Reminder: There are paid Israelis here 24/7

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Israel never signed the NPT, though.

yeah it's fucking pathetic. Israel is such a shitty country.

Proof ?

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ive never seen so many jew flags on pol as this


We are in violation of the NPT.

Why are you such a fan of sovereignty eroding international treaties?

Why do the Muslims on here (many of which use memeflags to hide their country) seriously think that UN treaties are worth the ink that they’re written with?

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Doesn't matter how I feel, we are bound to it (because we signed it) by Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution. We are violating Article 1 of the NPT with every shekel sent.

I could tell you how exactly Israel got the nukes but it involved heavily French government in the 60-70'.

Based. Havent seen this one.

I guess we'll find out when Israel Has Nukes becomes a meme and people are forced to talk about it.

Because he’s a Muslim posing as a WN who keeps creating this thread 10,000 times.

He’s trying to discourage us from voting for Trump because he wants the Muslim ban to end.

Rosensteins were executed in 1953.

>ive never seen so many jew flags on pol as this
OP is even hiding his, so he can larp as a hollywood nazi for the newfags. Ironic because zionism pretty much equates to the supremacist attitudes they project on to actual european peoples.

Honk honk

OP is posting from some Middle East shitskin country, and wants Trump to lose re-election so he can again travel to the United States.

Hot take, kike. And what puzzle pieces do you have for that? I have never mentioned Trump and cant think of any better vote besides Pat Little.

It's more than that - they are conscripts that are forced to serve in the IDF

I'm not revealing my flag, faggots. Because I do the opposite of what kikes tell me, and in the other threads it was the Israelis screeching about revealing. Convenient that its the "innocent, definitely goyim" American flags now.

Anyway, OP, nobody on here even heard of the NPT until you mentioned it, and nobody on here except for you cares about it.

Now, get back to celebrating Ramadan. You are free to travel to every country in the world except the United States. Being banned from one country out of hundreds in the world doesn’t seem like that big of a deal to me.

Pic related

This is a Christian board. The fact that you swarm these threads is why I am compelled to make them. God will protect me, and if He doesn't, so be it.

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Pat Little. The guy who was proposing nigger reparations even before Julian Castro and Beto O’Rourke were? That Patrick Little?

You think supporting that clown makes you a WN?

Actually, I’m sure shitskin like you like Little. Since Little preaches tolerance of shitskins, and only hates Jews.

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Ok? Kill yourself. Kike.

The Rosensteins did really nothing wrong. The Intels they got was shit. Their executions was a political move.

But we provide the first Israeli nuclear reactor, having their word that it won't produce nuclear weapon. But the Israelis in France had their own operation, which was shut down lately by C. De Gaulle. Too late, the ME went nuclear.

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Kill yourself, Muslim.


Ahh, the delightful sound of a Jew who has been found out.

That was mutt screeching you stupid banana nigger.

Yes we know. Our tax dollars are paying them to be here.

t. Paid Israeli shill

Anyway, the UN is a nigger and sand nigger run, anti-American, anti-white, POS organization. Nobody except for SJWs gives two shits about what the UN says.

Holy shit that kike got triggered

Attached: shut-it-down-jew.jpg (2040x3160, 658K)

They also stole Uranium from us. Apollo Affair, but I havent looked into that.


Jow Forums is not a Christian board. I am an atheist who finds Christianity bad enough. And I find your religion (Islam) to be even worse than Christianity.

Are you retarded? Most pro-jew shills here have USA flags.

we're not on the NPT you dumbass

This guy is a Muslim shill who presumably is using a memeflag because he’s in a Muslim country.

Honestly, I think that the other posters who are agreeing with the OP are Muslims as well. Although some of them have American flags, the US has a much larger Muslim population than people realize. US Muslims always try to hide their religion, which causes everybody to greatly underestimate the size of the US Muslim population.

Holy shit this is a new level of coping.

Here's a hint Jew, more than just Muslims hate you.

A flood of muslims defending jews unconditionally 24/7 using USA flags (the country with more jews than Israel). Ok.

Nobody except for Muslims and niggers gives two shits about anything having to do with the UN.

Frankly, the US needs to leave the UN, and seize their NYC building.

He’s not a pro-Jew shill. He’s a pro-Muslim shill who’s creating “Trump is a Zionist” threads because he’s scared of Trump being re-elected.

I wish I would get paid to browse Jow Forums so instead I'll go to /a/ and shitpost there instead.

this happened just yesterday

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also most memeflags are JIDF shills

Attached: memeflag.jpg (578x371, 70K)

I have never made a "Trump is a Zionist" thread. I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ, the person your religion teaches is burning in hell in a lake of excrement.

You are pathetic.

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Stop diverting my reolies with your cheap pilpul, you are talking about OP, I'm talking about the USA shills. And everybody hates you, including muslims, sane whites and former victims of your jewish ritual shit.

How is our money to Pakistan different?

& Israel Has Nukes.

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Idk, good question. Let's move the Overton Window.

pol consist of jews, crypto jews, and non whites larping as white people.

its nothing really new, its been like that for quite some time.

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Knew you'd be back memeflag, you even used the same image.
>Patrick Little
You're funny.

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>Patrick Little

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Of course I'm back. I made it clear I'd post this/these images constantly because it triggers you kikes so bad.

And Idc about your Moarpheus-tier memes. Kys.

>I don't care about the truth
No shit
as in logical?
>Kike, me
Oy vey, you got me

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For good measure.

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Attached: Colin Powell leaked emails_ Israel has '200 nukes all pointed at Iran', former US secretar (1920x6823, 2.44M)

Who fucking cares. This isn't a Pat Little thread. This is an Israel Has Nukes thread. Wanna debunk that, faggot?

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Based and shoahpilled.

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Am I the one who brought up Patrick Little?
>This is an Israel Has Nukes thread. Wanna debunk that, faggot?
Of course not.

Not sure the Zion Don background image was the best choice for your meme.

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The Symington Amendment of 1976 prohibits U.S. foreign aid to any country found trafficking in nuclear enrichment equipment or technology outside international safeguards. Israel never signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or subjected its nuclear weapons facilities to IAEA inspections, which means that they are ineligible to receive U.S. foreign aid.

All of the AIPAC-Drafted U.S. Aid that has been sent to Israel was done so illegally.


Shall our people try to destroy the world again?

Focus on the Jews, be a good Baba

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How do I join? I'd be willing to post literally anything and I'm online 24/7.

It's for the conservative audience of kikebook.

Based, thanks.
