Prussia literally still exists

There is a German document ("Überleitungsvertrag und "Feindstaatenklauseln" im Lichte der völkerrechtlichen Souveränität der Bundesrepublik Deutschland") that literally proves almost everything the Reichsbürger ever said 100% right.

Prussia still exists and Germany is still under occupying forces.

So we have a group who LITERALLY says the OBJECTIVE TRUTH STATED BY A OFFICIAL DOCUMENT OF THE STATE and they get ridiculed.

Don't forget to vote for the AFD to make Prussia great again.

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>American Education
What is the story behind Prussia anyway?

>revive a dead entity when your country only owns a small fraction of the former land of said dead entity
even if you theoretically revived the political entity of Prussia, what difference will it make? Germans are still cucked

We could force all rapefugees out and sink the rest in the water if they dare to come close for example, that would be a start.

Baltic land taken by teutonic order. Old prussians assimilated to german society or were killed. Teutonic Order fought agaisnt pagan Balts and Poles, but leter got subjugated by Polish-Lithuanian forces. They became a vassal of Crown of Poland but later broke free, Prussia unified german states and formed German Empire. After WWI parts of Prussia, inhabited by Poles were given to Poland. After WW2 entire german population of prussia was reseatled to Germany, USSR took Eastern Poland and gave us Prussia and Silesia instead

this, give me the run down

>gave us Prussia and Silesia
Wrong, that was Kohl
East Prussia was offered at reunification but this traitorous nigger declined

Kid you wont get anythinf back

too many Germans are indecisive and will always vote for moderate parties leading you to nowhere

In reality Stalin made these decision already on Yalta, it was all decied. They took our land and gave us yours


I prefer Bavarian rule.

You think that some german poltician had a voice? It was all just a performance , you had and still have no chance of getting Prussia back

>Bavarian rule
dude Bavaria is full of niggers and arabs

on paper it still exists but it won't help you in the court.

doesn't this tie in with the strawman illusion and holy sea maritime law? Jow Forums is scared of this theory for some reason.

Bavaria is the last place in Germany with healthy patriotism and a sense for tradition. It's like a completely different country.

Would be cool with it if they would rule everything.

Poland was 60% Polish after WW2. Land in which the Soviet moved in was 10% Polish before WW1 and around 16% when the Soviets moved in. So unlike the Germans in Prussia the Poles were a clear minority in those lands and yet you still called it Polish clay and many Poles still pretend that it belongs go Poland,typical Polish double standard.

What's a Reichsburger Hans

I would only support Germany reclaiming her land taken by Poland (pre WW2 border) as long as Poland reclaimed her land from Russia. When USSR fell apart I wish Poland had been able to send its Army immediately after and retake that territory.

prussia was never good


Someone who believes Germany is still under occupation and that Prussia never went down.

And factually, they are 100% correct but get ridiculed by media although there is literally a officially released document of the state that proves every single one of their theories right.


Where have i stated that this land was Polish after WW2? I clearly said that germans were reseatled idiot

Überleitungsvertrag and Feindstaatenklausel are documents regarding WW2. Prussia as a sovereign entity stopped being a thing before WW1.

And if you're a Reichsbürger, odds are that Officer Not-so-friendly and his 10 SEK/SWAT goons are gonna knock on your door pretty quick.

I'm not a "Reichsbürger", but their arguments are literally proven right by this document.

basically the German version of sovereign citizens in the US, a bunch of loonies who argue with traffic cops and larp on the internet

well that's mainly because the reichsburgers are also the most armed in your country, so they literally pose a security threat to the government. I do get what you're saying and you are indeed correct, the German Constitution of today was never ratified by the vote of the people (nor their will), but instead by the occupying forces after ww2 ended. If you look at this idea through a legal point of view, the last legit german constitution was the one enacted by the Third Reich;

We have something similar in our country as well - the last legal constitution of Romania was the one enacted under the Romanian Royal House; when the commies invaded and took over, they forced the King to abdicate, yet the King refused to sign the legal documents. In turn, the Soviets enacted an illegal constitution in 1947 which stood its ground until our 89' revolution. Legally, after Ceausescu's fall, we should have reverted back to our Monarchical Constitution, yet it never happened because in the elections the neo-communists won yet again.

tl;dr both situations will never be resolved, not by any modern day government. Also, taking any situations to court will most likely see you lose.

