hate thread
American Houses
A brilliant feat of engineering....
This is what I get when I google Swedish house construction. Care to explain the difference?
Another fucking idiot who has no idea how homes are constructed, because he's a soft numale who has never swung a hammer or done any real work in his life. OP is the sort of person who looks at a stone house, and thinks it's made of stones.
I googled it to check. Seems legit. Literal mobile home cuck sheds. Sheeeit. Pic related.
Europeans have stone buildings lying around from when their civilizations were actually relevant and they think it makes them better than us.
They aren't currently building new stone structures. Their new construction, insomuch as it exists, is the same as ours, cheap wood and plaster.
It's not just the shitty construction quality; it's also the shitty design.
Really tacky, not functional, and extremely energy-inefficient.
That's why many mcmansion's values plummeted.
American builder here. First off, you need to realize most things are built to last about 30 to 50 years because after that the first bank made their money.
The Swedish construction is inferior framing compared to 2015 mutt code of construction for the following reasons:
1) The base plate of wall is not pressure treated or protected from rot besides some plastic under the plate (wont last)
2) The studs cut at the top of left hand wall is just stupid. They should have left the studs intact and just installed blocking after the fact.
3) Not one lick of metal straps to hold everything together (they may not have hurricanes or earthquakes but still)
4) It looks like they just installed a board on the wall to hold up the joists on the left instead of running them to the outside of the structure. That is a no go as it creates bending stresses on the structure. Also now the nails or screws HAVE to hold the load instead of just making sure the load doesn't shift off wall.
All that being said, I hate building the typical shit boxes everyone is so proud of. I wish more of my clients would spring for Insulated Concrete Foam construction. Imgaine having a house with over a 1ft thick exterior walls, blast resistance, cozy af in all climates, and built to last easily over 500yrs. We need to build better so future generations are not wasting time and money on things that should have been done right the first time.
Swedish homes are measured in dirty migrants per square meter.
Europeans do use more block/brick construction. Depends on location/country. Better or worse is up for debate. Can say American homes can/should be built better than they generally are. Built to last 30 years on average, but with a few material changes, it could last indefinitely. Also, would cost more.. and Americans don't want to pay for it/do not know better/are intentionally dumbed down to not know better.
Not in the UK. We just build the same house over and over again and we pay tradesmen per job they finish, so you end up with rushed finishes and loads of call backs to fix shit. I remember my dad bought a new build and it didn't even have any insulation in the roof.
As far as the actual build goes though it's a layer of breeze blocks on the in inside, then a layer of normal bricks tied to the outside and there is insulation that fills the gap between the brick courses.
It's not just the shitty houses, the layout of the neighborhoods is also shitty.
Ahhaha saw dust walls, americans are getting scammed hard
AmeriAnon knows. Not sure what they're doing for framing in Swedistan.
In the American South, none of this construction will last. Too hot, too wet. Pylon raised structure to keep away from ground contact/moisture. Chain wall/slab for dryer enviros. Treated lumber doesn't last in Southern US. Maybe a year before exposed parts rot away. Max 3 years. Have seen termites eat it within 6 months. Regardless of the construction type, you need to seal out moisture and prevent dry rot/pest infestation. Doorways/windows/top plates/bottom plates.. at least spend the extra money on those points. Weatherguard OSB is good for flooring. Use real treated plywood for roof decking and siding. Please. Use polyethylene caulk too. Fuck you assholes and your painters caulk. Opens up in 6mo. But by the time house is sold.. that's your problem.
itt: Europoors that can't even afford a plywood house in america talk shit
Don't you lot build out of wood also though because you have more natural diasters? I spent some time in New Zealand and they build out of wooden frames too because of the earthquakes. Wouldn't brick and mortar last about 10 minutes with hurricans and earthquakes?
Come home, White man
Your income is lower than in europe
>not building an ICF home
Is there a better building technology? I think ICF is the peak.
>tfw you spent the extra 15% on ICF instead of sawdust
>cardboard houses in tornado zone
>somehow 2nd mortgage on this pile of paper
>get shot anyways
These are the types of houses you will live in if you're a poorfag. Google "pump and dump" and place your bets on which coin will moon. Screenshot this after gains.
