ITT: We laugh at Iranian pussies.
BREAKING: Iran's Supreme Leader says there will be no war with US: state TV
ITT: We laugh at Iranian pussies.
BREAKING: Iran's Supreme Leader says there will be no war with US: state TV
lmao fucking bitch boy diaper head faggot
Aww, another day
Imagine being such a kike slave you start such a thread.
This, fucking muslim sandniggers should stick to blowing up civilians.
let them stick to burning their little american flags, KEK
if there was the iranians would switch sides and fight with the usa against the revolutionary guard and mullahs.
Not my fault your religion is headed by cowards.
Imagine being such a kike slave you start such a thread.
kek, muslim shills seething, get fucking owned you subhuman cowards.
Hi there white nigger
Another day, another regime change failed
This shit is fantastic, holy shit you muslims are a joke, kek.
I thought they wanted to close the strait of Hormuz, no? Iranians like to talk big but always pussy out when it gets serious. It will be the death of the Ayatoilets and their regime if they do something stupid.
All of it literally was pic related
Wew im finna boutta be rolling in sheckles
they say some big words and pump Jow Forums up only for nothing to happen. this repeats itself literally twice a week, every single week and people STILL, unironically, truly believe it's going to happen
Would their own people not be pissed off at them for being such cowards? They spoke big words but ran like bitches when the fleets started showing up and the pro-war propaganda started spinning up.
because Iran and US will both attack Israel, LOL
>Iran's Supreme Leader says there will be no war with US
Actually he is just calling the US bluff because he knows the US is too pussy to actually start a war with a country that will rip them a new asshole 10x wider than Vietnam did.
That's what I would think, you pump the people up with the "great satan" speeches 24/7 then comes the moment of truth where you have the opportunity to fight America at a time in it's history where it's pretty damn weak socially to even support a war effort but you pussy out.
Yep, today was a big moral loss for Islam, all the Muslims here seemed to be backing Iran furiously, only for them to pussy out like this.
Kind of just come off as cowards now.
You guys do realize we know you are jews trying to stir up shit between the goyim right?
We don't give a fuck about your jew Vs muslim need, both of you need to just fuck off and leave whites alone.
Understand this very simple concept, we think both of you are subhuman retards who cannot behave like civilized humans.
backpedaling. yikes!
Nah man, those motherfuckers straight up abandoned Allah in the face of death, good on them, at least they're alive now.
I'm all for deporting all Semites from white countries. This is not something I care about at all. Because I am white. Not a subhuman gang banging shitskin like jews and arabs.
I said time and time again. There will be no war and the ending of it will also signal that the Chinks are ready to sign the fucking trade deal.
Think Iran gonna implode now that their people know their rulers are cucks? They've been dick riding death to America fearless raghead warrior memes for a while now, pussying out like this looks really horrible for them.
>Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday Tehran does not seek war with the United States despite mounting tensions between the two arch-enemies over Iranian nuclear capabilities and its missile program.
>In comments to senior officials carried by state television, Khamenei also reiterated that the Islamic Republic would not negotiate with the United States on another nuclear deal.
>"There won't be any war. The Iranian nation has chosen the path of resistance," Khamenei was cited as saying by the state media. "We don't seek a war, and they don't either. They know it's not in their interests."
This is literally the same shit they've been always saying. Deal with it.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is a fucking pussy, don't you get it?
No. They don't have any regard for their people, there are demonstrations going every day there.
Nothing will change. This isn't Iran, these are Chinks signaling that they are ready to negotiate. A token of good will if you will.
You can screen cap this.
Usually people here can't see behind the JQ, so they laugh at my predictions. Somehow though I'm usually right.
Chinks actually going back to the negotiating table and finishing the deal will be next.
They may drag it to the late 2019, early 2020 in hopes of affecting Trump's reelection efforts but I don't think so.
Also Venezuela will calm down very much after that, unless the Russians have their own plans that I haven't considered.
Kek. All those faggots wearing aviators.
I just didn't expect Iran to pussy out this comically.
Pic attached is Iranian stealth plane.
Let me know when you notice something really odd about it.
I don't think engineers were involved on creating thos thing at all.
Back to the oven, Moshe and Shlomo
You are right. I know that they will stop flexing the muscles that they don't have as soon as China tells them to, but I had no idea it will be this bad.
Knew* sorry for phoneposting
I wonder I’d having a direct line to trump helped?
they look like stewards on a gay cruiseship tho
wtf is that thing
>they look like stewards on a gay cruiseship tho
Because it reminds you of the American navy.
>there are people dumb enough to actually believe we were going to war with Iran or Venezuela
muh Vietnam 2.0
muh Iraq
Iranian 5th generation stealth plane.
Fucking kek.
I'm telling you I was laughing so hard when I saw this shit. Just look at these wings, and no, they aren't hinged or controlled, they are "designed" like that.
Oh fuck imagine if the US stuck after that muslim cuck pussied out, the Iranians would surrender en masse.
Jow Forums takes the bait in 3..2...
Shit ton of people actually believed this.
More than that: some believed that Iran is going to win and will be the death of the US.
