Irrefutable proof that Nazis were evil?

I have one. They would execute conscientious objectors who even agreed to be medics instead of carrying guns to kill. Any other proof of how evil Nazis were?

Attached: Franz_Jagerstatter_icon.jpg (440x557, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:ägerstätter

Traitors get the rope first.

>Source: just trust me bro I was there

ya got a source for that there "fact", ya nigger?ägerstätter

wow, killing a traitor who was anti-national socialist as well as being against the anschluss and turning down the cushy gig they offered him? so evil!

Yes, putting your religious beliefs before your country's beliefs is very respectable.. enjoy hell, faggot

Take a picture of your nose with a timestamp.

Oh no, a traitorous coward thought he could talk shit, draft dodge, and get away with it.

I wouldn't expect a demon possessed person like you to understand