Demons Walk Among Us. They Run Our Governments

Made a pretty good thread on this subject the other night and wanted to archive it before it was suspiciously Shoahd from page 8 after hitting the bump limit (I was also banned). This thread is fully ONTOPIC because the demons I’m identifying are mainly politicians or those with political/media influence.

Basically the fact is that alongside humans and their lovable npc counterparts some of the individuals you encounter on a day to day basis are legitimately demons. I’m able to detect them by sight (and they’re very, VERY obvious in person) and want to spread the information to xtypes or polacks who are interested in opening their third eyes and seeing the truth of our reality.

I’ll be dumping images of obvious demons itt and I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have or help you ID anyone you suspect may be a demon or partially demonic, I’ll just need a few high-quality photos or a video.

Also worth noting is demons also exist as noncorporeal A.I (my working theory) and make up much of the traffic online. I’m sure we’ll see some today and I’ll be happy to point them out as well. They swarm threads regarding nodal/semen retention (the key to all this, a funnier character than we’ve had before) and are easy to spot.

Fire away boys. I love you all.

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Other urls found in this thread:


One of my favourite images on this subject. Can you spot the not? Watch this interview on The View and tell me it’s not an obvious case of angel envy from the demonic hags on the show panel.

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Ah, very good.
There is no one antichrist user, world government is antichrist, many people are antichrist. Dont be deceived.

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Gabbard is so fucking sexy and kind looking, holy shit.

Guys I’m going to describe the human soul a little bit to help you understand why/how this is the reality we’re faced with currently.

>Basically I don’t think of the human mind/soul as an individual, I think of it as a collection of impulses and entities which are ultimately controlled by the final Will or I consciousness, which is basically the captain of the ship, while the physical body is the ship itself. A poorly guarded ship invites stowaways, leaks, breaks down, requires additional “financing” and favours to keep functioning and is just a pain to operate. The thoughts you think are sort of like the crew, you choose the crew yourself but sometimes you’re stuck with the crew members as a result of past decisions. If you let a bad crew mutiny suddenly your captaining a pirate ship. “Demons” are people who have allowed their communal souls and minds to be almost entirely usurped by the evil aetheric impulses and entities. Thoughts don’t exist, they’re more like channeled voices, and channeling the wrong stuff changes your physicality, mind, and soul.

>Imagine a body in poor health as a ship that requires constant repairs to function. If you need the copes you’re not going to be too discerning about where you get them, and that’s where the physical ties into the spiritual and mental. A perfectly functioning ship means the captain is free to make decisions pertaining to the journey, the crew, destination, etc, while a broken down ship requires compromises. Knowledge is like maps, astrolabes, understanding navigation by stars, a good idea about landmarks, ocean conditions, potential danger regarding shallows, reefs, etc. This is how it all works together.

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Welcome back, enjoyed the last thread. What is the difference between demonic and partial demonic? Care to go into semen retention?

So as I’ve stated here:
There’s no real and central “you” beyond the final capacity to make a decision. You are different day to day depending on innumerable factors. Partial demons are those who are going through the process but haven’t fully taken the plunge. Dante describes sins so severe that, at the moment of their having been committed, the soul of the sinner was wrenched straight to inferno (I don’t say Hell as I have no belief in the concept) while a demon took their place on Earth for the rest of their lifespan. That’s literary, and I think it’s sort of the opposite of how things work, but who knows.

Semen retention is the hidden key to pretty much all mystical and religious traditions. It’s how the great men of all ages were able to do what they did, and it’s basically easy to observe in nature (many creatures die after orgasming just once). The semen is your creative life-force and wasting it deadens you, makes you less ambitious, destroys your health (to a degree, humans are hardy), and disassociates you from God. This is why porn and overt sexuality are pushed so strongly these days, and why we have so many crises in human behaviour. I’ll dump some resources throughout the thread, but I’d have to dig them up.

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X thread here, it contained some dig-its magic, but nowhere near the power of the first one, which was pretty incredible. Good things come in threes, so this is my final thread on this subject for the foreseeable future.