>what was germanization
>what was kulturkampf
in Vilnus or Lviev we were clear majority but whatever
and i think you meant to say we were 60% Polish after WW1

I don't own any guns and find the German gun law actually superior to that what the Reichsbürger want, but as far as I know they pursued all weapons legally so I dunno why they are even on a watchlist.

Gee, it's almost as if the illegitimate gangsters that are in charge in this country fear the light of truth and reason

But then why releasing a document? Again, I'm right wing conservative but not a Reichsbürger but I always found it odd why they attacked such a obscure group that literally just had "funny" ideas and opinions at the time.

Did they even ever murdered someone?

You fucking mongoloid. The land that constituted the kingdom of Prussia at its greatest extent (Silesia, Prussia, and Pommeralia/ania) was, for the most part, historically German. The Germanic tribes, at the time of the Roman empire, were extensively documented and we can see that ALL lands west of the Vistula were occupied by Germanic tribesmen. The Venedi, the first Slavs, inhabited land far east of the Vistula before the mass migration of the Germanic trbies commenced and they moved to Italy, Spain, etc.... The only lands that werent historically Germanic that the German empire owned was Ostpreussen and, even then, the Prussian people integrated with the Teutonic (after campaigns at the behest of Masovians) effectively making the successor state to pagan Prussia the kingdom of Prussia.

Stop this revisionist history you swine. The Germans deserve the states that unified them, we deserve the states that were ours historically (western ukr, bel, etc...).

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all of your nationalistic elements are under constant surveillance, be them armed or not. I'd bet that most if not all the individuals that hold a gun permit in Germany are being watched so that they can be easily identified if they show any signs of "potential extremism". Mind you, we're talking about Germany, the country where the intelligence agency couldn't prosecute the nationalistic party because so many of its high-echelon members and leaders were already intelligence agents or assets.

>tfw you're an undercover agent assigned to watch over a threat, yet you publish anti-semitic and Holocaust-denial material all by yourself just to blend in

Bavaria yes. Munich no. You can find patriotism only in small villages.

Ye, the NPD was founded by the MI6, it's an open secret that basically everyone in it is a contact person of the state. Nazis lie their hope into the "Third way" but these are literally the exact same people.

Yeeah yeah, sure Teutons created every fucking nation in history. What a pile of bullshit, i can give you that ostprussen and Western Poland was german, population was like 95% german but for fuck sake stop your insane fairy Tales about germanic tribes creating everything. Also you should move to Germany you fucking fifth column, i cant believe that you guys can accualy obtain a polish citizenship

fuck off back to your muslims shithole kraut

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Trump clearly has prussian DNA

Well Police being so quick to act shows that the government is afraid of these people and that these constitutional "loopholes" are actually valid (and that withholding taxes is seeerious business, unlike rape gangs pffft). Still it won't matter because the state sits at the longer levers, so to speak. Still we shouldn't be living in the past but looking for future solutions.

As for being armed, the government looks ill on any gun owner that doesn't cuck 150% to the regime since gun ownership in the EU is a privilege not a right.
In my opinion, an all around armed populace is very important to freedom as well as defense. The german revolutionaries of 1848 proposed this, hell even Lenin did. Why not the "Most free state ever on German soil™"?

With that name they are a prime sow to chase through the village. Muh Rrrreich and shit

Brandenburg was a German state, it's capital Berlin. They were caught between the Imperial army and the Swedes in the thirty years war. Entire cities in Brandenburg were burned down. Entire populations massacred. The Great Elector, leader of Brandenburg, says, "Never again." He creates the foundations for the world's first uniform and professional standing army. He takes 10,000 men and defeats 40,000 Swedes, a complete Route. Brandenburg is now recognized as more than just a backwoods shithole with no resources and no economy. The Great Elector and his lineage, Frederick William, Frederick William the 2nd, etc etc, adopt the ideals that made their army successful into their government. Brandenburg creates the world's second ever instance of a government based on a meritocratic bureaucracy.

