That is exactly what they would say if there were going to be a war.
Unironically 4d chess
Sending Bolton out to sperge on Iran made the whole war idea wildly unpopular
TFW retards still haven't figured out mossad BTFO after we started watching the whole thing like a hawk and ready to bomb their puppet jihadists and jews alike.
genius..imagine how bad burgers would look if iran just..did usual
m-muh optics
>Sending Bolton out to sperge on Iran made the whole war idea wildly unpopular
Why do you think he appointed Abrams for Venezuela? Made. this as obvious and off putting as possible.
There's never any happenings. I'm fucking sick of this bullshit. NOTHING EVER FUCKING HAPPENS!
He also called Bolton 'the mustache' lel
insects like you always ready to bitch and moan LOL
We comin for yo houses in vancouver, chink boi.
American here.
We must do whatever it takes to defend Israel. In fact I would sacrifice every American life to save 1 Israeli. They are the chosen people and we are created to serve them
implying Bolton and company will give up on their false flag attack
kys kike
Remember all the public hate for sessions on tweets?
Why u no into political ploys.jpg
Dude. Bolton is a dove in wolfs clothing. The only war left is the one to destroy israhell.
Shiite dogs admitting they'll roll over in the face of hostilities. Oimlafn
It’s peace in our time!
the burgers have workarounds for this situation, the good ol' false flag
they will get their war
>Iran pussies back down
oh yeah Israel sure btfo
What was all that closing Hormuz talk? Did the Ayatoilets pussy out??
>He thought something would happen
Something will happen. Disclosure of information and the end of Zionism.
>wars and rumor of wars
might be rumor of wars part of the timeline now.
I'm no chink or lefty but you dumb fuckers just made sure republicans will never be elected again..turns out people like not being nuked and shit and having their money funneled to shitrael
two false flags already with saudi tankers and the houthi targeting saudi pipelines.
iranian elements from their intelligence + mossad assets fucking with false flags.
ready to blame mbs and US for "hurr durr psychological operations" "remember gulf of tonkin".
we know.
Not going to work.
bibi will not have his war.
Now is the part where jews ITT antagonize Muslims and Whites to fight each other not realizing everyone on Jow Forums is familiar with this strategy and really just wish these subhumans would fuck off and whites would live in peace in eternal utopia while they keep actin like niggers.
>being this obvious
yall need a serious time with your (((shinks))) LOL
keep harping hurr durr no drumpf 2020.
We're going to Make Iran Great Again, it is inevitable, there is literally nothing you can do to stop it.
Is is too important a position in the geopolitical realm
How smart of him
Doesnt really matter if iran wants it or not
>leeb me alone I'm weening
Oh Daddy cummy burgers I want you to go down on me with those big sexy white black enslaving mustaches I want you to tickle my butt cheeks with your mustache then just insert the very first tip of your tongue and start reciting the national anthem of America when you start sticking it in then I want you to stroke your big fat liver spotted cock and just ejaculate on my thighs then I'm going to close my thighs squeeze them real good and hard just like you like it Daddy and that's going to be like a nice little semen Twinkie and guess who's going to lick it that's right baby you are with those big sexy mustaches then I'm going to stick my dick into your urethra and we're going to start thrust fucking while having severe eye contact and being completely dead serious because if we laugh the plan has been foiled and before you ejaculate just cream the word " maga 2020" with your hot aged old semen on my belly so it can percolate on my belly button so I can have a baby so you can pay my child support money in my alimony bag so I can make them dollars stripping for your American Dad bacon baby
Fuck Israel and fuck every single kike.
I hope you greasy dirty yids drop dead.
t. had his pipeline destroyed today
when will arab sandniggers learn and just sit the fuck down while actual humans fight it out.
>Tranny jannie with the kangz proxy
I am disgusted
He is indeed winning so leave him alone so you can enjoy his victory because you are loser belonging to a loser party that is not willing to accept the fact that they lost the American election and now I have the honor of calling mr. Donald J Trump the president of the United States see I always thought that America has 51 states and I still believe that because I believe that Iraq is the 51st state of America unofficial this weekend along with Guatemala and Cuba
Perhaps what we need is another 9/11 if you know what I mean
this boomer needs a bullet to the face
You Americans won't let that happen
>fake chink level lame ass (((yang meme)))
the unholy creation of chinks getting ass raped into doing JIDF bidding LOL
I'm perfectly fine with bombing the fuck out of them and going home then. Or they can just surrender. That works too.
