Why is the incel epidemic exclusive to the far/alt-right?
Why is the incel epidemic exclusive to the far/alt-right?
Because incels are autists, and autists are obsessed with purity.
Most incels are alt right mutts and browns.
because women and the feminized have no sex drive and thus become extremely efficient sociopaths. without lust and passion, there comes no sense of nurture.
Its not you fucking retard. Many incels are left wing fat skinny basedboy cucks.
No... it's not just "alt-right" it goes for all of the neets. If you're a chad and alt-right then you've gotten pussy before this shit ever began to happen.
Be me, 30, no girlfriend, only dates whites, have had sex with most racial groups including blacks. Begin to see changing demographs. Vow to have white children or no children. Be called incel because I refuse to date minorities, becase sex leads to children and I dont want to fuck up my goal.
I forgot to add sage
>Why is the incel epidemic
the what? you can't just make shit up like its 2015 faggot.
>If you're a chad and alt-right
No such thing.
Rightist incels wallow in their shit and complain anout women
Leftist incels become white knights and beta orbiters
The difference is simply how one perceives women. Both sides are misogynistic in their own ways.
Its not it's predominately an ugly person problem.
because the beta orbiting white knights are slaying all the pussy
the kraut is correct
Fake and gay
It's really not, I only know two incels and both of them are non-white.
are incels any different from cucks? seems like the only difference between the two would be the false impression of a relationship
Because incels tend to be autistically intelligent and autistically intelligent ppl tend to be right wing.
incels are lefties
It isn't. The "male allies" aren't getting any more than the "incels" and are just as creepy. High-value women don't touch either.
Because being a Commiecuck includes a free bull
Pinko boi's stupid superiority complex makes them like that, extremely entitled and honestly believing that it's them who are the most superior kind of lifeforms in the entire 4.6 billion fucking years planet history when it's quite literally the opposite
Virgins =/ Incels
Incels are cancerous bitter misogynists bashing women on the internet 24/7
English sphere's extreme hatred against women is just s whole new level and it's stemming from their stupid superiority complex
pathetic lifeforms they really are
>south park: live action
It’s not. The incel left just turned into faggot trannies.
Rightist incels insult women and call them out for what they are, leftist ones become cuckolds who provide fully for them. Of course women won't attack their betabux and will only try to eliminate the loose ones.
there is no incel epidemic and the people who use that word unironically are virgins and whores coping
>yfw sleep with ridiculously cute girls AND guys.
Everyone creates their own personal hell. Zero exceptions. There are downies getting it right now. It's that easy.
Getting laid is like the easiest social milestone you can achieve today. It's so sad watching people get stuck on level 1.
I look hardly better than that dude.. kinda an incel, get sluts after me and decline .. its a choice more than anything.. hoes are to easy today
Ya I forgot to mention women benefit and take advantage of leftist incels
>Getting laid is like the easiest social milestone you can achieve today.
For Chad maybe.
Incels don't want vapid sex though, they want human connection, specifically an emotional connection with a female.
yeah don’t remind me
>incel epidemic
It isn't.
Come again?
Chad is defined as being right wing. There is no way around it
It isn't, this is the latest line of attack our enemies have cooked up to try to keep themselves out of the gas chamber. "These goyim only hate us because incels," et cetera. Pathetic, isn't it?
It's not, it's just that right wing incels don't sugar coat it with "believe all wahmen" bullshit.