Little Brandenburg then annexes Ducal Prussia from Poland, which is in Northern Poland along the coast. Eventually Brandenburg adopts the name Prussia. The Prussian government and Prussian army become more powerful, more efficient, more well-run and regulated than any European government or army in history. They swallow up the much richer and stronger states of Saxony and Bavaria, among others, to create DEUTSCHLAND.


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Even after Germany is created, the government finds itself in the same situation that the Great Elector and Brandenburg found themselves in 200 years ago, surrounded by much bigger powers - France and Russia. While France had colonies all over the world, and Russia had a massive landmass, Germany (Prussia) had an efficient and effective government. At the turn of the 20th century the Germany economy had surpassed almost all others, even France, only Great Britain and the behemoth that was the US economy was above it. But, all economic indicators said Germany would surpass Great Britain in the next decade, the Great Britain with it's empire across the world and that was drawing a huge income from it's world trade empire. Little Germany was going to overtake them.

Now we get into WW1. The French government and Russia conspired to draw Austria into a war that they could not win. Russia was behind the assassination of Ferdinand, and France was financing the build up of the Russian military and railway. Their goal was to exploit the Germany treaties with Austria and wipe out Germany. Which is nearly what happened, but not before the German army goose-stomped all over Europe buttfucking the much larger and more financed French and Russian military. Now before any French or Russians or anyone else feel offended over this, journals and newspapers tell us -- no one wanted this war, except for the elites of the French and Russian government. Not even Germany wanted this war, but Russia had called for a full mobilization of their forces along the German border a full week before Germany declared war. Germany had no other choice but to take the fight to the aggressors.

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The true tragedy of the 20th century is not the "holocaust," it is that elite forces in European governments caused the great powers to massacre European peoples. But Germany (Prussia) proved not just willing, but able to stand against their plans. It took the might of Great Britain and the US to defeat them, the mightiest and most wealthy nations of the world to defeat little Germany.

So Germany starts up again after WW1. They pull off an economic miracle under Hitler, and this time, they know their enemy's name -
die internationalen Juden. Again, little Germany, with their meritocratic bureaucracy and efficiency, goose-stomp all over Europe again, and again, it takes the might of the world to stop them.

So when the treaties were signed post-WW2, laws were drawn up that outlawed the Prussian state, the only force to ever stand up against the die internationalen Juden. The only force that can save this world from becoming a jew hell-hole.

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Imo the better argument is that Corded ware and yamna cultures had identical YDNA, R1a, most propably our ancestors inhabited this land before the germanic tribes, but germans invade and forced us east. Its just a theory ofc, and very controversial one

>Someone who believes Germany is still under occupation
But Germany is under occupation? Even if its cordial there is treaties regulating the occupation of Germany by U.S. forces and they are directly tied to post-ww2 occupation treaty?
Is it controversial in Germany to say that the country is occupied (like Japan)?

I must agree with the state and US democrats on that. I find "gun rights" are no rights.
People should have a full education including an advanced psychological test and no history with crime or shizophrenia or anything like that to own a gun. I like the gun laws how they are and I don't really seek to want them like in the US. I would be afraid if someone snaps durin a argument in his/her home and shoot me in the head. Maybe an irrational fear, but that's enough to not want "advanced gun laws".

>revive a dead entity when your country only owns a small fraction of the former land of said dead entity
Welp that's basically what every nationalist movement does. They even make up their history and symbolism.

This word is grammar cancer

Memes aside I fucking love you guys, brilliant responses

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While I appreciate the legal loopholes the Reichsbürgers go through to try and legally prove that the German Empire never ended. They fail to grasp the reality of sovereignty through strength. As long as Germany's military and police force believe in the current Merkel Weimar 2.0 government, the idea of those documents is only that, an idea.

Reichsbürgers would literally have a better chance by trying to get influence to the military. If there are like an estimated 10,000 of them. If 1 out of that became an officer of the bundeswehr, they could overtime redpill the rest of the service so long as they didn't get caught. KSK are pretty right winged and arguably semi nat soc, but they got caught and the entire force was reduced and those left were now politically demoralized.

