nxivm cult made campaign contributions to clintons
Nxivm cult made campaign contributions to clintons
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It's a reciprocal relationship user. What do the Clintons contribute the NXIVM?
Yea dude but she's on the Right Side of History so it's cool
> (You) (OP)
>It's a reciprocal relationship user. What do the Clintons contribute the NXIVM?
Blowies for money
Bump, this is getting slid hard today
no wonder so many gun. control threads up
Srsly. The first thing i did was search Jow Forums for a thread about this to no avail. Cheers user.
This is nothing new, but it got memory holed.
Kristin Gillibrand's father is part of NXIVM and half of Albany politicians
Clinton Global Initiative gets it's sex slaves from NXIVM
Also, Raniere and the Clinton's were connected running scams in Arkansas all the way back to the 80's.
AG Bill Clinton "ran Raniere out of town" after AG's in other states filed lawsuits and wanted answers on the marketing scam.
The Clinton's are lifetime arch fucking criminals
uh oh oopsies
I think it has more to do with pic related
(((They))) are realizing the investigation is over, Grand Jury indictments are complete, and military tribunals are about to start.
It's no coincidence the top commander at Guantanamo was kicked out.
He was a corrupt shill
Yeah that's definitely a reason for it too.
From children and videoed celebs, likely.
Tip of the iceberg. Now that the swamp is drained, more and more of it will become visible.
It's just, why doesn't Trump directly tweet this shit out, nothing ever happens?!?
Pretty sure shit is happening behind the scenes nonstop, but it has to be a gradual reveal or else the optics and chess pieces won’t be in place. I have a feeling things are ramping up from now ‘til the election.
so? They could have support another candidate and you wouldn't have cared, stop seeing a link in everything.
There are more links on the left than you apparently realize. Feel free to stay on your side of the ocean.
It has been reported in the free media for a long time. What surprises me is that a mainstream rag like rolling stone picked it up.
>nxivm cult
i remember i read somewhere that this cult had some houses or recruitments in monterrey mexico or something? can some user clarify?
were the donations in exchange for promise of hatian kids to rape/eat/whatever the fuck these rich pedos do?
>Nice carrot, Billy.
> new cigar replacement, bill?
Haitian kids like carrots inside them better than cigars.
it's their bunker away from albany. from what i remember several mexican members lived there, he has a son there with one of them, bronfmans have an estate, and they run a center.
>they made contributions to Hillary
>getting slid hard
No, it's because it doesn't mean anything, literally.
If these people get convicted of anything and thrown in prison, it won't be for campaign contributions. It also won't result in any actions against the Hillary side
If Judicial Watch announces tomorrow that there were some more emails that Hillary withheld from the FBI, would you actually think it will lead to any arrests? Of course not
I don't know if you're new or not, but the last 2.5 years has been nothing but day after day of finding out about more crimes that are going unpunished.
We reached the point of needing arrests about 2 years ago. No one cares about these little pieces of info anymore.
No it's not, so we're not going to obsess over shit until shit starts happening
>now that the swamp is drained
Holy shit, are you retarded?
Trump has drained 0.1% of the swamp. 99% of the swamp has been untouched, and the few swamp creatures he fired were replaced by other swamp creatures
>fires Comey
>replaces him with Wray
Swamp for swamp does not drain the swamp
Also, how could anyone be fucking stupid enough to say the swamp has been drained when there have been no arrests.
Please wake the fuck up
no chance of that bro.
>pretty sure shit is happening behind the scenes NONSTOP
1. Much of the shit that needs to be done is public, and has not been done
2. If shit was really happening *nonstop* behind the scenes then it would've spilled out into public view and we would ALL KNOW FOR SURE that shit is happening.
The fact that after 2 years you're still having to rely on hope of "behind the scenes" action shows that there has been a severe lack of action
>house is on fire
>house keeps burning
Well...um...maybe the firemen put the fire out on the inside, behind the scenes, and its just from the outside that it looks like the house is on fire
I know. I'm making fun of the people who keep acting like the next piece of info will be the one to lock her up
>2+ years of damning evidence of crimes has been uncovered
>nothing has been done
>one more tiny piece of info is uncovered IT'S TOTALLY GOING DOWN!!!
Here's your revenge porn
thanks user, i think i found some info on it