some idealized version of the past. >The future is all that you have ahead of you, and the best way to improve your own life is to create a positive vision for your own future and begin to shape the world around you. >Maybe that means procreating and focusing on raising a family, maybe it means creating or helping to create an organization or a work of art. >Maybe it means investing in your career or running a business that allows you to become a patron and fund new art and new culture that is in harmony with your own aesthetic and philosophical values. >If you're angry at the media, create your own. >If your channels are being shut down, make new channels. >Be the visionary father and make the way.
-- A More Complete Beast
Connor Edwards
>being zen >onions
nigger gtfo
Mason Thomas
>Nietzsche theorized that the Ancient Greeks were "obliged to create" both great art and the Olympian gods themselves out of necessity, as a response to suffering, chaos and disorder. >He believed that their highest art form was Attic tragedy, specifically the work of Aeschylus and Sophocles, and in that drama he saw a controlled tension between what he called the Apollonian and the Dionysian elements in man. >The Dionysian, named for the Greek god of wine, was symbolized by the chorus, chanting and singing in unison. >The Dionysian force is the creature in man -- earthly, intoxicated, lusty, impulsive, lost in the undulating, unified consciousness of the eternal. >Apollo is the god of the sun, and of prophecy. >Nietzsche associates him with "the plastic arts", including sculpture and even poetry. >The Apollonian reacts to Dionysian disorder by dreaming his own world into existence, by giving it shape and putting it in order.
-- A More Complete Beast
Justin Sanchez
Im opposite
Just lost my crappy 15$/hr job and my traditional chrisyian gf is graduating from grad school expecting me to propose to her but i cant in good conscious propose if I habe no job prospects
Nicholas Lee
Bro at this point in our lives we gotta enjoy life. Lift, play guitar, get a hobby and have fun. We don't have a biological clock women do. You can find a hottie ready for a baby at 35 when you own a home.
Just work on yourself pussy
Kevin Reed
>Throughout history, humans have recognized and revered the generative power in man. >This is symbolized, most obviously, by man's procreative potential and the sexual act.
>Woman, the fertile earth, waits. >Perhaps she even lures or coaxes, as she serves her own ends. >However, to conceive human life -- the word "conceive" itself comes from a root that means "to take" -- woman relies on male action. >Male procreative action initiates life, gives life -- starts a new human world.
-- A More Complete Beast
Aiden Reyes
I feel you. I hate being blackpilled though.
Gabriel Gonzalez
>Bro at this point in our lives we gotta enjoy life. Lift, play guitar, get a hobby and have fun. We don't have a biological clock women do. You can find a hottie ready for a baby at 35 when you own a home. By the time they're "ready for a baby", they will be shameless roasties. Lifting is good advice, because it shows virility, like all decisive action does.
If you want to have a worthy wife, you shouldn't wait for her to magically appear. You have to compete for them with other males, you have to become your best self, and you have to take action. The passive strategy that you suggest is rather feminine, and bad advice for any man.
Brayden Hernandez
I am same but without money.I still hope to become a successful criminal one day but making connections is hard.I am currently exercising so I can join a local criminal boxing club and maybe make some friends.
Joseph Carter
I'm in a similar situation. I guess I cope by thinking that someday I'll be able to help fix this broken world. And if I don't make it through to see the other side then at least qt zoomer grills will put flowers on my grave. youtube.com/watch?v=Wc8r7_znB18