>daily reminder that AfD is corrupt as shit. Incompetent as fuck. Constantly lies to the people it supposedly represents and supports big business rather than small start ups.

You got what you expected i guess

It's controversial because those Reichsbürger deny that the current German state has any authority over them. Many of them stop paying taxes and disrespect the court, so they are treated as enemies of the state, not just harmless lunatics.

But to add, it doesn't matter whether or not the current iteration of Germany gets Prussia or Silesia back; the spirit of the nation - the spirit of civilization - that brought us Wagner, Nietzsche, Freud, Jung, etc... has been extinguished. WWI was the end of western civilization. We no longer exist as a people of scientists, philosophers, composers, etc... the spark that we had simply vanished and it is unlikely that it is reignited specifically considering the prevalence of democracy and the general mindset of current nations. I see no viable and probable way to unbrainwash the western youth. The powers that be have sunk their claws in too deep and will drive humanity into the ground for money and power

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>stop paying taxes and disrespect the court
based, hit them where it hurts. the only language that these swine speak is one that consists of money and the possibility of attracting more votes. they do not and cannot care for you throughout any period of time beside the one where elections are imminent and when they seem to care for you, the give you breadcrumbs: gilded concessions to placate you and secure your vote and, once reelected, the go right back to pegging you with a spiked dildo

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>German blood
1) "Und hiermit berühre ich die Frage der Rasse. Ich bin ein polnischer Edelmann pur sang, dem auch nicht ein Tropfen schlechtes Blut beigemischt ist, am wenigsten deutsches. Denke ich daran, wie oft ich unterwegs als Pole angeredet werde und von Polen selbst, wie selten man mich für einen Deutschen nimmt, so könnte es scheinen, dass ich nur zu den angesprenkelten Deutschen gehörte."

2) "Und doch waren meine Vorfahren polnische Edelleute: ich habe von daher viel Rassen-Instinkte im Leibe, wer weiss? Zuletzt gar noch das liberum veto."

3) "Ich danke dem Himmel, daß ich in allen meinen Instinkten Pole und nichts andres bin."

4) "Ich selbst bin immer noch Pole genug, um gegen Chopin den Rest der Musik hinzugeben."

5) "Meine Vorfahren waren polnische Edelleute, noch die Mutter meines Großvaters war Polin."
6) "Man hat mich gelehrt, die Herkunft meines Blutes und Namens auf polnische Edelleute zurückzuführen, welche Niëtzky hießen und etwa vor hundert Jahren ihre Heimat und ihren Adel aufgaben, unerträglichen religiösen Bedrückungen endlich weichend: es waren nämlich Protestanten."
Dont get me wrong, he was raided in Germany i cant claim that he was realy a Pole, but he had polish blood, you cant claim that he acheived all of this becosue of "superior" german blood, becouse he was of polish orgin


Well, you're doing a better job keeping these areas clean than Merkel would.

good posts fren

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>Prussia still exists and Germany is still under occupying forces.

This is incorrect.

>Ye, the NPD was founded by the MI6


if the german constitution would be ratified or adapted by a public vote, this whole scharade could end.

- constitutional referendum
- peace treaties
- moving of all gouvermental institutions to berlin
- cut mandatory ties with the allied forces, because all conditions are now met for germany to become a souvereign state again ( 3 forces treaty)

done. germany is now as official as it can be. it would require one vote, that would be easily won ( concerning the mindset of the average german)

if Prussia still exists then you are still Polish vassal
bend your knee subject

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prussia was removed from the face of earth

germany is a big human farm where 95% are peasants and serfs which pay rent to delusional and glamorous german lords

technically prussia was never disolved, because some essential points of the requirements to change the FDR from a occupational body on german land to a state of the german people were never met.

my previous post names those requirements.

additional things:
- remove inconsistencies in the passport, travel pass, birth certificate and the requirements to join politics.
- rename "personalausweis" to "Personenausweis" and write the names in the pasport in capital letters
- state the quirement of the german soil by the state of the fdr
- state signs a peace treaty with the german people (same vote as the constitutional referendum)

No thanks, I'd prefer Die Rechte

East Elbian Germany was subject to ethnic cleansing and a near half century of communism as a consequence of an Austro-B*varian ideology. Fuck Wessis and fuck Helmut Kohl. Faggots have permanently fucked Germany.

