Finally, women aren't oppressed into settling for 6s and 7s. Women deserve nothing but total satisfaction.
Betas BTFO
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Have sex
She's right.
It's exactly why I'm not boning a 500 lb ham planet single parent of four baby-daddies. Higher standards than what's on the market. :)
shes right, but those exact same reasons are why men are no longer choosing to marry, why settle for a cheating fat nigger loving whore whos going to take 75%-100% of your wealth away once she gets bored
makeup market and social media made woman whore and entitled cunt
they'll all 2" of cosmetics and look like clowns they take 25k photos to get 2 good one they'll will retouch to hell with some stupid application
we live in a fake world a clown world
also unrealistic standards for man appearance
>all those based as fuck boomers in the comments
Thanks to online dating and all the pathetic men. Women will be 4 and won't settle for anything but a 10.
>raised our standards
>only fuck random thugs met on an eSlut app within fifty mile radius, not vetted via shared social circles or life experiences
>lose pair bonding potential by the time they enter college, becoming even earlier as the apps improve with machine learning
>If do get married, fuck it up within a year because can't think more than three steps ahead and follows tingles instead of brains
>end up alone at 35 with a 100+ cock count and six cats, sipping on (((wine))) and eating (((carb-laden crap))) while watching (((grrl-power))) media. Don't forget to take those (((anti-depressants))) your (((doctor))) prescribed!
Keep slayin, queen!
When I was younger I had sex with over 80 women by time I was 13. Most of them over 40 years old.
>Nigress coping
Everyone knows nigress are the least loved of all women. Cope harder nigs.
That's a new level of delusion.
Says an ugly nigger.
>we've raised our standard
Imagine being interested in a negress.
The most effective thing that makes women lose their mind is IGNORING them.
>if I ignore them maybe they'll pay attention to me
Imagine being this thirsty.
I'm going to invest in cat toys. The stock is going to soar in 20 years when all these women are alone single and have 50 cats.
isn't it there a fetish among 30+ italian men to get a negro fuck pet?
I wonder how much porn has affected this.
Considering the prevalence of internet dating and hookup culture, I'm 99% sure sex hasn't gone down
The problem the idea that changing norms are behind changes in human behavior is that you can't observe norms except by their effects on human behavior. So saying that they change human behavior is kind of circular. The problem with saying that changing attitudes are responsible for people having less sex is simultaneity: People adjust their attitudes to correspond to their behaviors. So how can you tell which is the cause and which is the effect? The big problem behind all of this that it is idealist. It locates the cause in ideas inside people's minds. The mental world is logically dependent on the physical world. Not the other way around.
Same problem applies to this concept of "societal expectations" You can't observe them except by their effects on human behavior. So saying that they "explain" human behavior is circular.
It's called slavery, to get one anyway, fucking it is bestiality.
It's a side-effect of US culture.
In America, you get the stink eye when your gf isn't at least an 8/10, or your bf isn't a rich model, no matter who you are. This effect is more powerful in today's bullying society.
So average people are afraid to date at all and rather stay home and fap to porn. You see it clearly on Jow Forums.
Less sex since when? 5 years ago sure, 20+ years ago nope
>unironically believing that sex alone is totally satisfying
Then what?
Sex in and of itself is not everything. The only people who put it on a pedestal are virgins, incels, and betas who mention it in order to taunt virgins/incels.
“Sex” isn’t going to revolutionize your life. Love might, but definitely not sex in and of itself. Especially not in the 21st century.
Yet the fuck the first nigger they see
lol, it was easy as fuck to score in the 2000s. Good times.
Men judge women by a Gaussian curve.
Women judge men by a Maxwellian.
Simple as that.
This is why young white males should go to South East Asia or Japan for women, they're better and easier.
>Because we've raised our standards
>Millennial woman are the ones who have actually lowered the standards
>Woman use to make it so that if men wanted sex they would have to be willing to put in effort
>Which meant planning and going on multiple dates and the woman getting the man to sexually commit to just her
>Now woman as a whole have settled for men spontaneously just asking for netflix and chill and giving men some easy sideways taco
>Woman have fallen for this and in return have lost their sexual power in the dating market
Women's current behaviour is creating future sex robot customers
True. You have to be some primitive animal to think that highly of sex. I was supremely underwhelmed by the first pussy I fucked.
So Millenials are still having less sex despite most faggots having more than a 1000 partners? Damn.
> This thinks it deserves TOTAL SATISFACTION
The mental diarrhea of an emcel
>Sex being the woman's goal as opposed to marriage and family
What could go wrong?
She cute
Japan is east asian you fucking retard
>the bottom of the barrel white trash race mixes with like 1% of attractive women dating niggers and you make dumb shit like this
only a subhuman south east asian would post this garbage
Rare. Burger on vacation?
>She cute
Fucking betas
just get a girlfriend and quit bitching you fucking incels.
>Estonia nigress worshipper detected
>Women want sex
>Men want marriage
lmao get your test checked.
Fun fact: All through the 80s - 2000s the exact opposite was accepted and common knowledge: Men want sex, women want relationships. That was back when we still had normal test levels.
That's right. I'm not having any sex because I've raised my standards into a different dimension.
The consequences will be mass shootings and mass rapes. If women pull out of the social contract there is no need for men to stay in.
>Black women: We have high standards for sex
high IQ post
How do I get a girlfriend? Just walk up to one and say something stupid and ask her if she wants to go ice skating? I think this is a myth and relationships never happen this way. How they happen I don't know, but not this way.
American negress worshipper actually
if you let sex rule your life then i am sorry but you are set for failure. there is way more to a relationship than sex.
