
This board is swarming with shills from many different left wing organizations all united in a single goal: stop Trump's base from re-electing him.

1. Left wing shills will call Trump a jewish puppet but fail to provide any better alternative, because they simply want you to not vote so the Democrats win.

2. Left wing shills will attempt to bribe you with "free money" from Andrew Yang and call you a "MIGA boomer" if you disagree, to stop you from voting for Trump so the Democrats win.

3. Left wing shills will claim Trump is a giant failure (conveniently leaving out how much worse Hillary would have been) and whisper in your ear that Trump doesn't deserve your vote again - all with the intention of allowing the Democrats to win.

4. Left wing shills will claim that "polls" say Trump can't win, as if nobody remembers how inaccurate (rigged) polls are from 2016 - just to demoralize you from voting so the Democrats can win.

5. Left wing shills will falsely accuse you of being paranoid, deny they are shills and repeat the tired old "muh everyone who disagrees is a shill" even though in their case it's 100% true - they do this to falsely portray their smear attempts as organic, to demoralize you from voting for Trump so that the Democrats can win.

The funny part is Trump will definitely be re-elected and these shills are all wasting their time

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Other urls found in this thread:

>muh banter
Get the fuck off this board newfaggot

110% accurate assessment
TRUMP 2020

based schizo boomer

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True story.

It’s interesting how blatantly antisemitic the left wing shilling is. I wonder if the democratic party would like to be tied to this type of messaging.

>no greentext used

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There's more anti-Christian shills.

the absolute fucking state
MAKE ISRAEL GREAT AGAIN, GOY! Remember to vote for Zion Don in 2020!
No wall for you and no end to illegal immigration, but Israel's getting another 38 billion of your tax bucks!
The second amendment? Yeah, ban bumpstocks through executive action. Due process? Nah, fuck that. "Take the guns first!"
LOWEST BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT EVER! Those working class whites who put him in office? The ones killing themselves in record numbers and dying to drug overdoses? Lol. Who gives a fuck?
Those felons who are selling the drugs? Yeah, they're getting out thanks to the First Step Act. Bipartisan support by the way!
>We have the stupidest people folks. Absolute smooth-brain morons.
You know, Trump was right. He could literally shoot someone dead in the street and you boomers would still keep supporting him and waiting for the 666D dreidel plan to come to fruition.

>666D dreidel plan
Woah, haven't heard that one before

ShareBlue Discord trannies and furries are shilling 24/7.

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Care to provide an alternative?

Better elect demofag who would castrate all whites and commit Cohen act irl

This copypasta yet again


Gassing the kikes my fren. They literally make this world shit. We gotta purge them from the US

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They will fail. The crazier they act the more people will pull away from them. We should do everything we can to make them act out and show the nation their insanity.

This is all so old. And not all early Trump supporters are still Trump supporters.

You have to go back.

>Czech Republic

Even Hillary would have been better.

Democrat platform
Higher taxes
Free stuff they can't deliver
Economic collapse
Abortion (child murder)
Destruction of History
No guns
No law enforcement
Orange man bad

Vote for failure if you want but any rational person can see their platform is amoral and doomed to self destruction.

>we should not vote and go get arrested for hate crimes while the dems win
the fbi really lowered their standards to nothing

Well, it would have to be team effort by everyone...or we could continue living in clown world while you sit on yourvthimbs, hoping your vote mattered

The left has always been anti-Semitic. They just pretend they're not.

You are shilling real hard huh

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Tulai gabbard

Go take a shit boomertard
>Israel is our greatest ally! MIGA!

>if you don't want war with iran you're a leftwing shill
LMAO the absolute state of Jow Forums

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It would be easier to support Trump if he wasn't such a Zionist stooge.

Have you ever considered that they're all the normal ones, any you're just an unpaid shill?

a leaf posted this exact same thread a few hours ago
And everybody else is the shills?