back to t_d faggot
So do something
Oh sweet Daddy I want you to go down to my Netherlandic open region better yet go down on my feet I want you to lick my shins yes lick my shins and tickle the back of my neck while ejaculating in my forehead I've already used a razor to make an incision so you can fill in the semen so we can have like a semen Botox substitute because you know how much I love to use your babies as my lotion cream for my face so I can have a nice full Botox injected fresh clean semen skin also I want to wear your dick as my mask I've already stretched out your testicles currently being covered by my mouth chin and half of my nose now I'm going to go ahead and immerse myself on your penis I'm going to stick my face so hard down your dick you would swear to God that I was one of your kids trying to come back through the urethra because life outside of your testicles is so hard because of America being in shambles and tatters because of a fat uninitiated president that only was elected into office because of outside party consensus votes in the state that no one cares about
Wow. Shill harder kike
Wow tough guy talking anonymously on the internet. Get back to work you spineless cuck
Okay be nice now Russia or else I'm going to shoot a missile using my dick as a launching pad and send it straight down to Yugoslaviavvitch
"B-b-but muh ZOGnald Drumpf Israeli puppet!!!"
Kikeshills on suicide watch LMFAO
I mean, we can just drop bombs with no retaliation.
I hope one day all jews die
What manner of degeneracy is this you Arab.
Listen here son I want you to sit down yes right there on the bench just sit down I got to tell you something back in 1998 me and your mom could not conceive any kids because of her really really deep vaginal canal because of her sexual history with black men and also because I have a very very small thin penis so our only option was to buy a Mexican baby it was very cheap but we still couldn't do it but we were walking along the border looking and leering at all those nice Mexican children hopping across the border and one of them jumped into our car and then we just needed our heads on the dashboard and made a quick prayer but little did we know they were plotting on stealing our vehicle so by the time we said amen my wife was already raped and I was losing blood because of a knife injury caused by a very anxious scared little Mexican boy so instead of aborting the baby like we should have As Nice Christian couple should do we kept the baby so I don't know how to tell you this without offending your feelings son but you are not my son you are the result of a Mexican rape incident because I like to thank the Lord a little too much because we have a lot to thank him for so here's the thing I can't really have a rape baby in my household so get out of my house I also take your shity computers with you always insulting people online while not knowing that you are simple rape baby take your shit and leave Jorge
>Real life sleepy shitpost.
he's been shit posting fucked up shit all day
What is that beautiful creature?
This is an instance of a 3-D pigeon chess move.
Bolton, Pompeo and Abrams all want war, but their incompetence makes it so people see through the lies and false flags which makes the public not want war, then they say fuck it and launch nukes into Tehran.
kill yourself ahmed before the next drone strike hits
Hee Haw get er done listen here pal I don't know what your business is around here town but we dem Southern Texas boys so if you're not going to sit down and enjoy the amazing comical wonders made by The One and Only comedian Larry the Cable Guy you're going to get a butthole full of lead and that's a promise a Texas Promise oh yes sir a promise of the Lone Star State boy I'm going to whoop your ass so hard you're going to think your butt hole was a sundown because it will be shut from all the semen they'll be pumped into it now don't mind my balls because they've been receding a little bit hope you don't mind a little bit of a descending testicular hairline if that's not a problem with you then enjoy my tiny white cock while I call you racial slurs because you know how much I love to hate to fuck minorities yeehaw get er done
Wonder how many schools the Jews are going to shoot up in retribution?
Good, we dont want the Jews to get their war with Iran otherwise it's pretty much game over at least in the middle east. If the Jews were to get their war with Iran, they would have total middle east supremacy that would only have one protocol accomplished and that is the building of the third temple and the coming of the Jewish messiah
Oh great and powerful mods, please ban this degenerate of whom myself and this good Canadian speak, amen.
War is coming. The saudi oil has already been poured over the desert to fry some burgers.
bet DiFi, schumer, ted lieu, et al are coordinating with the chinese and mossad and clown assets as we speak.
Yeah but you're a nigger. Remember, despite making up 13% of the population they commit 50% of the crime.