> >Black women: We have high standards for sex
B-but it means that she is for lowering of standards, right?
Don't you have a nigger to be sucking off or something whore? Men want COMMITMENT and LOYALTY, something women cannot provide without penalty of law or threat of violence. Ask Ahmed sometime, he'll educate you.
not italian but i discovered this over the last year. was with a girl for about 8 months, split for a couple and now we're sorta back at it again and she sets off an animal instinct in me that no other girl in the world has.
pls help
>Just walk up to one and say something stupid and ask her if she wants to go ice skating?
I met my girlfriend while I was volunteering at our local homeless shelter, we just shot the shit during work and then hung out after. Really the secret to meeting girls is getting out of your house as much as possible. That's why so many anons here can't find one, they sit inside too much.
I wish I knew. I hate the current online dating/social media culture more than anything. I say this as a zoomer. I wish I could go up to a girl in a skating rink or something. I've never seen someone ask out a girl in real life in my whole life. Never. It's all either online or through mutual friends.
until they hit the wall hard.
Its literally just because of porn. She is a dummy. Also because of continuous melding of the genders in all social contexts, men and women are less mysterious to each other now, which destroys sexual tension
>B-but it means that she is for lowering of standards, right?
The ones around me actually have pretty fair standards because the black guys were so shit just having a job makes you a catch in their eyes lol. If you're white and go on a dating site you'll instantly get matches with black women if there are any around you. You see a lot of black women with gingers in my area for some reason lol.
the fattest one should say "Tyrone only"
We will see women mass suicides in about 5 years, maybe even before that. All the beta men are dried up and every chad is plowing zoomers or is married to a virgin without financial debt and tattoos. They are actually in a panic right now.
probably this. every action has an equal or opposite reaction etc.
White “women”
It's easy as fuck now, you can do it all from your phone
That's fine. I just won't want them afterwards
>present day
>men are shit and need to be better
>near future
>where the good men at, I need mone- uh, love too
yeah and we raised our standards too. I won't take women that are too old, too fat, too ugly, too roasty, too crazy or with children.
i think you were in a child prostitution ring user
More of these DISGUSTING, Judaeized/niggerized cultural norms (on both sides). When you read this vile negress' article, it's clear that her entire context for how sex should be is based on the norms of modern hookup culture. But when you come to this board (which is supposed to represent a sort of cultural resistance), and listen to people talk about the same subject... it's clear that their context is also the norms of modern hookup culture.
It's just like all the anons who listen to nigger rap, and spend their days obsessing over sports ball apes. YOU HAVE TO VOMIT THE POISON UP, BEFORE YOU CAN BEGIN TO HEAL FROM ITS EFFECTS.
People here claim to be the defenders of Western Civilization. But western civilization (as it exists right now) isn't worth pouring a warm glass of piss on. Unless we can recover and internalize values that our ancestors held centuries ago, nothing that we do will matter in the slightest bit. Multicultural globohomo, and pure white globohomo are both the same globohomo.
>Georgina Lawton
the author is the genius who thought she was white
> fighting age men denied important biological need
> surely won't backfire
Based and statistical-analysis-pilled
>raised standards
Harem behavior because we have reduced ourselves to barbaric pre-civilization mating habbits
I can open a dating app and be fucking a random 1-6 girl literally anytime I want it’s disgusting.
I can’t imagine what it’s like for 10/10 guys, the pussy flow has never been more open for the taking this cannot last
.... I’m willing to believe a lot of bullshit but this is a bridge too far
>Eh, Alfredo! Wouldn't ya get a load o'dis here slick ratchet set with its smooth plastic case? Mmmm... such a beauty I tell ya...
Wops can fetishize ANYTHING!
I have standards, so why would I want to pursue a relationship with a modern woman? Even sex gets old eventually, faster than you would think. Then you're stuck with an inept retard who brings nothing to the table but herpes.
The “common knowledge” is bullshit blue pilled nonsense
Men want sex but top men want a loyal wife to be certain of his progeny
then stop being a pussy they probably give stink eye since theyre jealous
don't be surprised if your mutt child wants nothing to do with those massive areolas
What lol? Plus I would want some milk too. Black womens breast are scientifically proven to produce the most nutritional and highest amount of milk
Built for BWC
Must be a spontaneous planner who is fit and six pack abs with a dad bod and is a sensitive bad boy who likes pets and has no pets and is a homebody who loves to travel with lightish darkish hair and is a fashionable metrosexual rugged manly man who is athletic and not too interested in sports who loves to cook and doesn’t like womanly things like cooking
Swipe left if you’re looking for a fling or something non-serious and swipe left if you’re looking for something serious because I’m not looking to jump into something too quickly.
I don't read The Guardian, or The Independent.
They are due for receivership and I'm not driving any traffic their way.
lol there was a comedy sketch about this
This is true. Every single part of every single location in the United states is exactly like this with no exception. Every one of the 320 million people living in the US behaves this way.
I just started sleeping with asian qts.
Well that'll just leave people unhappy to have such high expectations.
You mean pakis or orientals?
Same, I won't lower my standards for some bitch. Better pure than a thot toy.
>"higher standards"
thats a good philosophy to become a single mother or childless
These clowns than proceed to end up in abusive relationships with the guy who knows how to play her.
Hard to pity seeing they wanted fantasy and so any guy who gets in her pants will be the one who can play that fantasy. Than they'll cry about gaslighting if he stays or cry about there being no good men left when he ditches her dur to incompatible personality or simply not finding the sex worth the trouble.