If there’s one thing I want to get across to polacks (and I first discovered these ideas here, so thank you very much), it’s that you must retain your semen and begin to transmute it upward. This is relatively simple, but have you ever prayed to become a better person?

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Ok ill bite. Are THEY born , created , infected ?. How are they made ?

The sexual impulse is so powerful that pleasure derived from its misuse (masturbtion to pornography) might be the most addictive thing in the modern world (food addiction may come close, but I doubt it). Thou needs a Why to endure the innumerable Hows of existence, and retaining the seed will show you your own way, and it will enliven your thoughts regarding your own future.

This is pol, so no need to beat around the bush. Kikes run porn. Kikes are the enemy of Europeans, they even seem to have a sort of Stand Alone Complex regarding opposing us in every way.

By the way...


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link interview faggot leaf nigger

Attn OP. so you know. It took a full 2 mins for my post to show. All day its been instantly. So someone/something is slowing this thread down to analyze it. My guess its always AI doing that.

Am I retaining my semen if I just eat it back?

They are the result of the decisions they’ve made, or the decisions their ancestors have made (their genetic health).

People can be ugly/demonic (unattractive is NOT ugly, I am referring to people you are frightening to look upon) for only three reasons:

1. Poor physical health (or poor genetic health)
2. Poor mental health (influenced by genetics)
3. Poor spiritual health (influenced but not determined by genetics)

When the mind, body, and spirit are unhealthy the three lack an immune system, and the individual lacks ability and agency. It’s at this point that they are susceptible to demonic influence and they BECOME WHAT THEY HABITUALLY THINK, BELIEVE, AND DO.

People know exactly who they are, regardless of what they tell themselves, and that knowledge is imprinted in how they look first and foremost. People are also more truthful than you might think and you’d be surprised what they’ll often tell you about themselves.

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A little. You can also rub it into your skin. But it’s not going to get you where you need to be, and masturbation is still not advisable.
Literally search Tulsi Gabbard View on YouTube you demented tech illiterate boomer.

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Regarding Semen Retention, everything in this writeup that I’ve personally tested is absolutely true. This is what got me started, and I’ve since followed up with quite a bit of research.

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For example, here’s Hagee who makes a fabulous living shilling his evil doctrines and trying to incense the goy evangelicals into fervent support for Israel.

Does he look trustworthy to you? Or does he look like a fucking Sith Lord (Lucas had some secret knowledge by the way, but not much and he’s an idiot himself).

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Anti-human aliens are the ancient demons who still empower the jewish tribes to global dominion.
And OP you're making me sense that angels will ultimately save the day, forgetting that angels are loyal servants of JHVH

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Virtually all spiritual leaders, newage “channellers”, mediums, gurus, etc, who have any public acknowledgement are demons.

This is a popular “channeller” of 9th dimension alien entity named “Bashar”. Defrauding people on the spiritual level for years to make a lot of money does terrible things to you. You’ll see these marks of corruption in nearly all of them.

And yes, Jews are overwhelmingly ugly because of poor genetic health and an immense inclination towards evil. They are a cursed race, though among them there are many who are good.

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Some of them could absolutely be aliens. Remember Kyle Odom? I personally think the story was controlled op to keep people scared, but there’s a lot of truth there to be found by reading between the lines.

I don’t pretend to know everything, but I can see the demons in real life very easily, and they certainly don’t like to be noticed. If you advance enough I think you can see distinct auras (I have, but not routinely) and you’ll be able to see people for how they really are.

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lol I’m a filthy iPad user since my computer broke and can’t see webms. What’s the gestalt?

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>Kyle Odom
Martian niggers need to fuck off

But then how can you sense anti-human aura from the TV? That's anime skills dude

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this fuckin schizophrenic posting shitty video edits haha

No I can’t, but I can see the same signs of corruption easily enough. These people are big kahunas but in person it’s MUCH easier to get a sense of someone. Just look people right in the eye when you speak to them.
Demon girl obviously. I dunno about those crazy demon distortions, but they’re something to look out for maybe.

Whether it’s edited or not, she’s from a cursed lineage and is likely very evil herself.