Yeah. They can try even harder and it won't change anything. There will be no war with Iran. Kikes can shut up now.
Shit you not, I argued this point numerous times.
the cockpit?
Look at these wings please.
And it's proven this is as fake as the African exoskeletons made from PVC pipes.
dodo wings kek
Good one.
Lmao some faggot Israeli wannabe in SA
well they are right, trump is using nixon tactics, which isn't any good at all. people see through the bullshit
Ur mum dead
Now now, learn to take a beating like big boys, don't go kvetching and blowing yourselves up along with civilians like cowardly faggots, OK?
Imagine actually wanting to kill people for oil
See this:
This is Iranian, 5th generation "Dodo" stealth plane.
I am sure that the rest of their millitary is equipped with this awesome technology as well.
I'm really scared of the war with Iran and its mighty army.
So wait, you want the war with Iran?
Well then your picture is appropriate.
>Richard "I believe the Jews are going to destroy the country but I cant say it openly or do anything about it" Nixon
Why should I believe this faggots "tactics"?
Kys shlomo
That was an old scaled down model.
Vietnamese didn't even have tech.
No, it's just a well known Jewish tactic to stir up shit, between whites and arabs for example.
Like that time they shot up the King David hotel dressed as Arabs and got caught. That's their thing, being sneaky jews and all.
Just educating the new guys here
Show me the new one. Please
Show me the real, new Iranian stealth plane so I can laugh some more.
I know what I posted and I know how the "newest" Dodo plane looks like, just post a picture here so we can all laugh.
What’s stopping ZOG from completely crippling Iran especially after those comments. The FF will still proceed most likely.
Why does America have to even give a shit on what happens in sandland?
Oh ok
What I say to that is that they can discover as much "biological weapons" and shit as they want in Iran now. There will be no war, because surprisingly it's not only Jews behind the latest Iranian muscle flexing but mainly Chinese. Jews are just using it.
Well, I guess the Mullah can sleep soundly. The kikes will never attack a country that has such weapons. They never attacked Saddama and Gaddafi until they destroyedt heir own chemical weapons
Doubt it really flies
Iran never threatened war, they threaten retaliation.
ITT: Niggers without reading comprehension
No wonder Iran managed to blow up 2 Saud-Nigger tankers and launch a drone strike on a pump, shutting down production and raising oil prices, and all mutts can do is huff and puff. They called the bluff.
Yep, of course a FF is incoming, this is just hilarious because now the Iranian soldiers know they fight for cowards.
>Iran never threatened war, they threaten retaliation
We shouldn't, but for right now we have to since we have a proxy war going there with Chinese and Russians and the Jews are using it to their advantage.
I think that the war in there has more to do with trying to prevent Chinese from getting the oil there than anything else.
I'm not sure how much of this is "negotiation" tactic and how much is it a stupid meddling.
Chinese need Iraq and they need Iran.
They get most of their oil from Russia then Saudis then Angola. But because of changing geopolitics they really want that Iraqi oil for themselves.
In short: I would prefer that the US became absolutely isolationist bit I'm not sure if that's possible any time soon.
Imagine hearing them call USA great satan and now that there will be no war lol
Sounds to me you're the one coping nigger. Iran didn't want a war, you did.
It doesn't. It's fake. Like a shit ton of their millitary installations.
fpkp (first post kike post)
Well they deserve their FF and their pummeling now, the chicken cunts.
Hey, are you the same user that claimed that in a case of war Iran will win?
Cause that was funny as fuck.
Wew lad. Here we go
If war with Iran breaks out, everything will get leveled in its vicinity, but then the US could bomb it enough until it collapses too. However at that point the world economy dies along with a bunch of mutts and US power. It's like an alternative MAD, except instead of nukes it's stability.
USA secretly shipped Gold to Iran so they want war because America needs more time to destablize the country
That was obozo
Ok. Because I argued with some anons that claimed just that.
And war with Iran would last about 6 days. First 48h and their airspace would be completely controlled by the US. Another 4 to destroy all remaining bases.
No impact on the world economy, because unlike other idio5s I doubt we would engage in " nation building" or send any actual troops. That would be the extent of war with Iran.
Wrong, remember when the oil price fell 75%, remember how the US Dollar collapsed? Yeah me neither.
Fucking raghead, convert to Christianity before you burn in hell for eternity.
I remember making paper airplanes with this shape. They didnt fly well
What's the problem nigger?
You afraid of Vietnam 2.0 with much better tech and weapons?
Iran is an incredibly terrifying country. If you're Fijian.
>Iranians like to talk big but always pussy out when it gets serious
>proceeds to buy the most modern weaponry the US has because saudis are shit scared of iranians with their 80's and 90's tech
Go get killed by your jew monarchy in another spring you closet faggot
A Canadian user accurately called this a dodo wings plane.
So it has as much chances of flying as Dodo does.
And a shit ton of Iranian "newest tech" is the same and as functional.
The people in the industry know what's up with Iran.
Polish new tank? Awesome.
Iranian whatever? Firstly it's most likely fake...after closer look: yep it's fake.