Greetings Jow Forums today I want to share with you some redpills from my folder.
Simply say which of these redpills you want me to upload, and other Anons are free to upload their redpills as well.
Greetings Jow Forums today I want to share with you some redpills from my folder.
Simply say which of these redpills you want me to upload, and other Anons are free to upload their redpills as well.
Remote viewing is real
Here you go user. Taking any other requests, just getting a cup of tea first (1 minute)
semen retention
Anime degenerates
Ok i'm back
I guess it's not the biggest redpill, i just thought it had some merit in regards to our current clownworld.
Sadly don't have anything on semen retention, wish i did though because it's a fascinating subject.
Holy shit, they predicted Piss Earth 2025
>sverige judar.jpg
Here you go Danish brah, this is a big one.
gimme dat evola on wimmens
Good taste, Evola has a lot of redpills under his belt.
lebbit inner voice and the feminism pill please
Careful handling it says, don't want you guys to get all "radicalized" and such, heh.
also pic related for the first one
Lol, true. Take this as well for free, since it is highly related.
I'd also like to request the civilisation pill, autogynephilia, the jimbo meme, and toxic individualism.
Sure, no problem. Dumping will commence in 3...2....1...
And that's 20% of the ones tested. Going on a limp and assuming the test subjects were uni students, my guess is that the number IRL is around 60-70%.
I can't say, but it sure makes you wonder how many people have never experienced "inner voice", so to speak. And not to mention the effect of TV and mass media on those people.
This one is a favorite of mine, simple and to the point.
They have to be the majority tho. I'm not talking about a political ideology, but the ability to be "programmed" by external factors.
If noone is asking for more redpills, I'll request the fit user, the clown world lefties and fear and hatred.
Glad to oblige.
Emotions are lower, or more base faculties of the being, even animals display fear and hatred. Therefore they are powerful strings to pull for those who seek domination
Thanks. This is really asking too much, but the massive redpill intrigues me.
Might as well drop it off, that concludes my redpill posting spree as i have to go now. Have a good rest of the day Jow Forums
>Simply say which of these redpills you want me to upload, and other Anons are free to upload their redpills as well.
quit being a faggot and just host your library, ya dumbfuck
1000 webm collection of funwblacks
Good day to you, fren. Have some oc fashwave.
Inner cell mass stem cells regrow any body of a human, and stem cells resurrect. Stems cells are easy to collect from Caesarian section surgery human births. Stem cells are layers in pressured semen sperm cum. People make stem cells from human breast milk and other body. Doctors are using inner cell mass stem cells to resurrect the dead! Proper use of stem cells are eternal youth!
Military jews have a black research program full of crazy tech (most of them are just for jewing people) and they use human experimentation a lot (and it is mostly children, middle class citizens, women...)