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This guy can't contain his tongue when he utters the words death.

quality low because clip is very old

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video of this woman. The producers starts shouting at her for some reason

Yes, there are lots of good compilations of celebrities “malfunctioning”. I think they could be clones or utterly brainwashed npcs, but I only have theories.

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Damn that’s creepy. These shapeshifter videos are something I’m not qualified to talk about, but that one’s certainly bizarre.

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OP i posted this link a few days ago on a reptillian thread but it's still relevant
ANNUNA - aliens who empower (((them)))
L-M's - native non-human sentient races

>TL;DR a pocket dimension exists to contain demons since 800 years ago is failing due to 5g

Here’s a beetle that evolved to be undetectable to ants so it can live among them and consume their young.

Just posting cause whatever, lol. Also someone bump the thread plz.

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I saved the link. Thanks bro. I’d certainly believe something like that is possible or even very likely.

Tulsi is the POTUS that America needs, but not necessarily the POTUS that America will get.

faggot. people have always told me and still do that i look evil. i'm not. i'm not a demon or spirit animal or anything just a 5'11 180 pound blonde/blue white dude with a shaved head and permanent resting bitch face. people also mistake me for a cop quite often. i think maybe you are stretching a little.

Oh, and here’s an important little image that explains a bit about all of this, and why people are the way they are.

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Are you a Scorpio, by any chance? Or a Capricorn? They can both tend to look evil or grave despite being well-intentioned people.

I’d also point you to Bolsonaro who I do not think is a demon but certainly looks menacing. Some people take on some demon attributes when they make combat their lives, or if they think combative thoughts, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

I will say, though, that I am ALWAYS told that I have a very kind face.

Of course she won’t win. The entire political game is controlled. Trump is a demon too, sadly.

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Aries is the third sign that would make people think of you that way. Are you one of those three?


sorry no pisces i cant spell the damn fish winter baby

I think it is something like that too, but maybe less "spiritual".

reminds me of this

r u me?

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holy shit a more recent one:

Ah well, you’re probably still a fine guy. It’s unlike a demon to speak as you do.

im sorry what?

pretty much the same for me, except I'm a little heavier tbqh and my hair is naturally dark.

>demons are thought forms
>demons also exist as noncorporeal A.I.
how would nonphysical beings affect computers?
I understand the 'thought forms' argument, but not how they can post stuff online. if they possess a person and then make them post, sure. otherwise, makes no sense.

>pic related is young anderson cooper and his mother and now-suicided brother

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I’m honestly not sure how it all works, it’s possible the fields of thought or impulse that lead us around by the nose are also conscious themselves from a sort of overmind that exists in the aether. Regardless, the mass of obviously nonhuman traffic online comes from somewhere. They might just be govt ai, but I think it’s a little weirder than that.

Someone else who knows more than me on this subject could respond more in-depth,

Cooper is obviously a demon.


I don't give this stuff too much credence, but here's a video you will find very interesting.

Whatever your appearance might be, your written voice clearly betrays your humanity.

Certainly creepy and interesting. The low quality makes it all hard to say though. It’s interesting to think of what they can do with (probably already very sophisticated) deepfake technology.
I definitely agree!

yawn too much work kys for not providing source

>I’m able to detect them by sight
Do you ever call them out?

Schizophrenia is not Jow Forums.

All politicians speak like devils with manipulation

Sounds too schizo for me, but if it helps you, good on ya.

Unbased trips shows my meme magic powers are weakening. In the first iteration of this thread they were formidable, to say the least.
No! But I was very tempted the other day to tell some poor beta boi that his absolute hag of a girlfriend was obviously a demon, and they’ve confronted me when we make eye contact at a bar (they hang out at places like that, esp when it gets a little rowdy).
Good luck fren!

If I had only believed in myself I’d have the quints :(

>If you advance enough I think you can see distinct auras
Is this direct vision like an augmented HUD, or more like an intuitive sense?

Do you sense a demonic entity in me Op?

Dont worry too much about earth demons-too much shit keepin us in line

Also Do as thou wilt faggot.

