Can you describe it?
What does it feel like to be white?
Exactly the same as it feels to be any other race except that whites face actual racial discrimination on a daily basis while other races only fantasize they do.
yes, pic related
There is definitely a particular "feeling" to being white, it lingers in the air and I feel it all the time. The best way I can describe this feeling is it feels like everything will fall into place someway somehow. This may be an aspect of the European soul. As I said earlier, I can feel it very strongly.
i never gave it too much thought before Jow Forums because we in Europe dont care about "whiteness" but about ETHNICITY, something new worlders cannot really comprehend due to 99% of you having two or more ethnicities, but now i take great joy and pride in having light-brown hair and blue eyes, being quintessentually white, especially due to all those HURR SLAVS ARENT WHITE DURR nonsense. Feels good to be living proof of the contrary.
Also bonus is having all those swarthy but cute arab teens in Tunisia approaching you for being white as fuck, felt really good to get that much female attention, here in Croatia in 25 years i never got it as much as for 10 days in Tunisia. They are really attracted to light european features
Another aspect is that I feel very comfortable in my skin. If there were any insults directed at me in regards to being white European, it would trickle off me like rain on a raincoat. It almost feels impossible that I could ever be insulted.
whites have a strong sense of individual logic, they carry the whole world in their brain in a sense, some more than others. I agree with this post, it's like no matter the crazyness, there is a voice inside, lingering.
But maybe others have it too, I dunno, but I doubt it. They seem to be more a product of their culture than whites are.
>Can you describe it?
It feels great knowing you are the prettiest and the smartest and the best....
Adam and Eve were created in God's Image...
Adam and Eve were White
Niggers evolved from apes.
Being White means you are NOT a NIGGER!
Is great
nice wouldn't have life any other way
it must fucking suck to be a wh*Te boi
they're the weakening cucks with the extreme low T
universally despised and hated too
Are you mad chink?
>Pic related
the fact of the matter is that culture and intellect aside, southern russians are objectively the most aesthetically attractive racial groups
We was actually kangz tho
your daughters and sisters make us feel like where special
Fucking great
How do Hapas fit into God's plan?
Whites also have the best aesthetics, well used to atleast..
yeesh we dont talk about the male hapas here user
whites have the best eye for aesthetics we make the world better
They don't but in this world nothing is sacred nor pure. We will bleach the hapas
haha you're dreaming
learn the difference
>Born white and into money
>brought up in upper class neighborhood
>public elementary school in an upper class neighborhood
>families took their kids out of public school in 6th grade because the local middle school pulled from """""undesirable""""" parts of town
>went to private high school as well
>played football
>went to huge state university in the south on a scholarship because high school has a /rigorous/ reputation
>pledged fraternity
>got solid degree and went into high-paying field
>built huge network of upper-class whites while in high school and college
>now all of us are going into middle management and comfortably wealthy
Rinse and repeat for the next generation. What a cycle.
We're able to appreciate and see things. Just around us. It's nice.
Jap don't you have drawings of children to masturbate too?
> Arab teens in Tunisia.
Tell me more (for research purposes.)
Wtf I have never felt this feeling. What does this mean?
I am half Armenian and half Northern European, and have extremely dark features but light skin. For me it’s odd because Europeans don’t consider me white, but POC say I’m a white devil. When the race war breaks out both sides will shoot me. But in general I definitely feel superior because even most white people are nigger-tier, in the US and many parts of Europe.
Everyone hates you
Are you from south Italy? I... I'm sorry user.
Used to be cool now we are bottom of the totem pole
Well you know what they say about Italians and being white...
Sorry? W-what do you mean?
Everyday when I wake up I thank the Lord for being white.
Everyone should thank the Lord for whatever skin color they have.
Feels good man
Its fucking great
I hope for your sake the darkies didn't get you, user. You'll feel it too one day man, I-I'm sure you will.
What no!! I'm white I have white skin and my father has green eyes!!
Japs have good aesthetics too no need for hate
Why do you imagine yourself a European if you worship jews.
Depends on if you're good looking or not, if you're good looking and white, it's a privilege. If you're mediocre and white, then everyone hates you and takes their problems out on you like you somehow hold the original sin that caused all their first world misery.
It's just an overarching sense of stability and trust. It's sort of like asking what it feels like to be a man. I know that when the chips are down, I'll make the correct judgement. I know that if a non-man tries to mislead or fool me, I will see through it straight away. Same with being white. Isn't it somewhat ironic that the opaque ones are the most transparent in their schemes?
It's hard to describe, women want to trick you into nutting inside them.
In the current political climate it's a burden. I have started to suspect people of treating me with prejudice if they fit a certain profile, namely middle aged white women who aren't wearing a wedding ring, or black millenials. If they're anything in real life like they act online, they probably hold irrational hatred towards me because of the narrative sold to them by our (((overlords))).
Of course for research purposes, what else could it be? Anyway, i was in Djerba last summer, island right next to Tunisia mainland, and every night i'd go to different place, in their bars or whatever you call those places in english, where young people gather, smoke nargila and socialize, and many times 16-17 years old arab girls (cant say how old exactly but under 20 for sure) were approaching me, starting chit chat, asking me about my hair (i have long-ish light brown hair), some of them asked if they can join me etc. Never did more than making out with some of them but that amount of female attention really felt good. And they didnt hide the fact they love european features, especially long, light hair and light eyes.
No woman in Croatia ever showed that much attention to me. One of best vacations of my life, defnitely
Still salty about Hiroshima?
You know we could both be so much stronger and better if we worked together.
Nope, a white girl trapped me and I’m Korean.
its like you dont think about race ever until some nigger or red haired fat outcast brings it up.
All others want you for various features. Some want your eye color, hair texture, physique, monetary income, skin tone, history, there is something which triggers cannabalistic feelings in other people. They want you so bad they want to sink their teeth into your flesh.
Why do you insist on this backwards thinking that only separates people. You think you're so edgy because you shit on mommy and daddy's religion from the safety of their basement? The irony is pagancucks tend to not have any respect for history.
Another thing is that most pagans are liberal, so yeah you're a traitor.
Dude, the religion's most traditional denomination Orthodoxy literally says the creator of the universe ONLY manifested as an ashkenazi jew. Who you worship.
How am I wrong?
I do the same God damn job beaners and niggers do but I work harder and get less time off
Everyone knows wops ain't white.
Sorry Luigi.
not true even plain looking whites people feel better being around than some ugly brownie
I guess it'd suck if you're ugly. If you're handsome and blue-eyed and european, you can sort of feel superior to most people... Especially in America, where there are lots of browns and subhumans
Just because I worship Jesus doesn't mean I'm going to go and kiss the feet of every Jew I meet. Or believe all the stupid shit the pope says, or even withdraw from reading about the occult. I believe in knowledge, I also believe that Christianity is the most practical religion, and so I will continue to be Christian, also most American Catholics are conservative or right wing. And religion is what usually defines their politics in the first place, I wouldn't be biting the hand that feeds you
Everyone hates you because you work hard. You literally want to be left alone so you can work.
im Italian so I get all the anti white hatred from the muds but none of the pro white solidatirty from the pale skins. Kinda gay
Privileged as fuck. I can literally go into the street and start killing any POCs and nobody would care. I can literally get away with anything by being white.
Like almost all "white" people, racial identity is not particularly important to me. I really can't wrap my head around people who wake up in the morning, look at themselves in the mirror, and think "I'm black/asian/native American." Like, how low does your sense of self worth have to be?
I can tell you what it's like to be a male American millennial.
Apparently only 10% of white people give a shit that they're white.
Normal, common sense is great
feels great
Fucking aye.