Aaaand it's GONE!

Attached: soph.png (1015x576, 652K)

Other urls found in this thread:

good or bad?


Attached: 2A7197F4-8FBE-4E4D-9E36-1C7D48156239.jpg (1024x803, 55K)

the channel or the video?

Kikes on YouTube are the worst people

video first
channel next


The video

Do Ee SUonest I'm pretty happy about it. Now i don't have to see threads of a little girl who you creepy pervs keep fawning over.
I'm sure you faggots will find another child to look up to in no time

is soph on bitchute?

motherfuckers. fucking kikezfeed "journalist" (((Joseph Bernstein))) writes a hit piece on her and youtube falls in line.
it's like they're TRYING to create another hitler

I archived the video.

If anyone really wants it, give me the domain of a filesharing site with no sign up, no bullshit, just click and upload.

what's this?

I know that you know but just in case

Attached: 7002752018217.jpg (3500x3000, 2.35M)

are you mental?

there is nothing pervy about taking the time to listen to the thoughts of young people

Can I get a quick rundown?

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Good because it will bring more attention to her and YouTube's censorship. I wouldn't be surprised if Tucker had a segment tonight.
Bad because YouTube is still listening to these freaks.

You're welcome.

Hello red dit

Change YouTube-->

Only pervert here is you.
>Inb4 you bring in your friends

I watched that video. A bit edgy but the message was good.

fileshare dot what?

saq ma diq

Bans have been handed out for posting this image under rule 1, btw
hooktube is just an alternative front-end for youtube.


You shills do realize you are running out of material, right? It's not working.

> Pic related
> Already has 2 strike, so channel is next

Attached: screwtube.png (645x395, 139K)

What happened?
Quick rundown bitte

Attached: 8748747984.gif (500x214, 642K)

Sorry, I actually tried to demonstrate that I can't post to Jow Forums because of ip restrictions.

Two voices will call out in silence that all will hear

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file is too large for catbox

sorry I am retarded

Sloppy job kike!
Soph has disavowed Jow Forums and so called 'altright'. Keep up motherfucker, watch her older videos faggots.
Stop spamming this board with kikefeed links

She has the gom jabbar and can kill with a word.

Attached: Alia.EyesofIbad.jpg (185x168, 4K)

14 yo girl is massive shitlord
proceeds to talk mad shit and cuss like a drunk rabbi on shore leave in a mexican whorehouse.
the rustling was violent
start b&
cant stop the signal fuckers.

Try anonfiles, or upload the video in parts.
Torrent it if you know how.

biggest laugh of the year when she said that.

Is this because of the video in question?

What are her points? Which are hate speech?

Ironically proving her exactly right

Lol, Soph’s been on Jow Forums since she was nine years old. She ain’t disavowed shit. Literally /our/ princess.


It looks like ben shapiro

What matters is the fact that she is censored while she was saying the truth

so youtube bans hate speech, is that a terrible thing? normal society has had enough of mass shootings and they have been primarily traced back to hate speech.

Such a tough world where you are not allowed to express your hate for an entire group of people you don't even know, not sure how you guys will ever deal with it.


Holy fuck.
Your flag is failed triforce.

Well fuck me. I guess I can finally go get a life if I'm banned from this hellhole

Reminder that Buzzfeed wrote an article saying that Youtube had a responsibility to remove Soph, and that the author of that article has tweeted things such as "kill a white person on your way to work" and "being Jewish means never having to apologize for being white"

yea, no fucking way im goign to that, post it on fucking porn hub so i have some plausible deniability.

All the videos hating white people seem to be okay.

Are there no truths within "hate speech"?

Why are you such a lazy faggot? Shame on you.

what quality ? 720p ?

This. Or hating conservatives. Or fomenting child abuse.

Looking good JD!

go here then

Attached: (((iceberg))).jpg (867x650, 147K)

dot trips

a very false comparison, videos that hate white supremists do not fit into hate speech, if the videos said all whites then absolutely that should be removed as well

links and mirrors who got them ???
Can someone get the animators in here for #St.Soph

zero truths when you classify an entire group of people as guilty of something.

and 99% of the time it's a bs conspiracy theory

mirror video

Read the thread you fucking retard.

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I don't get it

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Blanket labeling something as "hate speech" can be a powerful tool for silencing dissent.

She only has videos banned from jewtube uploaded here so far, this "Be Not Afraid" one and the original of "Parental Discretion Advised" where she threatens to shoot (((Susan Wojcicki))) lel. Go subscribe, her bitchute numbers are tiny in comparison right now.

Attached: soph vs (((talia levin))) generation zyklon.png (1808x2912, 3.29M)

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>Such a tough world where you are not allowed to express your hate for an entire group of people you don't even know
Hey, I can tell we're on the same side here and I upvoted your post, but it's starting to sound like you don't think it's okay to tell the truth about white men. I just want to clarify that it's still okay to say things about white men, right? Like that doesn't count as hate speech if I say all I want for Christmas is white genocide, right?
Cuz hate speech is power + prejudice - which is what all white men have.

>stupid enough to click on a file link here.

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this i agree with, censorship should be fair and balanced and not side with one ideology over the other.

and you guys also need to figure out how to express your dissent without all the generalizations.

shits some funny parts but i cant watch the whole sermon.

So tiresome

Got a big giggle out of that one on the train.

white men is a generalization.

you can say alt right supremists, or nazis, but if you categorize all white men as a certain way and they should be held responsible for something a smaller subset does then that be labeled as hate speech as well

Mass call Tuck. Fuck youtube and their slinceing of dissenting voices.

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But do you think it's okay for someone to say:
>All I want for Christmas is white genocide
>she made this when she was 11

Attached: 1552581241791.png (328x336, 201K)

no that is definitely not ok

>kikes pissing off the zoomers even when they don't explicitly talk about kikes
Do Jews have any capacity for foresight at all?

>and then one day, for no reason at all
The next Hitler has already been born. He's out there right now.

Hate speech is free speach.
T. Supreme Court

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Go ahead and upload it we'll have it taken down too. You can't run and you can't hide :)

>Which are hate speech?

None of them. "Hate speech" is a fictional concept invented by jews to silence opinions they don't like, don't use the enemy's language or you unconsciously start to accept their framing.

Attached: the leftist fears the pol, false arguments can't withstand free speech.jpg (448x385, 69K)

>no that is definitely not ok
Haha, turns out it is though, faggot. For a university professor as well.
Also you are a massive lebbit newfag and should fuck off back there.

You are not fair and impartial as you pretend to be about this. We have a heavily stacked system, where anyone who says nigger farts smell bad has their life destroyed, while liberals run around all day talking about how white men should be executed and it is viewed as acceptable (certainly not punished).
So until both sides actually get punished equally, how about you back the side that is getting fucked, rather than pretending to be fair (which really means you support the other side).

the supreme court does not control private industry

youtube, facebook etc are all privately held companies and have a right not to help promote hatred on their platforms.

Apparently she's going on alex jones?

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it's a tranny you stupid fucking incel...

Until they get regulated as public platforms or until the internet becomes a public utility, then all of these silicon valley US-based giants are fucked.

>Streisand effect intensifies.

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there is something truly wrong with you that you resort to silly name calling during a simple discussion. maybe you are indeed a bi-product of hate speech.

As for the system being stacked, yes right now the focus is on right wing hate speech as that has lead to the most violence, and I never said whether the rule was executed fairly or not, just that all groups should enjoy equal protection.