For the npcs in this thread. all earth demon have certain kind of eyes. Learn to recogniz

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You can see a few things

1. Vague colour outlines
2. More pronounced features that are almost like a shifting mask.
3. The appearance of the thoughts of the person when they’re NOT ACTIVELY COMPORTING THEMSELVES.

I’m no superhero but plan to further develop such sight.

We’d have to talk more or I’d have to see your stance and bearing on certain issues. How do you feel about semen retention?
>do as thou wilt
Begone thot.

You’re right about the eyes though.

Semen retention is complete bullshit. BUT it does help to keep test high and thats it. I sense enormous empathy in you. That will fuck you over sooner or later. You know the best part about being me- dogs and "woke" people immediatly sense me and raise their gaurd. They fuckin know

Interesting. How would one go about developing and improving auric perception? Do you try to focus on the overall impression of the person and move on from there? If it's of any significance, I have already been practicing semen retention on and off for a few years. I certainly agree about the nature of the persons you have been posting in this thread, but in my case it is nothing more than an intuitive hunch.

Semen retention is the least bullshit thing possible, but I’m sure you know that. What else do you sense? I heard an enormous pitch in my left ear last thread when talking to an user and then I was able to guess the European landmark he was thinking of (coliseum in Rome), unless he was shitting me.

I can’t be fucked over. If you’re actually evil then you should be afraid of me because I’m perfectly capable of fighting dirty. Though I’d rather just wake people up.

Meditation and begin to open your mind to esoteric concepts by reading and thinking. I like to say prayers for such things, and I desire to shape myself in this way.

I’d suggest some periodic use of psychedelics but pol has a stick up their ass about the subject. They were good enough for Plato and they’re good enough for me! Absolutely nobody could confuse me for a schizoid type in real life, that I’d like to make clear and with confidence.

So, redpill me on the pitch/tone you can hear in your ears, whether this is during meditation, thinking or reading about certain subjects, or taking certain actions.

So i am thinkin of a landmark now....what is it? Hint triangle

Great thread, op. Does sanpaku eyes have anything to do with being a demon?

It’s during meditation and at times randomly. I believe it’s connected to universal contact/transmission (the type of thing Tesla wrote about) and I performed semi-automatic (or maybe totally automatic writing that transformed my life after hearing the loudest and most intense pitch ever on November 28, 2019 (11,11,11).

There was also some sort of massive energy wave from that day that was even reported on but I’m too lazy atm to look it up as I’m preparing for work in an hour or so.

It’s not exactly sanpaku, but yeh it’s similar in the asymmetry. Don’t make any REAL judgements unless you meet the person irl, or they’re just the most blatant ghoul imaginable.

Netflix released an anime called Devilman Crybaby which tells some truth. They like to tell us the truth and disguise it in pop culture, media, etc. They either have to tell us to make it kosher (lol) for them, or they just find it funny.

Like I said, I got no pitch from you. I’ve rarely been successful at such games, but I’m about to take a shower and if something comes to me I’ll let you know. Stick around a few minutes.

Don’t suck my soul senpai.

What would you say to a person who is experiencing a kind of psychological barrier between them and deep meditative practice, as if they were not sure whether or not they should be doing it? I have been praying God to bring me closer to truth and understanding so that I may help others, and it feels like I'm being nudged towards meditation, yet at the same time, I am paranoid over accidentally making myself vulnerable to "spiritual enemies". How realistic are such worries? Would it be reckless to go all in and figure it out on the fly, or is a careful, gradual and conservative approach recommended?

Plot twist: OP is a demon spreading disinformation.

Is there a triangle sculpture in a square where there’s also a horse/Calvary sculpture? That’s the first thing that popped in my head when I set an intention to connect with you. I don’t know shit about named landmarks.

If it’s the louvre you’re a cuck.

Sanpaku eyes can also appear due to craniofacial dystrophy, which is a term that describes structural recession of the midface. This leads to lack of orbital support. Craniofacial dystrophy is the result of degeneration of posture - especially tongue posture, and it affects the whole body. It's worth considering that poor posture implies poor tone of the nervous system. Since the signals that travel through the nervous system are electric, there is no doubt that an unfit nervous system makes people more vulnerable to negative spiritual experiences.

