Hello! Just stopping by to say that I hate women

Hello! Just stopping by to say that I hate women.

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Have sex

Females should never leave the building they are born in until they are married, if they divorce, they die

Get pregnant.

Im scared that one day I look to a girl and then she says that I raped her

and secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

This victorymonk person is pretty based. Check her twitter sometime for some good laughs.

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Women are absolute trash. That’s why I fuck traps now.

The killer was her own Brother
She managed to destroy 2 men with 1 lie and one was her family

They are even crazier dude. Mentally ill and on various hormones.

No, you fuck traps because you're gay. Its not a trap when you know it has a dick.

women hating is for whites and asians, i never have these problems with women, i'm so glad fags like you exist because the surplus in white pussy is so great
- latino

So does she face manslaughter charges?


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white girls don't go for spiclets, stop LARPing. if they're gonna mix it's gonna be with a 6'4" nigger.

1 post by this id

All this stops as soon as white men grow some balls and politically disenfranchise women.

Theoretically couldn't someone rape her for real and then use the fact that she's a known false accuser to get away with it?

Have babies. Oh - you can't because you're not a woman, you're an mtf faggot.

well thats the moral of the story yes, the boy who cried wolf has become the girl who cried rape. If something actually does happen to her now, people are going to be reluctant to believe her.

Thats felony murder.


Me too OP.

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Die of AIDS filthy faggot

>be 16 year old spic on the beaner bus
>white guy who's been riding bus since before it became just another 3rd world people mover gets on
>"oh shit muthafucka time to get paid"
>call your brother and tell him where to meet you to rob this old white man
>he won't give you reparations so your brother hits him too hard and ends up killing him
>hours later call the cops and tell them how some old white man tried to stick his hand in up your blown out mexicunt

Make like the 40% and hang yourself, faggot

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lmao you americans cant even keep your woman under control. you deserve to go extinct

>All this stops as soon as white men grow some balls and politically disenfranchise women.
wont happen. all the strong white men died in ww2. just trannies now

Don't worry, The jews will give nigger women the power over nigger men too.

we keep our woman under control thanks. we arent weak

Every war for the past 100 years has been engineered by jews to kill of strong white men. They'll do it with niggers too.

>Every war for the past 100 years has been engineered by jews to kill of strong white men. They'll do it with niggers too.
you are blaming jews because you lot are to weak to beat woman into submission, atleast use a viable excuse.

Yes you have so much power in the financial system to engineer social and cultural movements. Niggers are the least capable among us which is why the jews want you everywhere. Dumb nigger.

no one cares about you dumb kike. odds are you fled to sa because your shitty communist soviet union fell apart. youre all niggers and deserve nothing

Hi just stopping in to say you're an incel and that men are responsible for every single violent tragedy since the beginning of time. Clean your room

Remember when you got raped and enslaved by whites. So Stupid and weak.

Treat your STD's with your own money

>Yes you have so much power in the financial system to engineer social and cultural movements. Niggers are the least capable among us which is why the jews want you everywhere. Dumb nigger.
alot of excuses. try a viable one like your hands are cuffed together, or woman are physically stronger. you call me dumb, yet you get dominated by a weak creature like WOMAN. holy fuck

Eliminate women's rights.

Schools pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. We have my body, my choice in this country, but you have to pay taxes to send your kids to Jewish brainwashing centers. Get people behind school choice. My kids, my choice. They RAPE their minds in public schools.

Nothing is more anti-woman than the Jewish influenced system of institutions in the West. Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capital than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.

The age teens are expected to lose their virginity is the exact age they should be expected to be married. Marrying young means couples grow together. The only reason marrying your high school sweetheart isn't common is that college is hung over high schoolers like a ominous cloud. Nothing can get in the way of a college education or they'll end up bare foot and pregnant living in a trailer. Instead they sleep around and they trail through multiple relationships of convenience.

Public school and colleges are the problem. They are self promoting, Jewish brainwashing centers. Public schools and colleges have an invested interest in not seeing kids get married off and leave their system.

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Based, checked and agreed. Traps are the universe's gift to balance the scales.

>Remember when you got raped and enslaved by whites. So Stupid and weak.
remember when your country is getting overrun by blacks & mexicans, and your woman have you crying in fear? i do