Too much shilling has simply trained people to spot it. Long ago they gave up any pretense of it seeming organic, and that’s one of the reasons Trump won.

He will win 2020 easily, too. There’s quite literally nothing that can be done to stop his re-election.

The best strategy is to simply mock the shills for being impotent failures.

>OP thinks Jow Forums is a neoconservative board who will support Trump’s massive backtracking against his promises
Reddit refugees were a mistake, it’s time to bring /mlpol/ back.

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KYS tranny. mlpol did nothing but let everybody know how many paid shills are actually here.

But Trump didn't build the wall and Hillary is not in prison. So why would I ever vote for him again?

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R u a Putin shill?

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fuck the Yang shills and the mudslime shills and the discord shills

I stand firmly with Trump and Israel

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Yup, and even if a shittier democrat wins then at least it will send a message to politicians in the future that they actually need to get shit done. Honestly I'm kind of sick with the GOP attacking every criticism of Israel as anti-semetic, at least Democrats let their politicians say Israel is not perfect.

You voted for Hillary, my transgendered and suicidal friend.

Democracy in the US is a fucking lie, stop being clowns, stop voting, we all know that in the end, Israel will get more and more money from your pockets. Be it democrats or republicans, the jew will get more richer.

I dont get this picture. Schlomo does not shill against God Emperor Trump.

Give them a one year warning.

this TIDF shill pasta is already stale

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Take your meds, schizo.
yang 2020 i just want my free money so i can sit around doing nothing
dont even care if he takes away gun rights because im not a crazy schizo like yall wh*toids

Yes in fact Jews hate Trump by and large. Turn on any of our Jewish Tv stations or pick up a Jewish newspaper and see.

You’re eating so much of your own dog food that your tears smell like Alpo. Remember, nobody believes your shillspam except other lefttards and kikes.

discord trannies and commies will never defeat Trump or Zion

Israel + USA united against globalists

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You completely forgot legal weed. Fuckin degenerates. The gateway drug theory is true, Denver just voted to decriminalize hallucinogenic mushrooms....what's next??

/mlpol/ made you reddit faggots seethe and stop making neocon don generals for a whole day. It was the closest thing to old/pol/ we ever got.

trump is just a pure jew kike shill
he should never have been elected in the first place

>Turn on any of our Jewish Tv stations or pick up a Jewish newspaper and see.
At the end of the day he do everything they want so whats your point ?




shut the fuck up zionist whore

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Zion is Immortal

Zion is Eternal

You will never defeat us globalist scum

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Fuck the shills boomerbro,carry on
>muh greentext
You fucking shillfags don't even understand your own references
Go make more AOC / anti-gun threads

What are some of his policies they don't like? The biggest thing I heard them talk about was how withdrawing troops from Syria was bad for Israel. But then he left troops in Syria anyways.
How bout that US embassy in Jerusalem?? I heard they hate that.

>Anti-gun threads
Imagine not knowing Obama unironically did more for gun owners than Donald Trump

mlpol was a show of force by Jewgle, who actually owns and runs this board

My point is you’re not effective and people don’t believe you. You’re not even helping to stop Trump, you’re just illustrating what shilling looks like so lurkers can more readily discard your shitposting.

Imagine Obamaposting on Jow Forums
>muh myopathy

They do hate it. They were very vocal about how it should have taken years of negotiation and billions of dollars.

>The funny part is Trump will definitely be re-elected and these shills are all wasting their time
If the jews say so. Voting isn't real.

Make Israel Great Again

Heh, your tactics just scream “a woman thought this up.”

Why are there women giving orders to shills?

Is it working?

Wtf are you talking about ? You think you can assume who I am and what I think from 1 sentence and 16 words ?
Come on now, you're way less clever than you think you are.
Your whole mentality of if you're not with us you're against us is totally flawed.
I don't care if Trump is elected or not but you can't deny he as been truly a gift to the rulers and Israel. Say whatever you want the facts are theres.