>Devilman Crybaby from Netflix contains some of the truth

Seriously. There’s medication for this. Seeing coded messages in popular media that only you understand is textbook schizophrenia. Get help.

Yeah its the louvre. I never been there so i dont know of there are other sculptures around too. I sense good in warm milk and love. Bless you

Lol seriously? Well thanks big guy. I genuinely didn’t know this sculpture existed... I threw in the louvre as a second guess. I’m actually spooked desu.

Tell me some stuff.

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Thank you, OP I will check that out. A follow up question. When interacting with demons in daily life, can they sense your thoughts? Do they try to influence you in any way?

Thanks Finn bro. This is very interesting information and is quite helpful. The person I'm thinking of seems to be "cursed" with bad luck in life, but your explanation of poor posture and messed up nervous system are definitely true in their case

>artists and writers never express the truth as they see it through their work
Go back to school.jpg
Such fears are potentially valid. I’ve personally felt intense fear and paranoia during and before astral projection/OBEs and I’ve had at least one deeply unsettling experience related to the paranormal recently. And I’m only a neophyte, no doubt there are scarier things. Hasn’t been enough to dissuade me, and I’d recommend you test the waters but listen to your intuition. Perhaps you should read more before seriously undertaking any practice.

Praying to God is good.

P.s what’s your zodiac chart look like? Do you have a lot of water in your makeup? Such people are likely more psychically vulnerable than I am (almost no water in chart).

Yes I think they can. I was at a bar watching an obvious demon girl trying to seduce an obvious human and while I was noting their interplay another demon girl walked up to me, about a foot away, and simply stared at me. I looked at her, she made no response, I turned around and she continued staring for several minutes while standing right next to me.

I don’t have autism btw, I am perfectly comfortable in social situations and around women, lol.

Yeah spooky. You probably have some occultists in your family tree or woke people. Normals cant into this stuff... i was into occult /obe and that shit. Habe woke family members...Wanna keep in touch? Email me [email protected] i think we can be of good to each other

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If you want to help them, guide them to a youtube channel called Orthotropics, it goes deeper into the anatomical function of tongue. Proper tongue posture not only acts as the keystone of the whole spine, but also ensures that the faces of children develop forward with zero malocclusion and makes them immune to obstructive sleep apnea, along with some forms of hypothyroidism and hypopituitarism. Pic related is a good illustration of the facial effects of good vs bad posture.

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The David Icke pill seems to back this up. The reptilians are demons. Any knowledge on the royal bloodlines user?

I have no idea how to answer your question but perhaps this does the trick?

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Checked and wrecked.

people actually believe this shit just lol

>tfw no qt sucubbi gf

>>artists and writers never express the truth as they see it through their work
That’s not what you were saying and you know it.

If you see messages in popular media that back up your belief that you can see demons, you’re schizophrenic. I don’t need a degree to tell you that, but I have one anyway.

I believe I do. I was first introduced to real psychic stuff when a girl from x saw a picture of my grandfather and told me how he died, described the house I lived in until I was about 18 months old, and said a few accurate things about me. She said something about ancestral powers. Would be very cool if true, he (the grandfather pictured) was almost legendarily kind (although my dads sort of a prick/loser), and there’s a family story that I spoke to him the night he died when I was two years old and told my mom that he was just here. Obviously he was at the hospital or wherever.
Icke says some stuff that’s true but I’d be careful with him, though I haven’t exactly read much by him. Royal bloodlines are for sure demon psychos lol.

>grand trines in water
>Pisces moon

Ya, you’re super duper receptive. Will be a gift and a curse, good luck to you. Very interesting chart, tons of water as I suspected.

This is someone who fixed their tongue posture in late teens

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you obnoxious tripfag

Except I’m actually right. Now stop masturbating or go back to demonland. Calling others schizo on Jow Forums of all places is a bit of a tell.
If you make it to the astral you can get a succubi gf but I still wouldn’t recommend it.

Stupid shills