oh come on
I wish I was hit by a drone did you know that Obama had 26000 drone strikes during his political terms and every single one of them missed I feel like Moe the bartender trying to kill himself but being missed by an 18-wheeler truck because realistically speaking I should be dead by now a blast an explosion and drone attack anything anything any type of incendiary device this one time I was in my kitchen and about 2 or 3 seconds after leaving the kitchen the stove exploded I was directly in front of it now if I just stayed there I would have been deceased but I guess God has given me a real purpose to be here to guide you to worship the holy word of Cthulhu the one and only righteous Lord
it's like people are retarded
Just calm down man it's not worth it is just an American Soldier thinking he can get more pussy but raping minorities he's just eager and excited to sexually assault and molest all those Iranian kids little girls whatever thing that is Iranian it took me like a week to forgive America for what it did to the women of Iraq because when you read the dossier and the report by the United Nations the testimonies and the affidavits you kind of think there really weren't after the oil they were just there to rape
>trump hugs the jew tighter than ever
>whispers "no moar dumb wars for israel" into bolton's ear
it was genius waterpolo, young conservatives despise this neocon criminals and liberals will shriek nonstop over it--despite how pro-war their crooked democrat politicians are in reality
Everyone hates neocons and everyone is sick of war
That's weapons grade taquiya
WW1+2 starts now
Well no shit, literally only idiots on Jow Forums thought otherwise.
>no war
>jews btfo
imagine these are your victories. when you don't go to war for them, crisis avoided this time.
You know what I'm sick of God damn it I'm going to tell you what I'm sick of every time I want to take a shit my butthole sucks it up back again and I got to wait for like 2 hours to take a shit because my butt is gay and thinks Big Logs of shit are dicks I can only take a shit at the right time by stick two fingers in and just start swirling around like a pussy just how you finger pussy you know sometimes I use saliva on the tip of my fingers to lubricate the area sometimes I use for fingers 2 to spread the area out and two to do with the business it's really nasty especially when I don't clip my nails so because I'll have some shit stuck between them I got to use the same toothpick that I just had cleaned my teeth with to clean the shit from my nails and I got to collect it and throw it in the bag like a rape case semen evidence I swear it is really disgusting and whenever I eat I got to take a shit immediately because of my fast metabolism but whenever I take a shit I am extremely horny and hungry at the same time so I got to masturbate and also I must eat something usually a corn dog but also I got to use my right hand because of my left hand is busy fingering my anal pussy and that's the Adventures of Tintin inside of my asshole
>51st state
Now hold on...
did you take your meds today?
I think you forgot to alt-tab between the p0rn hub comment's section and Jow Forums bro. Happens to me all the time.
No I just want to tell you what I'm sick of and that's actually happening right now I'm pretty sure it's gay because whenever I stick my finger in my butt has his own mind it just sucks it up like a beam on a spaceship also on a weird side note hypothetically assume that you are a virgin so there's a spaceship on top of you the beam is straight trajectory to your body you just extend your little pee pee and have the suction Force suck the semen from your urethra did you just have sex or are you still a virgin? And also if a female alien had gotten pregnant with your semen that you injected into the alien saucer do you have to pay child support for the baby? Also can you have a functioning relationship with the baby and the woman?
I told all of you retards before that nothing is going to happen and that Trump is too based for war and what do you retards reply?
>hurr durr MIGA
>hurr durr Trump le juice puppet
>hurr durr muh 4d plan is 1d
>hurr durr drumpf
And look at all of your retarded bitch ass shill face now. You had 2 instances of this happening before you retards.
>make list of all the countries you will attack
>10 years later only North Korea, China and Iran are left
Hmm... What did they mean by "project for the new American century"
>1 post by this ID
Shitskin shill detected
I'm not quite sure if that was the plan, war hasn't happened..yet and it's not for a lack of trying. Sanctions are an act of war, and we're waging economic war on Iran, Venezuela and North Korea. Quite literally everyone know's the US's playbook when it comes to regime change and trying to cause uprisings in other countries like Syria. Well we tried that already with Venezuela and Iran and Syria, it's all failed so far. So the attempts at regime change already are very real, this has just not progressed to the point of military intervention. It's not binary, war and no war. It's a progression and war is the last and final act when all else failed. We're at that step and we have to see what is next.
Oh yes a good old fashioned joke about America being overly medicated you know I don't believe in punching down and punching up but I do believe in punching at the same level and in the same trajectory because he is American and you are American unless you are using a proxy then in that case fuck you but assuming that you are an American you should respect his nationality first uphold his existence as superior to yours because of the common denominator between both of you which is that you are both American I mean you don't see me calling out and insulting people that are also American I think I'm an honorary American citizen but also a non-citizen at the same time because I'm not actually a citizen but I believe that because my severe respect the flag and the people and memerizing the anthem you should treat me like the guy that clean the toilets in your local 7/11 american but a very low bottom of lowest teir of american there could be
fuck off mossad
The fact that you have to jump into all of these mental hoops proved that there's not going to be any war anytime soon. China is not the only country that the US has tariff you dingus and I've yet to see you moaning about war and regime changes in those countries.
Kid radicalization central
We don't need his consent to go to war
Israel can fight against Iran if they want. The USA won't get involved.
now watch Trump switch to the carrot