Get a white woman you faggots.
Yellow fever fag arguments;
Get a white woman you faggots.
Yellow fever fag arguments;
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t. Roastie
Atleast start with a picture that can't be proven to be false with a google search
That picture is false, most versions I’ve seen have wmbf below average
That study had a smaller samplesize.
ok Roastie
Wmbf master race checking in
>that thigh tattoo
Wow what a winner
aw shit here we go again
Don't forget
>we are bleaching the rest of the world!
Every non-white child you sire is a white child you could have had, if not for your hedonistic gook fetishism. Every non-white child is a potential Eurasian Tiger turbo autist that promotes BLACKED.
absolutely seething
You've never even seen gooks IRL.
memes aside I have
having kids with asians is the best you can do.
hong kong, singapore, japan, korea is the high iq master race
they have an iq white people can only dream of
future jobs will require you to sit all day in front of a computer, that is what asians are perfect at.
>Get a white woman
But I don’t want to share a woman with niggers
fuck chinks and their alien looking women
Black women actually
We are kind of Gooks.
T. BurgerBulgarian
Ялa cи дoмa whiteu piggu!
Based and Asiapilled.
I don’t trust or actually listen to any white nationalist who doesn’t have white children.
Come home white man
That just means yellow is best at marriage.
Plus men have greater influence on marriage success
shamefur dispray hun bro
Boomers with SEAmonkey wives need to be shot.
Im a good looking bastard.. my gf is not very pretty and chinese. The only reason im with her is because shes happy all the time and makes me smile too.
we're not asians though
>English graffiti in Bulgaria
Don't tell me anyone bought this obvious false flag.
he's looking down upon you now, wondering why are you betraying him
To be fair.. id fuck her senseless too.
I don't know he didn't look at his first asian son and said to himself "I've made an enormous mistake".
>vaito mastah so funneeeeeeh
Imagine living a life like that! No thanks.
it's kind of a miracle he got a woman at all, have you heard him talk?
come home white man
I will tell you guys what will cure your yellow fever REAL FUCKING QUICK, which is working with asian women, especially SE asian women like vietnamese or the like. It sound like an absolute living hell being married to one and having asian in-laws with how competitive they are with dumb trinkets and bullshit. It's asking for mental illness.
Comfy white family for me only please.
Why do all the tech nerds have gook wives jfl. Further shows only betas are into them.
That's not even close to an east asian and neither was the actual guy.
And huns weren't exactly hungarians.
Only Australia could bring forth such a monster.
Can't believe someone even has the audacity to compare black men to asian womem.
>you can only do stuff I like
Get fucked cancerfag
This picture really brings it home for me. I look at the mom and I want her, I then look at the kids and now I don't.
You made a wise choice. A woman with a good disposition is precious.
it's almost like you've never even seen a white woman in your life
I have been very open from the start that I have no money or prospects. They are just happy their not so attractive daughter has someone who doesn't murder her and leave her in a dumpster.
7 years and i still refuse make halfy babies though. Oh they are not happy with her for that.
For tech reviewers it makes sense. They always have a chinese translator at hand and that's very useful whenever the travel to China.
I'm memeing you fucking dweeb, God this place ain't fun anymore
I know what this is and I'm not watching it again.
asian wife is best wife
Sorry. I've just had too many spergs correct me here when I was memeing too. I know that feel.
yeah, this place is full with too many retards nowadays, and even though literally every thread is a literal shitpost thread, people can't even take the shitposting anymore
Why are they so incredibly cute!? If it's the forbidden fruit, why of why make it so juicy and delightful?
>Hates roastie white women for being a racetraitor
>Becomes racetraitor
Hypocrisy in its purest form
>inb4 muh roastie
Kys racemixing mutts
>mutt kid bad
>except mine
this is your brain on yellow fever
fun fact azns are literally the direct descendants of our space faring ancestors
hapas arent mutts. get your shit together.
I've never seen a non-jewish post against yellow fever which doesn't come from my self or a select few of others. There are legitimate arguments against race mixing which are cultural and sociological isolation, loss of identity, biological issues pertaining to mixed race individuals (Bone marrow) and it goes on.
Most of the faggots who seem peeved by this on here pretty much follow the line of "If you're not picking up john's second hand left overs off the shitstained toliet floor, you're disappointing the white race" or some bullshit along that line.
Honest to god, if there's anything I hate more then liberals it's deluded tradfaggots, because most of the time they're two steps away from being liberals themselves with apologetic bullshit they pull. "You're the reason woman suck" or "Man up" (The fuck do they mean with that? Is manning up going to change the court system?)
The digits don’t lie.
Kek meme right there user.
>Get a white woman you faggots.
They can't.
All the white women are taken and there are still leftover men.
Literally proving his point faggot.
Asians despise divorce.
they are
Lmaoing at your denial. I have hapa friends and they always complain how they get zero pussy. They look like mutts, maybe one step above white/spic hybrids, but a very small step
Germany please. Women outnumber men at this point.
>mixes your genes
>gives you many mulatto children
Nuthin personal whyboi
Lol you’re a fat non-reproductive loser. Why are incels so seething and fanatical about the choices of those who do reproduce? Have you ever seen a well-adjusted person who gets laid regularly get as mad as the cuckolds on this board about interracial relationships? Look at how absolutely distraught OP is. He had to make a thread with pure RAGE to cope with his inceldom.
Nothing you do will ever stop white men having sexual intercourse with asian women, and if anything these threads will increase the amount of WMAF sex.
i really dont understand why Jow Forums is so obsessed with who is having sex with each other
Somebody call the zoo, monkey is on the loose
Live mice served at Chinese restaurant.
Don't forget to lick the corners of your Asian waifu's mouth clean after you've finished.
Customer removes 40 dead cockroaches out of their meal from Chinese restaurant.
haha, they're getting desperate lads
None of the guys here that are marrying an Asian are marrying a Commie Chink, that's for sure mate.
>white race so fragile that it gets kek'd by asian waifus and BBC
Good riddance. Keep doing nothing but complain about who fucks who. I laugh when I see Tyrone fuck another white girl. All this growing media that's full of biracial couples. I love it.
t. Mexican with a German gf
Thank you whitebois for being so shit that you are starting to turn women off and on to us. Feels good, and it felt good to pop that cherry.
A Chinese restaurant has been accused of serving human feet after a waiter posted a gruesome picture - allegedly taken in its kitchen - on social media.
The photo shows what looks like two severed and partially decomposed human feet in a blue bowl.
It surfaced after a diner from Slovenia went with friends to a restaurant in Padua, in northern Italy and asked for the Chinese delicacy of bear paws
Just dont have kids with them. Is I'm saying. These hapas are either pathetic virgins or thot sluts who fuck tyrone and chad.
Hey guys, maybe you should just try and find a woman that makes you feel fulfilled and makes your life worthwhile, Then you can start worrying about what your kids will look like.
Oily, moonfaced insectoid
None of the second panel invalidates the first