What is this about the republic being an occupational force? Who said that?

They'll drive themselves to the ground alongside humanity. Humanity will rebuild once again and we won't be sorry. Our art and undying spirit is what they fear the most.

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>they said it themselfes


I was never very good at german.

Basically our sovereignty and legitimacy as a country lies somewhere between taiwan and palestina.

Posting this as a courtesy to show I'm not /just/ some 1 post shit-poster.
Seems I stepped in something of a hornet's nest.
Trying to take in the nuance and history.
For what it's worth, great grand mother of mine said we came from Prussia.
She seemed proud of it, like it was some secret.
Her family also seemed hyper status sensitive.
>t. Amerimutt

The German Reich never officially surrendered after WW2. Not in any way the UN should accept.

Therefore the Flensburg Government should still be in charge of the Reich.

as i said in my post, rattifing the german surrender and constitutuíonal changes by a referendum would fix this mess.

Third Reich Reichsbürger > Second Reich Reichsbürger

>The French government and Russia conspired to draw Austria into a war that they could not win. Russia was behind the assassination of Ferdinand
Germany wanted a war, but a war that would be fought on a single front so they can take out France and not worry about Russia. But after Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated, the relations with Russia detoriorated and Russia joined the Antante.
They took out Bismarck to sea to Gibraltar in hopes of someone shooting somebody, they started a massive military buildup, created the Central Powers and they sent Franz Ferdinand to Bosnia, despite warnings, on a Serbian national holiday, after annexing Serbian clay.
Germany wanted colonies for itself and tried to beat France but they couldnt.

I want a reichsburger with fries.

That is the real question though.
Will the slavs come to aid us?

>Ptolemy talked about Slavs
The first use of the term Slav was about 600 years after he was dead. Everything north of Rome was referred to as German.

Only time will tell

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>Prussia still exists and Germany is still under occupying forces.

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Probably, yes. Most slavs dont really have opinion about you that isnt "possible ally"
>Britbongs and frogs
Definetly no. French have been lost and we never liked brits
No, we have drugs and hookers cheaper here
>European Mexicans

nah, thats a misleading comparison, i smell a ratface behind this post

>Don't forget to vote for the AFD to make Prussia great again.
Hello Shlomo, fuck off.

Every northern euro culture celts and Germanic included has a connection to corded ware culture

But at that exact place, extremly rare breed of slavs, Лyжички Cpби live...

effort posting is top notch, rarely seen on pol anymore

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Isn't this just some dumb conspiracy theory that only far right German idiots believe?

If you don't want your land militarily occupied for 70 years and partitioned, then maybe don't try and invade Russia and Azerbaijan next time, okay Hanz?

So what?
Land is owned by people who can defend it.
The BRD exists because of the the federal state's police forces, Bundeswehr and NATO. That is all there is.
Prussia is history.

Königsberg is a Russian literal shithole now while München is one of the most prosperous cities in the world.
>But muh paper says I exist
Stay mad Prussian idiots.

t. literal cattle property of the corporation of dc

so just sit there and wait until the bolshevik juggernaut rolls over europe?

Yes Hans, finally you got it.

it's still better than living in a NATO EU colony of DC

Bolsheviks were not threatening Germany. It was Hitler who violated the non-aggression pact.

You have not learned enough from history then, IMO.

This is just dumb theorizing. I could argue the same way that PLC still exists because Union of Lublin is binding "[...]till the end of the world" and only way to unbind it would be joint session of Polish and Lithuanian parliaments. Yet the fact remains that Poland and Butthurtuania are separate countries now and some document written 400 years ago doesn't make PLC anymore real.

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>those Reichsbürger deny that the current German state has any authority over them. Many of them stop paying taxes and disrespect the court

>Being a Reichsbürger
>Falling for the myth of the upside down german flag

Please stop falling for this shit

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