Politically what is this guy’s real views? Do we need more like him?

Politically what is this guy’s real views? Do we need more like him?

Also is he going to wear a wool beanie in the summer too ? Wtf

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Looks like Stan from southpark if he grew up and they did a live action movie

Is he a virgin

He gets paid in advertising because he is a real journalist and those are actually pretty hard to find outside of social media and town squares.

He reads the news. I don't care how bald he is ;o

he's not political at all imo.
he's just a mossad agent. like the rest of them.

why doesnt he just wear a friggin cap at least

>Wear a wool beanie in the summer

Nothing screams I'M LOSING MY HAIR!! more than inappropriate hat wearing.
He might as well shave it, he is not totally repulsive just needs to hit the gym a bit.

>Politically what is this guy’s real views?
Libtard who just had his entire world view rocked by a kike in front of everyone, claimed to be opposed to identitarianism while in the same breath saying "as a mixed race person..."
>Do we need more like him?
We'll soon find out, so far he has proven to be redpill resistant, but this could push him over the age.
>Also is he going to wear a wool beanie in the summer too ?
Yes, because he's bald and an insecure bitch nigga.

My guess is he's going bald that's why he wears the beanie. He hasn't come to terms with it yet. Ironically, that'll make him lose hair faster.

He's a center-leftist old European style. No one warned him center-left is gone since EU and euro kicked in.

>My guess
No need to guess.

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He really needs to either shave his head and accept being bald or buy a fucking wig.

Definitely left-leaning. In another world he'd probably be communist.

>first week of may

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>that'll make him lose hair faster
How so?

He’s actually Sam Hyde’s biological brother and his entire YouTube shtick has been an elaborate Alt Right gag.


>Politically what is this guy’s real views?
making money.

he just does his thing.

Ah, well that explains it. I've never seen him without the beanie. Poor guy.

hes just a bro with a beanie

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eh.... I can read the news.
we need more channels like 1791

>he doesn't remember the summer of riots and Tim's permanent beanie

Isn’t he like half Asian? Sucks for him that he didn’t get the balding dht resistance gene

Bald acceptance advocate

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he's getting fat

we all do at 40. i eat about 20% less now and finally understand why there is "lite" beer

He blackpilled himself by covering sjw madness.

Left wing journalist who has been redpilled by covering the insanity of the progs.

People still falling for the ok hand sign really rustles his jimmies.

He is too smart to be on the left, but will never be on the right wing because he has too many bum friends who like smoking weed and skateboarding. Also cuck parents didnt discipline him enough, and he hates cops because when tried to do it

He is an all right guy though

honestly like this is probably illegal in canada, can I recommend you a good local lawyer?


the gene is dominant.

hes like "im a skater and like beanies" but hes really just a baldfag

he needs to get back in shape

He wears the beanie on camera so he can easily disguise himself in public with a pair of sunglasses and the beanie off actually. This board is full of fucking retards.

Hi Tim!

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socially far left. economically center. Was friends with the founder of unicorn riot until they turned on him

Lol... yea.. no

he's a wizard