I like it. Wish more Americans would use that instead of trying to throw up cheap mcmansions.
Earthquakes (that are severe enough to do any damage) are quite rare.
Hurricanes and tornadoes (whose damage is almost entirely mitigated by solid construction) are increasingly common in the US.
Getting your city knocked out by a tornado then rebuilding it out of plywood again is completely retarded, but it happens.
I fuckin hate IKEA
You think those tornadoes that whipe out part of the US wouldn't take bricks and mortar out?
Soils are soft and the weight of all that brick is an issue. Pylons anchoring the structure seems the best option. It also raises the structure away from soil dampness/high water table/flooding. Wood will allow bending/settling. Stone, not so much. Japan and California have different concepts about EQ stabilisation. Having a central support and forces balanced thereupon seems legit. Like a taproot tree vs. dendritic root structure.
A tornado or hurricane strong enough to take out breeze blocks is extremely rare.
A tornado or hurricane strong enough to take out plywood is extremely common.
Shut up spic, you get the bullet too
No it is not lol
>boomers want us to spend 30 years paying for a mcmansion that was 40 years old when you bought it and designed to last 50 years at best
lol housecvcks eternally inarguable objectively mathematically blasted the fuck out.
>renting is throwing your money away
>proceeds to pay out the nose for a dilapidated box of plywood and bubble gum that will disintigrate into dust before he gets it paid off, AND still pays rent (property tax)
>In the American South, none of this construction will last.
>Too hot, too wet.
>Pylon raised structure to keep away from ground contact/moisture.
>Chain wall/slab for dryer enviros.
>Treated lumber doesn't last in Southern US. Maybe a year before exposed parts rot away. Max 3 years.
>Have seen termites eat it within 6 months. Regardless of the construction type, you need to seal out moisture and prevent dry rot/pest infestation.
This is the dumbest & most envious of the south yankee to ever post on Jow Forums.
Nigger, there are houses up in CHarleston that have ben up for 200+ years...and all up and down the coast from Jamestown to Palm Beach...houses that have made it through Hurricane Hazel, Andrew and Hugo as well as the latest, Florence.
Treated lumber is on 50+yr old houses and doing just fine and termites arent an issue.
Shut the fuck upk and kys. You dont even know 1% of what youre talking about.
Youre just jealous that you were born in some yankee nigger infested shithole in Taxachusetts.
I hope my spacing helped your single mom to read this to you, since you have a 4th grade yankee education and cant even read yourself.
Your spendings balance it
Built my barn out of ICF
I think homeownership can be a great asset.
There's no benefit in buying something that will depreciate though. That's a bad investment and it costs white homeowners billions of dollars.
Hes talking about the mcmansions built during the bush era that are already showing signs of decay, not historic neighborhoods in charleston
You have to be 18 to post here. Kys.
t.Builder and engineer. Specialise in certified historic Park Service structures 1850-1929.
Nice work user
Daily reminder any other construction technique is degenerate faggottry
>gay pride parades don't happen all across America
perfectly engineered
Just needs repointing.
what are the alternatives? brick is too expensive and in-efficient in terms of heating costs etc
also you ar enot sure your kids will live there in next 20/40/100 years anyway
i really dont see the wrong with modern houses lie you pictured they are cheap to build and heat
Swedish homes are constructed in two separate segments. The main portion of the house is called the Bůollpeen, while the smaller section, often situated outside the bedroom window, is called the Küksjaed.
Timber frame homes can be alright depending on climate/circumstances. Wood frame houses will last as long as they are constructed correctly with quality materials and NO shortcuts. Generally American homes are built for the cheapest cost and things begin to fall apart within 6 months (time it takes to sell). Lot of parts (windows/doors) are designed to be replaced in 10-30 years. People don't know better and banks get to loan out more money/you need to consume more/hire more people. Everything is generally a scam.
they are all made by lazy illegal mexicans from other countries
I never got why McMansions have such excessively large roofs.
You're not even in the US you eurotrash faggot.