Help me Jow Forums

starting to have feelings for a muslim qt

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Not a problem since you're a muslim

they can be quite charming, but don't fall for it she just wants to be bleached because she knows it's better for her (but worse for you).


convert her

I know the feel OP, but I don't want to betray the pure white race

is her ENTIRE future pretty? cause that's what you find inside a cunt.

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fuck her but don't get serious with her.

Help with what? they have amazing bodies compared to fat western women due to their discipline and conservatism

I've been creampieing this little Puerto Rican woman who is like 12 years younger than me.

Race mixing is wrong but it feels so right.

"Feelings" don't mean anything. You need to choose a woman based on whether or not she would be wife material. How you feel is a footnote.

In a similar spot user.

>be me
>find perfect girl
>5'8" which is the perfect compliment height to my 6'4"
>actually motivated to succeed which is fucking RARE
>in a non-meme major and will likely be in a very high-paying job a few years after university
>VP of her sorority(which is actually how I met her, as I was VP of my fraternity last semester)
>DEVOUT catholic
>family is extremely connected, and they love me

>only one problem
>she's cuban


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Give in. Have children. Import her family.



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Florida sucks, the quality of women here are awful. Move away fast!!

>t. Stuck Floridian vested with a public retirement system
I am a prisoner of FL and I can’t leave or procreate with quality women

you'll get over it
I dumped a QT Indian woman because of her race. I should have never started dating her.

She will steal your kids and convert them to islam

Actually, Yes.

I know that feel user some of them are pretty qt.

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what's in her hand?

> feelings

Sniffffff snifffffff

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>the quality of women here are awful.
I disagree with you there. There are lots of great women here at least at my age.

t. go to fsu

>gf is dumb
what do i do anons
she cooks, cleans, has no time for black foolishness, and is completely in love with me, but she's honestly just not smart
not saying shes retarded or anything but shes 100 IQ max
everything else is perfect but idk if i want my children to be dummies

A handbag. With a bomb.

There's a PRRREEEEETY good chance shes inbred user.

I made this, thanks for saving it

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Puerto Rican isn't a race user. Is she a White PR, Brown PR, or a Black PR?

same here

It's hard to describe how insanely autistic you really are.

If she's a White Cuban its alright but if she's a typical brown Latina then just move on bro.

Fuck off.

For me, it was a gypsy girl from Romania who barely spoke English. We argued all the time, and I hated her...but then she'd put her hair in a messy ponytail and smile at me, and I'd fall in love again.
She was homesick and eventually returned to Romania a few weeks ago.

Just stay away, fren. Women are bad news.

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They aren't always ugly and retarded. They just have a shit religion and are raised to follow it blindly.

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