How tiresome it must be for Chinese to work with Africans in Africa? I'm watching the document Empire of Dust and i'm shocked how ungrateful the blacks are. They get probably much better salary from the Chinese than they get normally and they still do shitty job and just play around.
How tiresome it must be for Chinese to work with Africans in Africa...
it's good to cuck Wakandan bois with Black queens
Mongoloid Bulls master race
Can't civilize the African/Can't tame the Afghan.
Ancient lessons going back to the Kongo Empire and Silk Road. No one learns.
I really hope China has a plan to get rid of the the entire race, but probably not. As of now, there are hundreds of thousands of Africans in China at the moment.
Ew no one is jealous of chinks getting niggers. Everyone knows black women are the most unattractive.
I'm going to come to Japan, fuck your women and live out my dream weeaboo lifestyle one day user-kun
>i'm shocked how ungrateful the blacks are.
yeah, it's a common complaint on Jow Forums
but first, we must eat. yet all we see is sand and tired mule. maybe tomorrow.
Nope, the white nile's only a ten minute walk from where I live. Plenty of fish
>I'm going to come to Japan
try swimming there
True, but let us have our fun OK?
>better salaries
Chinks dont pay them shit
you can have them nippon
And I'll put a drone drone up your ass before that happens you disgusting sand nigger
Lookin like Travis Scott LMAO
with toxins poured in from egypt, enjoy.
don't worry, Shayetet 13 will stick a few blocks of semtex in his computer tower after gathering a list and building an organizational pyramid. it's a bad time to be a bad guy.
oh no please, I love ishrial
Oh lord, I'm getting travelling advice from a Saudi
It can't be worse off than flint
Is he cumming?
I'm not racist, but that asian straight up looks like the deformed monster from the goonies
wtf man that’s racist check your privilege
I'm not white though
wtf moor
They're all concentrated to a specific district of a specific city under police supervision
your ancestors were niggers